Suresh En


Techie,Cyber-Forensics & Education, Hater| Those who like me, Raise your hand. Others, Raise your Standards|

Bangalore, India
Joined June 2009

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  1. You forgot the noblest of all, JLN!

  2. BTW! Dear ji What is happening on murder case. We want justice for grieving hubby

  3. Indira did not want to PM, Rajeev nor Sonia (APJ shot her ambition). And Modi not letting . BTW! Even I never wanted to be PM :-P

  4. Kingfisher of Media industry and the Mallya of TimesNow

  5. I bet my socks... and will rue what they did to - spiking the 4 hour special

  6. It never matters how long you have been there. The moment you decide to leave, the relationship changes shockingly. Happens to everyone.

  7. Not that opportunists will understand , but this video gives a message to all those who wish to see some change

  8. One thing truly disappointing in the discourse around is that till now not even one article on how it endangers Secularism.

  9. Remove 's father and 's father from the equation, Rajdeep is a big

  10. Which organization (even a Lala company) would this level of tolerance to Non-performance as does to and

  11. Only reason I can attribute for this by is else why wish dead soon?

  12. Because in the past, has said resembles Indira Gandhi. He was drunk then too apparently

  13. I am pinching myself! Hope you are not drunk

  14. Hats off to We discovered in that there exist Invertebrates amongst Homo Sapiens Species

  15. fourth one in line is Digvijay Singh 😂😂😂😂😂

  16. ROFL! Very true share from It says not even sloganeering for

  17. New notes of 500 now coming out og many more atms. Recalibration catching up.

  18. charge on using other bank ATM already withdrawn upto 30 Dec.

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