AccueilUrban China and the challenges of sustainability

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Publié le mercredi 26 avril 2017 par Céline Guilleux


This is the second international event organised in the context of the Medium project. While research conducted in the context of the project focus primarily on the medium-sized cities Hangzhou, Zhuhai and Datong, the conference will consider urban China in its diversity, with a great variety of case studies including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, the region of the Taihu lake etc. It will address the issue of sustainability from a broad perspective, tackling ageing housing, social inclusion, urban governance, environmental sustainability, participatory processes in urban planning, with a multi-disciplinary approach ranging from geography, political science, economy, sociology, computer science, environmental science, etc.



This is the second international event organised in the context of the MEDIUM project. While research conducted in the context of the project focus primarily on the medium-sized cities Hangzhou, Zhuhai and Datong, the conference will consider urban China in its diversity, with a great variety of case studies including Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, the region of the Taihu lake etc.

It will address the issue of sustainability from a broad perspective, tackling ageing housing, social inclusion, urban governance, environmental sustainability, participatory processes in urban planning, with a multi-disciplinary approach ranging from geography, political science, economy, sociology, computer science, environmental science etc.

For more information, including the programme, visit the webpage of conference on the website of the project


The conference will take place in Guangzhou and is hosted by Sun Yat-sen University.

For who?

The conference is open to academics, policy makers, urban professionals etc.
Registration: Florent Resche-Rigon

About the organiser

The School of Geograpy and Planning of Sun Yat-sen University with the MEDIUM consortium. The project is supported by the European Union (EuropeAid – ICI+ programme).


Friday 16 June,

15.30 – 18.00


Chair: Natacha Aveline, Géographie-cités, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) –Scientific coordinator of MEDIUM

  • Luo Jun, President of Sun Yat-sen University
  • Bertrand Furno, Consul General of France in Guangzhou
  • Laurent Bochereau, Minister Counsellor, Head of Science, Technology and Environment at the Delegation of the European Union to China
  • Antoine Mynard, Director for the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) in China Keynote speech
  • Suhong Zhou, Vice-dean, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University

Round table : transnational dynamics of participative planning in Chinese cities

Moderator : Audrey Freyermuth, Aix en Provence Political Institute - CHERPA (IEP Aix)

  • Erik Gloersen, Spatial Foresight, Participant to the training and to the stakeholders’ workshop organised in Zhuhai
  • Valentina Anzoise, ECLT - Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, University Ca’ Foscari Venice / MEDIUM fellow
  • Judith Audin, Aix en Provence Political Institute - CHERPA (IEP Aix) / MEDIUM fellow
  • Nicolas Douay, Géographie-cités, University Paris-Diderot - Paris 7


Saturday 17 June

Spatio-temporal behaviour in complex urban systems - part 1

Chair : Suhong Zhou, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University

  • 09.00 The SimpopLocal Model Denise Pumain, Géographie-cités, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 09.25 Visual analytics platform of urban trajectory data Xinyue Ye, Department of Geography, Kent State University
  • 09.50 Modeling hierarchy of a system of cities as a result of the dynamics of firms’ interactions Mehdi Bida, Celine Rozenblat, and Elfie Swerts, Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne
  • 10.15 China's small townships: the challenges and development strategies Pengjun Zhao, School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Beijing University

10.40 Break

Spatio-temporal behaviour in complex urban systems - part 2

Chair : Celine Rozenblat, Institute of Geography and Sustainability, University of Lausanne

  • 11.10 Modelling with new urban micro data, Fabien Pfaender, ComplexCity Lab, University of Technology of Compiegne/Shanghai University
  • 11.35 Two societies in one city: a spatio-temporal mobility approach (authors: Yang Yue, Qi-Li Gao, Qing-Quan Li, Anthony G O YehYang Yue, Shenzhen University
  • 11.50 A macro-scale model of co-evolution for cities and transportation networks, Juste Raimbault, Géographie-cités, University Paris-Diderot - Paris 7 / MEDIUM fellow

12.15 Round table facilitated by Juste Raimbault, discussant

13.00 Lunch break

Panel organised by the project Odessa: Population ageing and living arrangements of old people in Chinese and European cities

Chair : Weiliang Zhang, Institute for Urban Studies, Hangzhou Normal University

  • 14.30 Is medical insurance substituted for intergenerational coresidence? Comparative evidence from China and Europe Yang Zan, Institute of Real Estate Studies Beijing, Tsinghua University
  • 14.55 Planning for elderly care facilities in Beijing: Application of new concept and model, Xiaolin Gao, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing)
  • 15.20 The challenges of the French “reverse mortgage system” (viager), Natacha Aveline, Géographie-cités, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) / University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
  • 15.35 Living condition and planning issues for aging in place: the case of Shanghai, Yifan Yu, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University,

16.00 Lunch break

Urban China sustainable development

Chair : Chunshan Zhou, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University

  • 16.30 A study on the sustainable development competitiveness of China 's urban agglomeration, Yueming Ning, Center for Modern Chinese City Studies, East China Normal University of Shanghai
  • 17.00 Problems of urban sustainable development in Northeast China, Shijun Wang, School of Geographical Science, Northeast Normal University
  • 17.30 Problems of urban sustainable development in Western China, Yongchun Yang, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lanzhou University

Sunday 18 June

Measuring progress toward urban sustainability

Chair : Irene Poli, ECLT - Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, University Ca’ Foscari Venice

  • 09.00 Vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in urban sustainable development, Andrea Critto, Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, University Ca’ Foscari Venice
  • 09.30 Index construction of city-level green development, Liu Beibei, School of Environment, Nanjing University
  • 10.00 Participatory sustainability assessment for China’s integrated water management and urban renewal: a case study from the region of Taihu Lake, Daniele Brombal, Department of Asian and North African Studies, University Ca’ Foscari Venice
  • 10.30 Break
  • 11.00 The evaluation of sustainability perception in planning Chinese urban spaces: the case of Hangzhou and Zhuhai high tech zones, Valentina Anzoise (authors Irene Poli and Debora Slanzi), ECLT - Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics, University Ca’ Foscari Venice / MEDIUM fellow
  • 11.30 Between pretended scalability and real isolation - the model of the Tianjin eco-city for sustainability, Yinghao Li, LEESU / École des Ponts ParisTech, Labex Urban Futures, University Paris-Est / MEDIUM fellow

12.00 Lunch break

Urban governance: conflicts, mass action, social and political regulation

Chair : Denise Pumain, Géographie-cités, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

  • 13.00 Governance of development zones in Zhuhai and the local elites, Jean-Pierre Gaudin and Liao Liao, Aix en Provence Political Institute - CHERPA (IEP Aix)
  • 13.30 Rapid urbanization, agglomerations and governance: the case of the Pearl river delta, Lin Ye, Department of Public Administration, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University
  • 14.00 Reexploring the "danwei-shequ" transition: the housing issue as object of public policy (Datong’s mining district), Judith Audin, Aix en Provence Political Institute - CHERPA (IEP Aix) / MEDIUM fellow
  • 15.00 Why government fails in promoting urban refuse classification in Guangzhou? An analysis from policy tool perspective, Cheng Chen, School of Government, Sun Yat-sen University

15.30 Break

Internal migration and urban integration in Chinese medium-sized cities

Chair : Huang Xu, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University and Cinzia Losavio, Géographie-cités, Labex DynamiTe, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne / MEDIUM fellow

  • 16.00 Forced relocation of informal settlements and rural migrant’s social networks in neighborhoods in China’s medium-size cities: evidence from Yangzhou Huang Xu, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University
  • 16.30 Studying migrants’ housing choices and conditions in Chinese medium sized-cities: a case study of Zhuhai, Cinzia Losavio, Géographie-cités, Labex DynamiTe, University Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne / MEDIUM fellow
  • 17.00 Research on Innovating the Integration Mechanism of "New Hangzhou People" Guang Xu, Department of Economics, Zhejiang Institute of Administration


  • 135 Xingang Xi Road
    Canton, Chine (510275)


  • vendredi 16 juin 2017
  • dimanche 18 juin 2017
  • samedi 17 juin 2017


  • China, espace urbain, governance, territoire, medium, sun yat-sen university, ageing population, spatial analysis, complex system, urbain sustainability, eco-cities


  • Florent Resche-Rigon
    courriel : florent [dot] rescherigon [at] parisgeo [dot] cnrs [dot] fr

URLS de référence

Source de l'information

  • Florent Resche-Rigon
    courriel : florent [dot] rescherigon [at] parisgeo [dot] cnrs [dot] fr

Pour citer cette annonce

« Urban China and the challenges of sustainability », Colloque, Calenda, Publié le mercredi 26 avril 2017,