Great! So why don't we all take a look at them? …
...because the word of Trump's lawyer means so much.
Right?! As if we are just supposed to trust anyone who speaks in support of DJT.
Well, he DID send a certified letter.....
Certified mail costs $3.35 so that's gotta count for something, right? And an extra $2.75 for a return receipt means it's really serious.
I know; it's a hell of a defense he's mounting.
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He has no business in Russia....except the Russian business.
The thing is RUSSIA HAS BUSINESS IN TRUMP. They own his ass
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Source = his own sons Uday & Quusay
Even a first year law student knows the three most important words in that sentence are "with few exceptions."
I don't think you have to be a first year law student to know that.
Exactly. The beauty of few is that it hides a multitude of sins; if few was actually a low number, the lawyer would have used that number.
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With few exceptions?
Just a few billion, here and there. What's the big deal?
But do we have a certified letter on that??
Do you have $6.78? You do? Then the answer is "Yes. Soon."
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