
Trump and his lawyer are being trolled by the entire internet after the 'with few exceptions' statement

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Picture: JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images

Earlier this week, Trump fired FBI director James Comey, who you might remember was the man aiding in the investigation of alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

This afternoon, in attempt to once again put accusations of collusion with Russia to bed, Trump's lawyer announced that after looking over the property tycoon's tax returns from the last decade, Mr Trump has "no income of any type from Russian sources, with few exceptions".


What does "few exceptions mean"? The odd penny? A few billion dollars? 

We're not sure.



But we certainly have a follow up question or two...


But for now, we're enjoying Twitter users having some fun at POTUS' expense

There were the obvious comparisons to other President's



And jokes about some of the comments he's made towards his kids



There were the obvious Fox news jokes


And lots and lots of Trump jokes


I don't have any kids "with a few exceptions"


People even made comparisons to disasters:


Don't go changing interwebs.

More: Trump fired James Comey and the world reacted the only way it could. With memes


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