Tiger Woods Asleep At The Wheel Before DUI Arrest, Police Say

The police report noted that Woods had “slow, sluggish” speech, but a breathalyzer test showed no alcohol in his system.

31/05/2017 12:17 AM AEST | Updated 31/05/2017 2:59 AM AEST

Golfer Tiger Woods was sleeping and needed to be woken up when he was arrested for driving under the influence on Monday, according to a police report

Officers in Jupiter, Florida, found Woods, 41, asleep at the wheel in his Mercedes early Monday morning, according to the police report published on West Palm Beach station CBS 12 on Tuesday. Woods’ car was stopped in the right lane of the road with the brake lights and right turn signal on, the report stated.

After officers woke Woods up, he was “cooperative” but he was “confused” and his speech was “slow, sluggish [and] very slurred,” according to the report.

The golfer agreed to a breathalyzer test and had a blood alcohol level of .000 percent, according to the police report. Under a heading on the report titled “Odors,” it states, “None.”  

Woods reportedly told officers that he was taking several prescription drugs, including the pain medication Vicodin. 

The police report stated that Woods didn’t know where he was, asked how far he was from his house and “changed his story of where he was going and where he was coming from.” He failed to correctly follow instructions when officers asked him to complete several tasks, including standing on one leg and putting his finger to his nose.

Woods took “full responsibility” for his actions in a statement on Monday and blamed the incident on an “unexpected reaction to prescribed medications,” saying alcohol was not involved.

Woods has had several rounds of back surgery, and is still recovering from his most recent operation, performed this spring. He said last week that he had the procedure because he could “no longer live with the pain,” but now feels better than he has in years and is optimistic that he’ll be able to return to pro golf.

In 2009, Woods crashed his Escalade into a tree while leaving his home in Florida. While authorities suspected he had alcohol in his system, his blood wasn’t tested.

Read the full police report below.

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