- published: 28 Feb 2017
- views: 0
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a lentivirus (a subgroup of retrovirus) that causes HIV infection and over time acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). AIDS is a condition in humans in which progressive failure of the immune system allows life-threatening opportunistic infections and cancers to thrive. Without treatment, average survival time after infection with HIV is estimated to be 9 to 11 years, depending on the HIV subtype. Infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate, or breast milk. Within these bodily fluids, HIV is present as both free virus particles and virus within infected immune cells.
HIV infects vital cells in the human immune system such as helper T cells (specifically CD4+ T cells), macrophages, and dendritic cells. HIV infection leads to low levels of CD4+ T cells through a number of mechanisms, including pyroptosis of abortively infected T cells,apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells, direct viral killing of infected cells, and killing of infected CD4+ T cells by CD8 cytotoxic lymphocytes that recognize infected cells. When CD4+ T cell numbers decline below a critical level, cell-mediated immunity is lost, and the body becomes progressively more susceptible to opportunistic infections.
The Economist is an English language weekly newspaper owned by the Economist Group and edited in offices based in London. Continuous publication began under founder James Wilson in September 1843. For historical reasons, The Economist refers to itself as a newspaper, but each print edition appears on small glossy paper like a news magazine. In 2006, its average weekly circulation was reported to be 1.5 million, about half of which were sold in the United States.
The publication belongs to The Economist Group. It is 50% owned by private investors and 50% by Exor, the Agnelli holding company, and the Rothschild banking family of England. Exor and the Rothschilds are represented on the Board of Directors. A board of trustees formally appoints the editor, who cannot be removed without its permission. Although The Economist has a global emphasis and scope, about two-thirds of the 75 staff journalists are based in the City of Westminster, London. As of March 2014, the Economist Group declared operating profit of £59m. Previous major shareholders include Pearson PLC.
A blood brother is a male who swears loyalty to another male.
Blood Brother, Blood Brothers or The Blood Brothers may also refer to:
major symptoms of HIV in men
A potential cure for HIV
Medical Animation: HIV and AIDS
Living With HIV/AIDS
My HIV/AIDS Story - My 16 HIV Symptoms
HIV या एड्स ये हैं वो लक्षण जिनसे आप जान सकते हैं की आपको HIV या एड्स तो नहीं!
HIV & AIDS - signs, symptoms, transmission, causes & pathology
The Science of HIV/AIDS
21 Celebrities with HIV
Flavour wrestling for hiv testing, RFSL Göteborg
LOVE Against HIV
Actors: Tasi Alabastro (actor), Tasi Alabastro (miscellaneous crew), Daniel C. Hale (writer), Daniel C. Hale (producer), Daniel C. Hale (director), Daniel C. Hale (editor), Hartman Laupati (actor), Hartman Laupati (miscellaneous crew), Charmaine Querol (actress), Greg Peralta (actor), Lisa Rangel (actress), Vanessa Eugenio (miscellaneous crew), Gregory Jhanapin (miscellaneous crew),
Genres: Short,major symptoms of HIV in men HIV symptoms Within a month or two of HIV entering the body, 40% to 90% of people experience flulike symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS). But sometimes HIV symptoms don't appear for years—sometimes even a decade—after infection. "In the early stages of HIV infection, the most common symptoms are none," One in five people in the United States with HIV doesn't know they have it, which is why it's so important to get tested, especially if you have unprotected sex with more than one partner or use intravenous drugs. Here are some signs that may be HIV-positive.
Scientists have developed a therapeutic vaccine for HIV which has the potential to create a functional cure for the disease. Here's how it works. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: http://econ.trib.al/rWl91R7 Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For more from Economist Films visit: http://films.economist.com/ Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: http://econ.st/20IehQk Like The Economist on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheEconomist/ Follow The Economist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/theeconomist Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theeconomist/ Follow us on LINE: http://econ.st/1WXkOo6 Follow us on Medium: https://medium.com/@the_economist
I'm a 45 year old single mother of 3 and on 2/15/16 I found out that I had HIV. This is my story about how I contracted it, how I survived AIDS and how I live my life today with HIV. I originally put this video out for my Facebook friends, I had no idea it would get this king of attention. Every day is a new adventure on this new journey of YouTube and my story. I'm excited to be alive, excited to take this ride and excited to take you all along with me. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, I will be doing more videos as long as there is interest :) You can also follow (message) me on Facebook by clicking the link on my main page (it's on the right hand bottom corner of the ocean cover photo). Thanks!
To learn more about licensing this video for content marketing or patient education purposes, visit: http://www.nucleushealth.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm;_medium=video-description&utm;_campaign=hiv-112513 This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, shows the function of white blood cells in normal immunity. It also portrays how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affects the immune system and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Common types of antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV and AIDS are also shown. ANH13111
Let's have the conversation! IG @AmorAntasia Twitter @AmorAntasia
Described are 16 symptoms that I experienced from the time that I contracted HIV (summer of 2013) till my diagnosis on 2/15/16 two and half years later. Remember that many of these symptoms alone don't mean you have HIV, it was the combination of symptoms that should have been a signal to a physician, but it wasn't. In my case, the HIV had time to attack my immune system and as a result I was diagnosed with AIDS. Please watch my other videos about my HIV/AIDS story for more information about what I went through and who I am. My HIV/AIDS Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsuHCOmYJxc Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel! I will have more videos. :-) Get TESTED...Get MEDICATED...STOP SPREADING THE VIRUS!!
HIV या एड्स ये हैं वो लक्षण जिनसे आप जान सकते हैं की आपको HIV या एड्स तो नहीं!
What are HIV & AIDS? HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a type of virus that infects human immune cells. Over time, immune cells are lost, which weakens the immune system and allows patients to be infected by other viruses and develop several types of tumors. Subscribe - https://goo.gl/w5aaaV. More videos - https://goo.gl/UhOKiM. Support us on Patreon - https://goo.gl/ZGHEk4. This video explains the pathophysiology behind viral infection, as well as important signs and symptoms of HIV and clinical markers of AIDS. It also gives an overview of diagnosis and treatment. Subscribe - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNI0qOojpkhsUtaQ4_2NUhQ?sub_confirmation=1 This video is brought to you by Osmosis. Along with providing open-access videos, Osmosis offers a comprehensive e-learning platfo...
What is it, and are we close to a cure? SHARE on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1NalHm8 & Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1MTLpMp Get a FREE Audible Trial: http://audible.com/asap Written by Rachel Salt, Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown SUBSCRIBE for more (it's free!): http://bit.ly/asapsci GET THE ASAPSCIENCE BOOK: http://asapscience.com/book/ FOLLOW US! Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube AsapINSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/asapscience/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/AsapSCIENCE Twitter: http://twitter.com/AsapSCIENCE Tumblr: http://asapscience.tumblr.com Vine: Search "AsapSCIENCE" on vine! SNAPCHAT 'whalewatchmeplz' and 'pixelmitch' Created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitte...
"It is about looking at HIV with new eyes, so that those living with HIV can get the support they need - even when they get older." We are proud to bring HIV-Udpdated to life. This is a short film about how HIV has changed over 30 years. Thanks for watching. Client: FEW Agency Concept & direction: Upper First Producer: Upper First Lead animator: Thiago Steka Animators: Thiago Steka, Ricardo Drehmer, Francisco Andrade, Upper First. Illustrations by Eric Pautz Sound fx: Henrik José Year: 2015
RFSL Göteborg har tagit fram en kampanj för att få personer att gå och testa sig för hiv. I filmen tävlar killarna insmorda i olika smaker; smörkola, hallonkräm osv. Vilken smak vinner? Vad vill du testa? Läs mer på siten www.testa.wf. Eight men, smeared in differently flavoured Jelly, test their strength in nude wrestling. What flavour do you prefer? Time to get tested! RFSL Göteborg (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, Gothenburg branch) has produced this video to promote HIV testing for men who have sex with men. Read more at www.testa.wf
The Hellenic Society for the Study and Control Of Aids (EEMAA) scope is to promote the research and development of activities for the prevention and treatment of AIDS. As part of the campaign and the World Day against HIV, EEMAA commissioned us to create a new video for the prevention against HIV, a video to be aired on TV, Cinemas as well as Social Media. Creative Direction: Kommigraphics Design Studio Director: Tony Zagoraios Art Direction, Character Design: Stavros Kypraios llustrations: Kommigraphics Design Studio, Stavros Kypraios Motion Design : Tony Zagoraios, Thanos Kagkalos, Pantelis Tsiachris Additional Animation Supervisor: Costas Fatsis Copy: Andreas Panagakis Music Composer : Ted Regklis Sound Design : Renos Papastavros, Nikos Tsines (Musou Music Studios) Voice Over : Fa...
Once again I've teamed up with the wonderful people at Upper First to help them deliver this important message through a short film that's both emotional, informative and visually stunning. I was responsible for leading and managing the whole animation team as well as producing several shots. Thanks for watching! Credits: Client: FEW Agency Concept & direction: Upper First Producer: Upper First Art Direction: Eric Pautz Lead animator: Thiago Steka Animators: Thiago Steka, Ricardo Drehmer, Francisco Andrade, Upper First. Audio: Henrik José
Directed: João Lavieri (lav.re/) and Bruno Ferrari Written: Ana Paula Anderson Design / Illustration: João Lavieri Animation: João Lavieri and Bruno Ferrari Composition: Bruno Ferrari Sound Design: Zurpillo records
Directed by Bonzom
World Aids Day Campaign 2010 by the Aids organisation Vergiss Aids nicht e.V. (Don´t forget Aids e.V.). The rate of HIV infection among 15 to 29-year-olds has increased by 56% over the last ten years. For this reason, Vergiss AIDS nicht e.V. would like to educate teenagers about the risk of HIV. Cock Out: an online game that takes a literal approach to the fight against HIV. The user takes part in a virtual boxing match against the diabolical human immunodeficiency virus. What makes this game so unique is that it's not played using a keyboard or joystick, but instead with the user's penis -- inside a special condom. A marker on the condom packaging allows the user to access the game. The webcam detects the horizontal movements of the red condom on the player's penis. The game's features...
Rocky Braat, a young man from a fractured family and a troubled past, went traveling through India without a plan. Then he met a group of HIV positive children living in an orphanage -- a meeting that changed everything for him. Rocky left his life, friends, and career in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to live with the kids. Steve Hoover, his best friend and filmmaker, was unsettled and intrigued by this drastic action. In an effort to find out what compelled Rocky to give up every source of stability in his life, Hoover decided to trace Rocky's story, following him to India. He witnessed Rocky and the kids endure disease, abject poverty, and death. But, strangest of all, in the midst of these troubles, he also saw their deep joy. And he came to understand why Rocky had given up everything ...
major symptoms of HIV in men HIV symptoms Within a month or two of HIV entering the body, 40% to 90% of people experience flulike symptoms known as acute retroviral syndrome (ARS). But sometimes HIV symptoms don't appear for years—sometimes even a decade—after infection. "In the early stages of HIV infection, the most common symptoms are none," One in five people in the United States with HIV doesn't know they have it, which is why it's so important to get tested, especially if you have unprotected sex with more than one partner or use intravenous drugs. Here are some signs that may be HIV-positive.
Scientists have developed a therapeutic vaccine for HIV which has the potential to create a functional cure for the disease. Here's how it works. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: http://econ.trib.al/rWl91R7 Daily Watch: mind-stretching short films throughout the working week. For more from Economist Films visit: http://films.economist.com/ Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: http://econ.st/20IehQk Like The Economist on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheEconomist/ Follow The Economist on Twitter: https://twitter.com/theeconomist Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theeconomist/ Follow us on LINE: http://econ.st/1WXkOo6 Follow us on Medium: https://medium.com/@the_economist
I'm a 45 year old single mother of 3 and on 2/15/16 I found out that I had HIV. This is my story about how I contracted it, how I survived AIDS and how I live my life today with HIV. I originally put this video out for my Facebook friends, I had no idea it would get this king of attention. Every day is a new adventure on this new journey of YouTube and my story. I'm excited to be alive, excited to take this ride and excited to take you all along with me. Be sure to SUBSCRIBE, I will be doing more videos as long as there is interest :) You can also follow (message) me on Facebook by clicking the link on my main page (it's on the right hand bottom corner of the ocean cover photo). Thanks!
To learn more about licensing this video for content marketing or patient education purposes, visit: http://www.nucleushealth.com/?utm_source=youtube&utm;_medium=video-description&utm;_campaign=hiv-112513 This video, created by Nucleus Medical Media, shows the function of white blood cells in normal immunity. It also portrays how the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) affects the immune system and causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Common types of antiretroviral medications used to treat HIV and AIDS are also shown. ANH13111
Let's have the conversation! IG @AmorAntasia Twitter @AmorAntasia
Described are 16 symptoms that I experienced from the time that I contracted HIV (summer of 2013) till my diagnosis on 2/15/16 two and half years later. Remember that many of these symptoms alone don't mean you have HIV, it was the combination of symptoms that should have been a signal to a physician, but it wasn't. In my case, the HIV had time to attack my immune system and as a result I was diagnosed with AIDS. Please watch my other videos about my HIV/AIDS story for more information about what I went through and who I am. My HIV/AIDS Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsuHCOmYJxc Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel! I will have more videos. :-) Get TESTED...Get MEDICATED...STOP SPREADING THE VIRUS!!
HIV या एड्स ये हैं वो लक्षण जिनसे आप जान सकते हैं की आपको HIV या एड्स तो नहीं!
What are HIV & AIDS? HIV, or human immunodeficiency virus, is a type of virus that infects human immune cells. Over time, immune cells are lost, which weakens the immune system and allows patients to be infected by other viruses and develop several types of tumors. Subscribe - https://goo.gl/w5aaaV. More videos - https://goo.gl/UhOKiM. Support us on Patreon - https://goo.gl/ZGHEk4. This video explains the pathophysiology behind viral infection, as well as important signs and symptoms of HIV and clinical markers of AIDS. It also gives an overview of diagnosis and treatment. Subscribe - http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNI0qOojpkhsUtaQ4_2NUhQ?sub_confirmation=1 This video is brought to you by Osmosis. Along with providing open-access videos, Osmosis offers a comprehensive e-learning platfo...
What is it, and are we close to a cure? SHARE on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1NalHm8 & Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1MTLpMp Get a FREE Audible Trial: http://audible.com/asap Written by Rachel Salt, Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown SUBSCRIBE for more (it's free!): http://bit.ly/asapsci GET THE ASAPSCIENCE BOOK: http://asapscience.com/book/ FOLLOW US! Instagram and Twitter: @whalewatchmeplz and @mitchellmoffit Clickable: http://bit.ly/16F1jeC and http://bit.ly/15J7ube AsapINSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/asapscience/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/AsapSCIENCE Twitter: http://twitter.com/AsapSCIENCE Tumblr: http://asapscience.tumblr.com Vine: Search "AsapSCIENCE" on vine! SNAPCHAT 'whalewatchmeplz' and 'pixelmitch' Created by Mitchell Moffit (twitter @mitchellmoffit) and Gregory Brown (twitte...
"It is about looking at HIV with new eyes, so that those living with HIV can get the support they need - even when they get older." We are proud to bring HIV-Udpdated to life. This is a short film about how HIV has changed over 30 years. Thanks for watching. Client: FEW Agency Concept & direction: Upper First Producer: Upper First Lead animator: Thiago Steka Animators: Thiago Steka, Ricardo Drehmer, Francisco Andrade, Upper First. Illustrations by Eric Pautz Sound fx: Henrik José Year: 2015
RFSL Göteborg har tagit fram en kampanj för att få personer att gå och testa sig för hiv. I filmen tävlar killarna insmorda i olika smaker; smörkola, hallonkräm osv. Vilken smak vinner? Vad vill du testa? Läs mer på siten www.testa.wf. Eight men, smeared in differently flavoured Jelly, test their strength in nude wrestling. What flavour do you prefer? Time to get tested! RFSL Göteborg (The Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights, Gothenburg branch) has produced this video to promote HIV testing for men who have sex with men. Read more at www.testa.wf
The Hellenic Society for the Study and Control Of Aids (EEMAA) scope is to promote the research and development of activities for the prevention and treatment of AIDS. As part of the campaign and the World Day against HIV, EEMAA commissioned us to create a new video for the prevention against HIV, a video to be aired on TV, Cinemas as well as Social Media. Creative Direction: Kommigraphics Design Studio Director: Tony Zagoraios Art Direction, Character Design: Stavros Kypraios llustrations: Kommigraphics Design Studio, Stavros Kypraios Motion Design : Tony Zagoraios, Thanos Kagkalos, Pantelis Tsiachris Additional Animation Supervisor: Costas Fatsis Copy: Andreas Panagakis Music Composer : Ted Regklis Sound Design : Renos Papastavros, Nikos Tsines (Musou Music Studios) Voice Over : Fa...
Once again I've teamed up with the wonderful people at Upper First to help them deliver this important message through a short film that's both emotional, informative and visually stunning. I was responsible for leading and managing the whole animation team as well as producing several shots. Thanks for watching! Credits: Client: FEW Agency Concept & direction: Upper First Producer: Upper First Art Direction: Eric Pautz Lead animator: Thiago Steka Animators: Thiago Steka, Ricardo Drehmer, Francisco Andrade, Upper First. Audio: Henrik José
Directed: João Lavieri (lav.re/) and Bruno Ferrari Written: Ana Paula Anderson Design / Illustration: João Lavieri Animation: João Lavieri and Bruno Ferrari Composition: Bruno Ferrari Sound Design: Zurpillo records
Directed by Bonzom
World Aids Day Campaign 2010 by the Aids organisation Vergiss Aids nicht e.V. (Don´t forget Aids e.V.). The rate of HIV infection among 15 to 29-year-olds has increased by 56% over the last ten years. For this reason, Vergiss AIDS nicht e.V. would like to educate teenagers about the risk of HIV. Cock Out: an online game that takes a literal approach to the fight against HIV. The user takes part in a virtual boxing match against the diabolical human immunodeficiency virus. What makes this game so unique is that it's not played using a keyboard or joystick, but instead with the user's penis -- inside a special condom. A marker on the condom packaging allows the user to access the game. The webcam detects the horizontal movements of the red condom on the player's penis. The game's features...
Rocky Braat, a young man from a fractured family and a troubled past, went traveling through India without a plan. Then he met a group of HIV positive children living in an orphanage -- a meeting that changed everything for him. Rocky left his life, friends, and career in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to live with the kids. Steve Hoover, his best friend and filmmaker, was unsettled and intrigued by this drastic action. In an effort to find out what compelled Rocky to give up every source of stability in his life, Hoover decided to trace Rocky's story, following him to India. He witnessed Rocky and the kids endure disease, abject poverty, and death. But, strangest of all, in the midst of these troubles, he also saw their deep joy. And he came to understand why Rocky had given up everything ...
Like++++====Share++++====Comment++++====Subscribe us on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNYSl7sBZpM5g0JC4Gy12Qg ++++++++ "at home hiv test" "home hiv test" "hiv test" "hiv medications" "treatment for hiv" "hiv treatment" "facts about hiv" "hiv aids information" "hiv aids treatment" "treatment of hiv" "hiv and aids" "hiv drugs" "aids treatment" "aids and hiv" "how to prevent hiv" "treatment of aids" "how to test for hiv" "test for hiv" "how is hiv treated" "hiv clinic" "hiv positive" "how is hiv spread" "hiv transmission" "hiv pcr test" "aids hiv" "hiv in africa" "hiv history" "hiv virus" "history of aids" "hiv statistics" "ways to contract hiv" "where can i get tested for hiv" "hiv screening" "contracting hiv" "new hiv treatment" "hivaids" "ways to get hiv" "how to contract hiv" ...
Got gooseflesh, got butterflies, got a temperature you
gonna feel em rise
I make a good man, like a bad son, like a daddy that
you call number one
I see this big heart like a big stain, makin your love
make me feel the lick
so when the clouds come, bad weather roam
aint a shame if I dont see the sun because
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
When you carry the sunshine with you
Dont need no big train hor-cigary(???)
I got more than I need to complete the set
I make picturesque on the warm breast
Head how come I dont need no rest
But gimme medicine in the shape of your (?)
What kinda of fetish did I decide to cast you in
So when the storm break I'll leave the headache
To walk alone in the cloud for my own sake
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
Who needs the sunshine when your here
When you carry the sunshine all alone with you