Good Weekend

Minutes With

Vegan bodybuilder Simone Collins.

Simone Collins

Vegans are skinny, fragile creatures who are constantly ill, right? This non-meat-eating bodybuilder is keen to shatter some myths.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt

In 2013, a selfie with other political leaders had the then Danish PM accused of childishness. In 2017, children really are her focus.

Mia Feedman, founder, publisher and editorial director of Australian women's website

Mia Freedman

Critics say she’s an attention seeker and an oversharer. This media empress says it's all about mutual reassurance.

Dr Brad Tucker: 'We know something funny is going on with the universe. We want to know what's causing it.'

Brad Tucker

Jane Cadzow talks to one of Australia’s leading cosmologists, a former seminarian who still looks to the heavens for answers.

Jane Grover.

Jane Grover

Do we talk enough about death? This ex-Crown Casino executive has some opinions.

Jessa Crispin.

Jessa Crispin

This polemicist’s new book is making many women question the value of “fashionable” feminism. Yet, she reveals, she feels worse than before.

Rob Caslick: "The more we know about each other, the less we can judge each other."

Rob Caslick

It’s a wonder this engineer and social entrepreneur finds time to sleep: this man just can’t stop helping others.

Eva Lubulwa: "Whereas in the places we went I looked at the people and thought, 'You should know better. You are not the ...

Eva Lubulwa

This self-styled “weird” Melbourne artist takes a swing at racists, both in Australia and abroad.

Eat mindfully: stop and savour your food.

Want a productive work day? Watch what you eat

When you spend several hours a day at work, it pays to make those hours healthy ones for both body and mind. Making some simple, smart choices throughout your workday can help boost your creativity and productivity while reducing fatigue and minimizing stress.

Robin Dalton.

Robin Dalton

After a life of literature and love, the London-based lady of letters has written a memoir.

Helicopter pilot and stunt man Jerry Grayson.

Jerry Grayson

He’s a Royal Navy hero and aerial filmmaker who now tutors drone pilots. Meet a top gun of the skies.

Top executive Kirstine Stewart.

Kirstine Stewart

Shy. Hesitant to speak out. A good listener. Not the usual qualities of a top exec, but this one likes to lead the way.