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​​ "The Student Movement and the Practice of Popular Politics in South Africa"
​A Conversation with Camalita Naicker

Sunday, Jan. 31, 2016 at 2:30pm​
The Commons, 388 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn,NY

Camalita is a student, ​​activist and researcher from Grahamstown, South Africa .​ She has been involved in the student movement there and more recently in the "stop-all-fees" mobilization. She will speak about student struggles in South Africa, as well as the practice of popular politics, and in particular land and urban occupations.

More information here, then search for Camilita.

2016 Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints
Radial Heroes for the New Millennium!
James Koehnline and the Autonomedia Collective

Autonomedia's Jubilee Saints Calendar for 2016! Our 24th annual wall calendar, with artwork by James Koehnline, and text by the Autonomedia Collective.

2015 Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints
Radial Heroes for the New Millennium!
James Koehnline and the Autonomedia Collective

Autonomedia's Jubilee Saints Calendar for 2015! Our 23rd annual wall calendar, with artwork by James Koehnline, and text by the Autonomedia Collective.

Hundreds of radical cultural and political heroes are celebrated here, along with the animating ideas that continue to guide this project — a reprieve from the 500-year-long sentence to life-at-hard-labor that the European colonization of the "New World" and the ensuing devastations of the rest of the world has represented. It is increasingly clear — at the dawn of this new millennium — that the Planetary Work Machine will not rule forever!

Celebrate with this calendar on which every day is a holiday!

32 pages, 12 x 16 inches, saddle stitched

isbn 978-1-57027-299-8 : price $9.95 : 32 pages

Buy two, and we will send a third calendar for free!

New issue of ephemera on ‘The politics of worker’s inquiry’

The Politics of Worker’s Inquiry
ephemera: theory & politics in organization
Volume 14, Number 3 (August 2014)
Edited by Joanna Figiel, Stevphen Shukaitis, and Abe Walker

This issue brings together a series of commentaries, interventions and projects centred on the theme of workers’ inquiry. Workers’ inquiry is a practice of knowledge production that seeks to understand the changing composition of labour and its potential for revolutionary social transformation. It is a practice of turning the tools of the social sciences into weapons of class struggle. It also seeks to map the continuing imposition of the class relation, not as a disinterested investigation, but rather to deepen and intensify social and political antagonisms.

Workers’ inquiry developed in a context marked by rapid industrialization, mass migration and the use of industrial sociology to discipline the working class. It was formulated within autonomist movements as a sort of parallel sociology based on a radical re-reading of Marx and Weber against the politics of the communist party and the unions. The process of inquiry took the contradictions of the labour process as a starting point and sought to draw out such political antagonisms into the formation of new radical subjectivities. With this issue we seek to rethink workers’ inquiry as a practice and perspective, in order to understand and catalyse emergent moments of political composition.

Including essays from Fabrizio Fasulo, Frederick H. Pitts, Christopher Wellbrook, Anna Curcio, Colectivo Situaciones, Evangelinidis Angelos, Lazaris Dimitris, Jennifer M. Murray, Michał Kozłowski, Bianca Elzenbaumer, Caterina Giuliani, Alan W. Moore, T.L. Cowan, Jasmine Rault, Jamie Woodcock, and Gigi Roggero; an interview with Jon McKenzie; and book reviews by Craig Willse, Stephen Parliament, Christian De Cock, Mathias Skrutkowski, and Orla McGarry.

Occupy the Mexican Consulate in New York City, June 19-20, 2014

Thursday Jun 19 at 3:00pm to Friday Jun 20 at 5:00pm at
Mexican Consulate 27 E 39th St btw. Madison & Park Aves,
nr. #4, 5, 6, S, 7, B, D, F, M, N, Q, R, 1, 2, 3 & 42nd St. cross town bus: ; buses: description: ``two day occupation...come any time``\
:: ::
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 10:46:07 -0400 From:
Occupy the Mexican Consulate in NYC to stop the deadly attacks on the Zapatistas and their teachers

Are you coming? Let us know!

WHAT Non-violent protest to stop the paramilitary deadly attacks on the Zapatista autonomous communities who are resisting the predator corporate power, defending the land, the natural resources of the jungle, and building a horizontal, leaderless community for a world where many worlds fit.

As Sub-Commander Moises highlights, ``we will not respond with violence`` .

WHERE Mexican Consulate
27 E 39th St, New York, New York 10016

WHEN This is a 2-day occupation, from THURSDAY 19 at 3 pm to FRIDAY 20t at 5 pm. New York Civil Rights Legendary Attorney Norman Siegel has agreed to be a legal observer and advisor for this Occupation. You can come anytime and stay for as long as you can!

WHO An initiative originated in the heart of our fellow John Penley,
[ ; -t.] growing in the hearts of many others, with the help of the
OWS Zapatista Solidarity Network. [ ]

In response to the May 2, 2014 paramilitary attack on the Zapatista community of La Realidad and the killing of community member Companero Galeano, over 2000 organizations, intellectuals, and activists from North America and beyond – includding Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, Junot Diaz, Cornel West, Emory Douglas, the IWW, the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, and many, many others –“ denounced this violence and called for a week of action in solidarity with the pain and rage of the Zapatista communities.

During the week of May 18-24, companer@s in solidarity in more than 40 cities across the world responded to this call. Their actions, reported to the website, circulated through the corresponding facebook and twitter account, andcovered in the free and independent media in English, Spanish, Greek, and Italian, included: demonstrations at consulates and corporations, in the streets, and in public spaces; conferences and panel discussions on Zapatismo and autonomy; silent marches and memorials; readings, info sessions, teach-ins, and study groups; art installations, video and banner production, concerts, poetry readings, and Zapatista documentary screenings; fund-raisers, flyer distribution, e-graffiti actions, and encampments, and email and phone campaigns to Mexican Consulates across the US as well as to the office of Manuel Velasco, Governor of Chiapas, and more.

 Do you want to help re-build the school that was destroyed in La Realidad Autonomous community?

``The capitalist government at its three levels [federal, state and local] destroyed the autonomous school and the autonomous clinic and the hose from where the water comes and, with that, they want to put an end to the Zapatista fight. Zapatista people don`t forget that the government destroyed their first community Aguascalientes, and then Zapatista women and men built other five Aguascalientes. And when they destroyed the humble houses of our MAREZ authorities (Municipios Autónomos Rebeldes Zapatistas) in 1998 (…) the MAREZ kept working following their path and stronger” - Subcommander Insurgent Moisés.
"We want to let all our comrades in Mexico and the world know that we have opened a bank account in the name of our dear compañera Fernanda Navarro, so deposits of money can be made to the campaign for the reconstruction of the school and clinic that were actually destroyed by the beast in the service of big capital" (See the picture with the bank information if you want to make a donation)

"Wages for Students" Pamphlet in New Spanish Translation

The Spanish translation of the pamphlet entitled "Wages for Students," written about forty years ago by some members of the Midnight Notes Collective and friends, was just published by a Chilean group.

Here is the link to the entry on the book:

And here is a direct link to the Spanish pdf:

Launch of the "Justice for Walter Rodney" Committee

Many persons from around the world welcomed the establishment of the Commission of Inquiry to investigate the circumstances surrounding the assassination of Walter Rodney on June 13, 1980. A number of concerned citizens from all parts of the world have come together to form the Justice for Walter Rodney Committee. Among the tasks of this newly established Committee is to work with others in all parts of the world to ensure that the processes of this inquiry are fair, transparent and does not dishonor the memory of Walter Rodney.

Since the formation of the Justice for Walter Rodney Committee, we have formally communicated with the Secretariat of the Commission with specific recommendations to enhance the process of a fair and transparent inquiry.

As a consequence of our involvement and our knowledge of the work of Walter Rodney we informed the Secretariat of the Commission that we are willing and ready to assist the work of the commission in arriving at the truth. Many of the media are certainly aware that most if not all of us called, and have continued to clamor over the last 34 years for an impartial international commission of inquiry to investigate the circumstances, events, institutions, organizations, and individuals that played a role in the killing of Walter Rodney.

Sol Yurick Memorial
Brooklyn, NY, May 4, 2014

11AM to 4PM
at The Commons
388 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY

This will be a memorial for Sol Yurick, one of the best novelists of the 60s and 70s, who died in January 2013. Come and share in our collective remembering of his life and work.

For more information contact George Caffentzis

Living Labor: Marxism and Performance Studies
New York City, April 11–13, 2014

NYU Dept. of Performance Studies
721 Broadway, 6th Floor
Keynotes by Fred Moten and Sianne Ngai

To live labor is to negotiate the extended processes of reproducing ourselves and others. To live labor is to engage the material conditions that traverse personhood and thinghood. To live labor is to attend to the forces, resonances, and energies that intertwine in the affects and objects of everyday life. "Living Labor: Marxism and Performance Studies" is a three day interdisciplinary symposium that convenes around these themes, exploring intersections of performance studies and Marxist philosophies.

This event is free and open to the public.

Check back for updates or visit

"Capital's Greek Cage" Book Party
Sherry Millner, Ernie Larsen, George Caffentzis
Bluestockings, 172 Allen Street, New York 7PM, April 6, 2014

Join us to discuss essays from four contributors to this new Autonomedia book on the financial crisis in Greece.

“If we are to understand molecular biopolitics then we must see it working in the participatory mechanism of fascism and today’s fascism from below… Führers and inspired leaders do not seem to be important anymore — the small fascist icons can be as many and as interchangeable as sitcom actors and second-rate soccer champions. Participation is virtual — but killing can be real; you can order a gun with the click of a mouse, but the bullet can blow you to pieces.’’ — Clandestina

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