Registration Hate Map–Of REAL Hate Crimes Attacking Trump Supporters

What you notice about the  SPLC Hate Map is that [...]

Radio Derb Transcript For May 26 Up: Rapping For Credit At Harvard, Etc.

The Radio Derb transcript for May 25 is up–go here [...]

Sailer In TakiMag: What if Charles Murray Is Wrong?

From my new column in Taki’s Magazine: On the other [...]

Egyptian Mummy DNA Scanned–Not Out Of Africa, After All

From Nature: Mummy DNA unravels ancient Egyptians’ ancestry Genetic analysis [...]

GOOD NEWS!!!??? About Trump’s Wall From WASHINGTON EXAMINER’S Byron York

It goes without saying that many immigration patriots are extremely [...]

Japan Proves Yet Again Homogeneity Is Strength

Diversity is not strength.  Whether it is terrorism, crime or [...]

Some Intellectual Appropriation About Cultural Appropriation

“Cultural appropriation” seems to be the Left’s hysteria du jour, [...]

Baylor Football’s Black Rape Culture, Pushed By White Coaches, Protected By White Administrators

In a more civilized age, every individual who was responsible [...]

TX Republican Roughed Up By Hispanic Dems–SLATE Headline: “Texas Representative Sparks Capitol Fracas”

The headline is Texas Representative Sparks Capitol Fracas After Bragging [...]

President Trump Causes Anxiety among Open-Borders Boosters

The Los Angeles Times wants us to know that illegal [...]