Bombed site and comprehensive school - Winifred Hindley

A personal account from a teacher about her experiences teaching children in a "horsa hut": prefab schools constructed across the UK from 1944 to replace schools destroyed in bombing and to accommodate additional pupils created for increasing the state education minimum age to 15.

Educating the non-scholastic - Raymond King

Raymond King on educational methods for children who are not suited to traditional academic teaching styles.

Comprehensive schools

An analysis and critique of the state comprehensive school system in the UK in the early 1960s by the Anarchy editorial team.

Removal of guilt - Anthony Weaver

Anthony Weaver on progressive methods of working with troubled children and young people.

Culture and community - Nicolas Walter

A detailed critical review of Raymond Williams' book The Long Revolution, by anarchist Nicolas Walter.

Brighton Hospitality Workers interview - Vienna Workers' Union

Translation of an interview by the Vienna Workers' Union with Brighton Hospitality Workers, an industrial section of Brighton Solidarity Federation, looking at the struggles they have organised and the lessons which working-class militants can learn from them.

14 observations on Brexit and Lexit in the UK EU membership referendum

Analysis of the UK European Union referendum, and the "left exit" campaigns from the anarchist Workers Solidarity Movement in Ireland.

European Union referendum: more capitalist choices to reject - Communist Workers Organisation

EU referendum

A look at the referendum on UK membership of the European Union, and whether either side offers anything to the working class. Written before the referendum date was announced but still relevant today.

Yesterday’s pig heads, Corbyn-mania, Brexit or business as usual: Tragedy and comedy in the UK - A short report

Dear fellow travellers, for an international meeting of like-minded rebels we wrote a short report about the situation in the UK. We had little time recently to systematically follow and discuss the wider developments, therefore it ended up as a bit of a selective cut-and-paste job - but people outside of the UK might still find it interesting.

Not just a 'loner': the Jo Cox murder and fascist terrorism

Labour MP Jo Cox's murder was the act of a fascist terrorist inspired by relentless nationalist, anti-immigrant campaigning from mainstream politicians and the media; not, as he's portrayed, merely a 'loner' with 'mental health issues'.