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From the Newsroom, May

In this month’s column, National Subscriber Editor, David Rood, reflects on social media’s part in the development of fake news, the breakdown of trust and a shift away from the mainstream media as a source of news.


In focus: Michael Short, chief editorial writer

Our chief editorial writer, Michael Short, pens his thoughts on what it takes to write The Age’s daily editorial column and express our voice in public debates that readers may or may not agree with.


In focus: Kelley Abbey, Choreographer of Opera Australia’s Carmen

We spoke to Kelley Abbey, one of Australia’s most accomplished choreographers and creative directors, on choreographing Opera Australia’s newest production, Bizet’s Carmen, playing at Arts Centre Melbourne in May.


Subscriber First

Curated by our National Subscriber Editor, Subscriber First is your exclusive subscriber-only news site. Featuring in-depth interviews, daily analysis and compelling insights from our award-winning journalists, Subscriber First allows you to experience the very best of The Age.