Good Weekend

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton.

By the book

Peter Dutton is a man of strong convictions with no room for self-doubt. Is that enough to take him to the Lodge?

Giulia and Mark Lukach.

Crazy in love

When his young wife Giulia started a new job, Mark Lukach had no idea she would soon suffer a psychotic episode.

Low level view of surgical team operating EMBARGOED FOR GOOD WEEKEND, MAY 27/17 ISSUE. Contents (no archiving) cr: Getty ...

Vanishing act

Anaesthesia seems safer than ever before – but what really happens to patients when they go under?



Simone Collins: "I just look at my nutrition and ask, 'Where can I get it from plants?' "

Simone Collins

Vegans are skinny, fragile creatures who are constantly ill, right? This non-meat-eating bodybuilder is keen to shatter some myths.

Cards by the author's mother, Teresa Dovey.

My mother's birthday cards

As Ceridwen Dovey roamed the world in her 20s, these handmade cards made her heart ache and her bedside brighter.

Danny Katz.

I'll ride with you

On public transport, I smile at Muslim women to show my support. But am I "othering" them?

Benjamin Law.

Taking note

One reason writer Joan Didion takes notes: to keep track of older versions of herself.


Illustration by The Project Twins.

The Italian job

Italian cooking came here as an import. Now we're exporting Australian/Italian cuisine to the world.

Bekya at the Tramsheds.

Bekya and Atlas Dining

We visit Sydney's Bekya for a Middle Eastern Feast, and South Yarra's ever-changing eatery Atlas Dining.

