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The Fulford File | The Portland Panic—Elite “Induced Hysteria” Ignores Perp’s Politics, Obama-Inspired Riots,...

"American politics has increasingly become a series of induced hysterias by elite agreement” Editor Peter Brimelow wrote recently. Thus two stabbing deaths last week are being blamed on President Trump’s “rhetoric” [ Did Trump Campaign Rhetoric Empower the White Extremist Who Killed Two Bystanders on Portland Train? By Amy Goodman and Juan González, Truth-out.Org,  May 30, 2017 Their answer: Yes!] and/or on “White Supremacy” a.k.a. white people in general:
Trump has intensified this second-class citizenship through immigration raids and the specter of bans and walls. He continues to view Muslims as valuable only insofar as they fight and condemn terrorism. His recent statement commemorating Ramadan focused predominantly on violence and terrorism, and only of the sort ostensibly committed in the name of Islam.

Attacks like Portland’s will keep happening unless we all fight white supremacy, By Arjun Singh Sethi, Washington Post, May 29, 2017

All nonsense, of course—part of the emerging Ruling Class campaign to suppress white a.k.a. American speech.

Sound incredible? Portland’s Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler, having refused to protect the city’s Parade of Roses against Leftist violence, is already trying to cancel two scheduled right-wing rallies [ ‘Hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment,’ Portland mayor says. He’s wrong, by Kristine Phillips, Washington Post, May 30, 2017}

Trump and the Republican Party are opposed to murder and want to do something about it, by supporting imprisonment, the death penalty, and the right to self-defence. In contrast, the Left and the Democratic Party oppose all these measures because the criminals affected are mostly minorities.

And this particular alleged perp, Jeremy Christian, is an especially interesting case. I spend most of my reading time checking out what’s on Twitter, Drudge, Instapundit, and Dissident Right sites like American Renaissance, so sometimes I forget how much people who don’t do that, but rely on the genuinely Main Stream Media, actually don’t know.

For example, I know that Christian, who’s been arrested for stabbing two “Good Samaritans” who objected to him yelling racial slurs, is, like many white people (Sanders rally pictured right) a supporter of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.

These facts are available not only at Charles Johnson’s (from which I’ve taken the image at the top of the page) but is available on The Daily Caller,, FoxNation, .PowerLine,

Here’s GotNews’s report:

Michelle Malkin: A Conservative Mom Breaks the Pot Taboo

Let's talk about marijuana.

Specifically, let's talk about how and why I came to be one of the countless parents across America (and around the world) who have let their chronically ill children try it.

A groundbreaking new study published last week in the New England Journal of Medicine reported Read more >>

Pat Buchanan: Breakup Of The West?

By the time Air Force One started down the runaway at Naval Air Station Sigonella in Sicily, to bring President Trump home, the Atlantic had grown markedly wider than it was when he flew to Riyadh.

In a Munich beer hall Sunday, Angela Merkel confirmed it.

Europe must begin to look

Who Will Fight For Trump? Russia Crisis Means Trump Needs To Give His Base A REASON To Support Him

Donald Trump returned from a mostly successful trip abroad to another Main Stream Media-created scandal about Russia, this time involving son-in-law Jared Kushner [ Trump returns to crisis over Kushner as White House tries to contain it , by Maggie Haberman, Glenn Thrush, and Julie Hirschfield Davis, New York Times, May 27, 2017]. American nationalists can’t help but feel some schadenfreude at this news.

Kushner is usually pinpointed by those hoping for an America First foreign policy and populist policies on trade and immigration as the most destructive influence within the White House. Now, as Kushner may be nearing his last days in the White House, Steve Bannon is now returning to prominence within the administration and is gearing up to lead the counter-offensive against the enemy media [ The Trump-Russia controversy may put ‘wartime consigliere’ Steve Bannon back in the spotlight , by Sonam Sheth, Business Insider, May 27, 2017]. Read more >>

Memorial Day, 2017: Remembering Kevin O’Brien, An American Soldier Who Fought The Good Fight

This is from, the blog of Kevin R. C. O’Brien, who blogged under the name “Hognose”, the nickname his Special Forces teammates gave him back during the Cold War.
“Happy Memorial Day?” | WeaponsMan, May 30, 2016

Somebody’s going to say it, or a lot of somebodies: “Happy Memorial Day.” And a veteran’s going to throw a wobbler. Or at least, grind his teeth.

Or, that other favorite, “This day is all about you. Thank you for your service.”

As readers of this blog certainly know, Memorial Day is not on occasion to celebrate those many of us who survive. At least, not in the USA. We’ve got a day for that, in the bitter month of November, for good and historical reasons. That’s the day for those who returned upright and animate. This day is to honor the ennobled among us, the ones that did not. And so many of us vets are thinking about absent friends, today; it may not be an occasion for happiness.

We are about to argue the opposite.

Nobody died so that you can mope around bewailing his fate. Let us consider an alternative way to think about him, about them. Let us, rather, take comfort and find joy in the fact that they lived, however briefly; let us remember them not as they died in a flash of HE, that unforgettable sound of a rifle-bullet impact, or an unstoppable running-down on the operating table; but rather, as they live: full of life and life’s joys, or even more honestly, life’s passions. [More]

Kevin served in the Special Forces (active and reserve) for many years, and went to Afghanistan with the 20th Special Forces group in 2003.

He died of a massive heart attack on April 18.  A memorial from his brother is here.

More Memorial Day thoughts

Said In Spanish: Mexico Already Meddling Against Texas Sanctuary Cities Law; Ruben Kihuen—Excelsior’s Favorite...

Mexico And Texas Law Banning “Sanctuary Cities”

As I’ve written before, the Mexican government is opposing fiercely a law recently passed in Texas banning sanctuary cities. The law hasn’t even taken effect, but Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray is already meeting with the eleven (!) consuls Mexico has in the Lone Star State to plot subversion [ El Canciller Luis Videgaray se reúne con Cónsules de México en Texas , “Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray meets with Mexican consuls in Texas,” SRE website, May 17, 2017].

The foreign ministry report claims:
[T]hey reviewed the consular protection actions the foreign ministry carries out. The Secretary [Videgaray] reiterated Mexico’s respect for the U.S. legal framework [ a tipoff they’re about to meddle] and the importance of the rule of law and due process in migratory issues. He instructed [consuls] to keep our community informed of key issues, such as the recently–approved SB4 law of Texas.

What’s more:
The Foreign Minister and the consular representatives also conversed with organizations expert in civil rights and migratory affairs. He reiterated that the priority for Mexico is to ensure that the rights of Mexicans are respected and that, as has occurred on other occasions, Mexico is ready to take the actions necessary to protect the rights of the fellow Mexicans who reside in the United States.

Wouldn’t it be easier to protect “the rights of Mexicans” if they were back in Mexico?

On the same topic, Excelsior reported:
The promulgation of the SB4 Law…increased the fear and uncertainty among undocumented immigrants and caused changes in the routines of the lives of 1.6 million who reside in Texas, even though the statute…takes effect in September.

[ En Texas, indocumentados mexicanos afirman: 'Tememos salir a la calle' Excelsior, May 21, 2017]

This article quotes a 38-year old “undocumented immigrant” by name. She resides in Irving, a Dallas suburb, and laments that when she arrived in 2014, “I went to dances and parties, I was going out and having fun without fear. Now I just leave my house for work and the supermarket… I’m afraid that they will detain and deport me….”

The law even quashed her plans to buy a car. Although she doesn’t even have a driver’s license, she was planning to buy a car by using a matricula consular (a Mexican consular card) as identification. But— “now I know that, if I drive and they stop me, they are going to deport me and it’s not worth it.” Read more >>

“Wheel And Fight”—Pat Buchanan’s Nixon Book Provides Road Map For Trump

If History is “a set of lies agreed upon,” as Napoleon is supposed to have said, then American politics has increasingly become a series of induced hysterias by elite agreement.  Thus the Ruling Class’s Trayvon Martin, Ferguson and Baltimore frenzies came and went, shamelessly unaffected by repeated Narrative Collapses—inexplicable, unless you were aware of Left’s amoral imperative to incite its black clients against the white American majority. And the current “Impeach Trump!” frenzy really has nothing to do with Russia or Comey—it’s simply the latest expression of the Left’s long-brewing refusal to accept defeat in the 2016 election, which it counted on to complete its coup against the Historic American Nation [ Trump Impeachment Talk Started Before He Was Even Nominated , by Peter Hassan, Daily Caller, May 17, 2017].

It’s as simple as this: If the Evil Party gets control of the House of Representatives, Trump was always going to be impeached, regardless of what he did. (Conviction, which requires 67 Senate votes, might be more difficult—although Democrats probably assume any Republican President could be guilted into capitulation, like Richard Nixon, unlike Bill Clinton). The good news: this demystifies impeachment, which has long argued is not a juridical proceeding but an assertion of political control like a no-confidence motion in a Parliamentary system—and should be more broadly applied, by a patriot Congress, not just to Presidents but to bureaucrats and kritarchs.

And the great news: we now have a road map to how a patriot President can survive a Ruling Class induced hysteria—Patrick J. Buchanan’s just-published Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Broke A President And Divided America Forever.

Buchanan’s book is important and powerful—but somber: he’s not joking at all with the last four words of his title, although he doesn’t dwell on it. It’s a theme that has increasingly appeared in his recent columns, here and here and here.

In effect, Buchanan endorses’s contention that an irrepressible conflict is now developing between America and anti-America, which we argue is ultimately traceable to ethnic division and was fatally exacerbated by the 1965 Immigration Act, which became effective in 1968, the year of Nixon’s election. Read more >>
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