Antonio Santos  


Social Media Business Evangelist💡Digital Transformation.Inclusion Diversity♿Design Anthropology. cofounder.

  Cork   London   Lisbon
Na Twitteri od január 2009


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    6. 4.

    In Stockholm, , & I met together for the first time and shared our story at . Thank you

  2. pred 9 minútami

    " include anyone willing to manage the friction of stepping outside the status quo" David A. Bray

  3. pred 9 minútami

    It starts with you. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Nelson Mandela

  4. pred 10 minútami
  5. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 4 hodinami

    If you want to join & me for for Global Awareness Day then grab a ticket quick

  6. pred 1 hodinou

    Sources: Spotify, valued at $13B, plans direct listing on the NYSE in Q4 2017 or Q1 2018; Morgan Stanley, Goldman S

  7. pred 2 hodinami
  8. pred 2 hodinami

    All aboard of the submarine. Discover & share the latest trends about & with us. Use

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    Improbable makes UK tech boost virtual reality.

  10. pred 2 hodinami

    Microsoft unveils motion controllers for Windows Mixed Reality headsets, coming "this holiday", will be available a

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    A new Ebola outbreak hits the Democratic Republic of the Congo

  12. pred 2 hodinami

    Android O is supposed to make Android updates arrive faster

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    We gathered together a group of & ask them about what life would be like in a future

  14. pred 2 hodinami

    The top 10 most powerful cities in the world.

  15. pred 3 hodinami
  16. pred 3 hodinami

    Microsoft debuts OneDrive Files On-Demand, which selectively downloads files when needed, available as part of the

  17. pred 4 hodinami

    “If disabled people were truly heard, an explosion of knowledge of the human body and psyche would take place.” Susan Wendell

  18. pred 4 hodinami

    Twitter Chat was shortlisted as One of the Best Initiatives...Vote here.

  19. pred 4 hodinami

    Stack Overflow launches Trends to track interest in programming languages and technologies over time, based on volu

  20. pred 5 hodinami

    One Video: Sign of the Times by Harry Styles - Every week, a slew of new music videos hits the web. W...

  21. pred 5 hodinami

    Twitter executives think Donald Trump’s tweets keep him accountable

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