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    A1 employee engagement & transparency in system

  4. il y a 13 heures

    How to detect lies at work? Just READ! R=Research E=Examine A=Analyze D=Doubt Thx for the framework.

  5. il y a 13 heures
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    To do better than a guess at identifying liars in the workplace, need training in the READ System!

  6. il y a 13 heures

    A2: Just as you shouldn't use your gut in an important business decision, don't use your gut to determine if someone is lying.

  7. il y a 13 heures
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    I agree. People who think the are good a spotting liars are statistically no better than everyone else: 50/50.

  8. il y a 13 heures

    A2 The organization also need to learn what science has to say and not assume that gut feel is the only truth.

  9. il y a 13 heures
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    I agree Walt. A great "lie detector" must question his/her biases during an investigation. Doubt!

  10. il y a 13 heures

    A3 I like our guest's advice: We tend to think we can see when people lie. But what they say/how they say is a better indicator

  11. il y a 13 heures
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    Yes, yes. Eye direction is not a reliable dishonesty cue, science confirms. What works? READ.

  12. il y a 13 heures
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    Thank You! I had fun speaking with @meghanbrio. She asks good questions, the "E" in READ.

  13. il y a 13 heures
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    Liars use distancing language. E.g., A Weiner: "This is a Twitter hoax, a prank that was done."

  14. il y a 13 heures
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    Something might be off, but is the fact that something doesn't seem right mean that a lie's afoot?

  15. il y a 13 heures

    A1 There’s more to honesty than “not lying.” Too many use that low-bar standard to avoid speaking & acting with .

  16. il y a 13 heures

    A1. We've all used the “gut check” - But actually “catching” someone in a lie requires more than just a feeling

  17. il y a 14 heures

    This is a great conversation with and today on !

  18. il y a 14 heures

    We all think we can spot lying a mile away. Using a gut feeling is not the way to detect it. Join now to learn how to detect it.

  19. il y a 14 heures

    Nervous behavior is not just a window into a dishonesty. It’s also a window into honesty. You have to ask the right questions

  20. il y a 14 heures

    Eye direction is a non-sense approach used by recruiters to choose candidates -

  21. il y a 14 heures

    Body language is a great way to see if a person is being dishonest

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