Muting the SWAN: a radical alternative to Trotskyist social work

Critique of the Social Work Action Network, a group aiming to bring social workers and other interested parties together to campaign against austerity, by an angry social worker. SWAN's activism happens in the classroom or on the streets, but not in the workplace itself.

Danger! Official Secret: the Spies for Peace: Discretion and Disclosure in the Committee of 100 - Sam Carroll

Article by Sam Carroll, published in 'History Workshop Journal', Volume 69, Issue 1, Spring 2010.

Rebel Roo (issue 6, April 2017)

"Everywhere we’ve organised and fought, we’ve won."

I’m a Deliveroo rider. Collective action is the only way we’ll get a fair deal - Callum Cant

A re-print of a recent Guardian Comment is Free piece written by a Deliveroo rider discussing the need for organisation and action to improve conditions on the job.

Occupational hazards

The South London Women's Hospital occupation

A compilation of writings put together by Past Tense on hospital occupations and work-ins in the UK from the 1970s to the 1990s.

Gay Left: A Socialist Journal Produced by Gay Men

This is a socialist journal edited by gay men. We have a two fold aim in producing this magazine. First, we hope to contribute towards a marxist analysis of homosexual oppression. Secondly, we want to encourage in the gay movement an understanding of the links between the struggle against sexual oppression and the struggle for socialism.


Freedom (September 1887)

The August1887 edition of Freedom

Freedom (August 1887)

The August 1887 edition of Freedom

Freedom (July 1887)

The July 1887 edition of Freedom

Freedom (June 1887)

The June 1887 edition of Freedom