Showing posts with label Doug Christie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doug Christie. Show all posts

13 July 2016

Michelle Erstikaitis In The News Again

It's been a while since we heard anything about Michelle Erstikaitis. Last we heard she was still in detention from a previous run-in with the judicial system and Paul Fromm was diligently visiting her behind bars (really, though he claims her as a White Nationalist P.O.W. Paulie's relationship with Erstikaitis remains inexplicable to us.... unless.... yuck!).

We'll, it looks like she is out of prison.

Or, perhaps we should say, WAS out of prison:



Paulie might have a hard time explaining this away.

Michelle Erstikaitis, 36, who was deemed a dangerous offender five years ago, appeared in a College Park courtroom Tuesday looking dishevelled and ranting about wanting “a refugee lawyer” to handle her case.

She is charged with attempted murder, aggravated assault and carrying a concealed weapon.

“I’m a Canadian citizen and I want to leave this country,” Erstikaitis said in open court.

Okay, so, what did she do exactly?

Toronto Sun sources alleged the woman initially asked for asylum but soon began shouting “ISIS is coming to kill you” and other odd things.
Officers arrived and found a guard suffering from multiple stab wounds.

“It’s alleged the woman tried to force her way into the consulate while armed with a three-inch box cutter,” said Sidhu, who added she rushed through the body scanner at the front entrance prompting a guard to react.

As the guard grabbed the woman, she allegedly slashed his throat with the razor-sharp box-cutter narrowly missing a major artery, sources say.

“He managed to avoid serious injury,” Sidhu said, adding the guard’s arm was also sliced before the woman was subdued.

Yeah, that would do it.

The article goes on to detail Erstikaitis' long and sordid history of legal problems, arrests, and her dangerous offender designation which Paulie suggested was COMPLETELY unjustifiable.


Paulie might be pleased though (or saddened) to learn that her association with him and White Nationalists was not included in her biography

Last we actually saw Erstikaitis was at the Doug Christie Memorial in Toronto where she was photographed between Malcolm Ross and Marc Lemire....

28 June 2016

Former Green Party Candidate and 9/11 "Truther" Also Denies Holocaust

We would like to introduce our readers to Monika Schaefer, a three time (and perhaps four time) federal Green Party candidate in the Alberta riding of Yellowhead:

We first came across Monika Schaefer a few years back when Arthur Topham published an open letter penned by Schaefer to Green Party leader Elizabeth May regarding Schaefer's belief that the 9/11 attacks were a "false flag" operation:

Now, anyone being promoted by the likes of Topham in regards to this particular conspiracy theory is likely going to have some other suspect views. Ms. Schaefer confirmed this when she referenced, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" as if it is a legitimate primary document rather than the plagiarized fraud it has been proven to be time and time again:

24 November 2014

Dean Clifford and Bill Noble: Emails

This day last November freeman-on-the-land guru, former active Stormfront member, and general nutter Dean Clifford was taken into custody during a seminar he was conducting in Ontario. Since that day, Clifford has been claiming that his release would be imminent as would be his take-down of the political and economic system in this nation. And despite his continued incarceration, which now includes charges that he made threats to directed at the police and court officials while in custody (we have at least one of those recordings saves), Clifford continues in his delusional belief that he has them all right where he wants them and that there will be hell to pay when he gets out. His supporters remain credulous in spite of all available evidence.

Today those supporters who run the website provided the world with a gift; 9+ hours of Dean Clifford's pseudo-legalistic mumbo jumbo. We here at ARC humbly would suggest being subjected to more than 9 hours of Dean Clifford would be far worse than the torture he claims that he has undergone while a guest of Her Majesty.

That noted, we thought we too might provide a gift to mark this auspicious occasion.

A couple of years back, some one or some group hacked a number of racist websites and email addresses. It just so happens that three of those email addresses belonged to Bill Noble, someone our readers are very familiar with. And Noble kept up a fairly extensive correspondence with Clifford from 2007 into at least 2011. Some of those correspondences were related to Noble's own case in which he was ultimately found guilty and sentenced to a term of four months followed by three years probation (which he immediately violated soon after his release with no apparent consequence):

Oh, perhaps we should have mentioned that Bill Noble once (and maybe still does) uses Adolf Hitler as means of identifying himself.

The name that Clifford signed as, "Sovereign" is significant in that it is what he used as his online moniker on Stormfront. In some of the emails that will follow Clifford will refer to posts he made on Stormfront. Since some of his acolytes refused to believe that Clifford (who threw quite a temper tantrum when we suggested we would be writing an article about him) was the racist we proved him to be, maybe this provides sufficient proof, however there will be more so stay tuned.

Anyways, Clifford included an attachment with his email, the content of which follows:

20 June 2014

SOS and Fromm Associate Arrested

We first heard the name Chris Edmunds in relation to the April 2013 march held in London by the Southern Ontario "Skinheads" as well as his attendance at a memorial for the late Doug Christie.

Chris Edmunds, Malcolm Ross, Michele Erstikaitis, Marc Lemire

It's been a while, but you had to know a guy walking around with SS on his shirt would cross our radar again:

By Standard Staff

An 18-year-old St. Catharines man has been arrested for allegedly harassing an elderly couple in what police are calling racially motivated conduct.

Niagara Regional Police said an elderly couple who are long-time residents of an east St. Catharines neighbourhood were being threatened and intimidated. Police said the conduct occurred recently over a period of one month.

Christian Edmunds, 18, was arrested on Wednesday and charged with criminal harassment

Harassing old people. That's the courage we have come to expect from boneheads.

15 June 2014

Keegstra's Death: Relic of the Past Responds

That James Keegstra did not die on June 12 when the news became public, but in fact died 10 days earlier, is telling. The name Keegstra was still mentioned occasionally by the likes of Fromm when he rambled on about Sec. 319 and about free speech in an abstract way, but the man himself had been largely forgotten, drifting into obscurity soon after his final sentencing hearing in 1996. Even his contemporaries appear to have forgotten about him and it seems that few even attempted to remain in touch with the man they, at the time, lionized and rallied around.

Of his contemporaries, many like John Ross Taylor, Doug Christie, Wolfgang Droege, and Martin Wiche have died. Others like John Beattie, Don Andrews, and Ernst Zundel have yet to acknowledge Keegstra's passing, in part because they have shied away from their more colorful past (Like Beattie, who is running for Deputy Reeve in Minden, Ontario) or couldn't be bothered to care.

Such is the nature of the White Nationalist movement.

But at least one of those infamous old relics from the past has decided to make a rare appearance. Terry Long, like Keegstra, disappeared not long after of the Canadian branch of the Aryan Nations' he lead collapsed. Last we heard he was living in Ontario, but he does periodically pop up from time to time. He ran for office under the Doug Christie-led Western Canadian Concept Party. We know that it was Long whom Todd Conroy (former BC Volksfront leader) had been visiting when he got into a near fatal motorcycle accident. And we know that he still keeps up on the state of the movement, as we copies of emails sent by Long to some of the more contemporary members of the movement dating to the 2000s. So while he might not be active anymore, he certainly hasn't changed his views. And when Keegstra died Long (eventually) decided to break his silence as well.

Actually, Western historians generally agreed that the number of Jews who died in Auschwitz numbered between 800,000 and 1.35 million since at least 1961 and the Soviet numbers had been long discarded, but why should we expect revisionists like Long to be accurate?

Paul Fromm also got around to posting a eulogy of sorts, but we aren't sure that yet another one of Paulie's  self-promoting missives is really all that necessary here.

While Keegstra's obscurity is telling, it is also fitting. And so is the fact that his remaining contemporaries will eventually follow him, some likely sooner than others. Ernst Zundel is 75, Long has to be at least in his 70s,  and Don Andrews is around 72. John Beattie, someone who sounds to be in the early stages of dementia, is in his early 70s (UPDATE: Beattie is 72) and Paul Fromm in his mid 60s. Another 10, 15 years....

There will come a point when these men too will shuffle off their mortal coil and their names forgotten. We find this fact to be a comforting one.

17 October 2013

Is Paulie Even Bothering Anymore?

Occasionally, we like to check in on the Goudreau.

The Goudreau is the one on the right.... we think.
Our readers are all quite aware of the Goudreau from his attempted mating habits to his inability to adapt to his chosen habitat. Truly, the Goudreau is an endangered, though unlamented, species.

Yep. Still a lonely beast baying at the moon hoping someone will pay it some attention.

More to the point though, we see that Paulie is still a friend of the Goudreau even after the Goudreau's repeated deletions from Facebook (and despite the not very kind things Paulie has said about the Goudreau in private). In fact he's been the Goudreau's Facebook friend in all of the Goudreau's Facebook efforts. Here's another post from a few Facebook profile's back:

20 July 2013

Sebastian Ronin: NOT A White Nationalist!!!

If there's one thing we've come to expect from Paulie it's his pimping of the venerable Red Ensign and his efforts to turn it into a White Nationalist banner:

Hmmm, wonder who likes the Goudreau's reference to the SS and the fevered rantings of a violent racist?

Well, one person who doesn't like the flag is one Sebastian Ernst Ronin, the founder and Grand Poobah of the grandiosely named Renaissance Part of North America:

Ol' Sebastian also made this observation about Paulie's hypocrisy (something we also observed here, here, here, and here):

Ronin had been on our radar for a while before he organized his protest in Toronto (attended by Paulie, former Heritage Front member Louis Morin, and others), but truth be told we considered him to be a bit of a side-show in the three ring circus that is the "White Nationalist" movement in Canada. He did run for the leadership of the Green Part of Nova Scotia back in 2009 and was involved with American Renaissance in some capacity as of 2010 at least:

But Ronin rejects the label, "White Nationalist." Instead, he refers to himself and the ideology of the  Renaissance Part of North America as an Ethno Nationalist.

In a nutshell, Ronin suggests that when the world peak oil occurs resulting in an industrial and social decline. The crisis will then result in a collapse of existing nation states paving the way for the creation of ethnically homogenous enclaves:

12 July 2013

Doug Christie: Summary of Information

We had originally planned on doing this a while ago (and there are one or two more posts on the subject that need to be written) but we thought we would do as we have done with some of our other articles and made it more easy for those wishing to research Doug Christie's political and ideological views and collect them all in one place.

8 July 2013

Tremaine Contempt Appeal Update

Terry Tremaine filed two documents last month regarding his appeal of the contempt sentence he received as a result of willfully ignoring the provisions of the Human Rights Tribunal decision. Since his previous attorney Doug Christie shuffled off his mortal coil Tremaine has hired an attorney based in Regina and looks to be trying to have the appeal moved to Regina.

28 April 2013

Brad Love, Michelle Erstikaitis, and Luka Magnotta

This is going to be a little bit rambling and surreal. Please bare with us.

Most of our readers are aware of who Brad Love is. For those who don't know who he is, he's a 55ish year old man who has been, for decades, mailing racist screeds to public officials. Not just one or 10 or 100, but 1000s (one wonders where he finds the time). His harassment of politicians and public officials goes back more than 20 years in fact (we will provide excerpts from an article below detailing this fact):

'Scurrilous' mail nets 20 days in jail 

Toronto Star - Toronto, Ont
Farrell Crook
Feb 16, 1993 

A Mississauga man has been jailed 20 days for mailing "scurrilous" material involving racial and ethnic minorities to two Toronto-area members of Parliament.

The Brampton judge said he was not imprisoning Love, 35, for the views he holds, but for using the mails to send two MPs scurrilous material.

22 April 2013

An Interesting Development in Our Identification of Boneheads

Yesterday we started publishing the unidentified boneheads, some of whom are found in this picture:

One of the guys we were wondering about was this fella here:

Hey, nice Schutzstaffel you got on your collar buddy. Sort of something that might be able to use to help identify you. Or at the very least pick you out of other pictures.

10 April 2013

Backanded Compliments and Unintended Comic Relief

Free Dominion has evolved.

No, really. Let us explain.

There was a time, in spite of any evidence to support the claim, that some members accused us of supporting violence against our ideological opponents. We provide the following example:

In fact, we were not just accused of being violent, but we were all but accused of being an organized terrorist cell:

FYI, 20 years prior to Mark writing this commentary, the eldest member of ARC at the time would have been 12 years old and the youngest 5. And if anyone would like to learn about more than 30 years of violence, political and otherwise, might we suggest a perusal of "A History of Violence" which our Free Dominion friends dismiss out of hand because it does not conform to their particular worldview.

But evidently, perhaps in an acknowledgement that they don't actually have any proof for what is claimes about us (and they will never find the proof because there is none), at least one Free Dominion poster has jettisoned the whole "ARC is violent" accusation:

25 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part III)

You know, it is remarkable how, when presented with the truth, how people in an echo chamber refuse to acknowledge it. Take our friends at Free Dominion, for example. Despite what we think is pretty strong evidence indicating that Doug Christie and those Holocaust deniers, klanmen, and neo-Nazis whom he defended had certain shared political beliefs, they continue to suggest otherwise. However, there are those who say even if he did agree with Holocaust deniers, it doesn't matter since he was someone who selflessly fought for everyone's right to speak and write freely.

You can follow the link here if you wish to read the full discussion, but we think that these few posts sort of encapsulate the debate (by the way, we have no idea who poster "Free Markets" is, but he or she has already been accused of being a supporter of the Collective. We suspect this article will only heighten the already existent paranoia):


Well then, shall we take up "free_life2's" challenge then?

22 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part II)

Christie in his law kiosk
Not surprisingly, we've already been criticized for our focus on Doug Christie by our friends at Free Dominion, including what might be a veiled (and pretty ironic in light of their claim to be supporters of free speech) threat of, we suspect, future litigation for having the temerity to post and comment on what Christie himself published. But then this is all part of the whitewash of Doug Christie and his reinvention as a free speech hero who defended those who said or wrote quirky things about Jews and people of color. As a result, Christie has practically been deified while we and other Christie critics are vilified.

But then our Free Dominion friends might have a little bit of a problem. You see, while we are an easy target (they don't like us very much for some reason), it might be more difficult for them to vilify someone who leads an organization that recently hosted an event to raise funds in support Free Dominion (pictures here and here).

What does Meir Weinstein have to say about the passing of Doug Christie?

NOTE: While it might seem silly to black out the names of the other individual also involved in the conversation we decided that we would do so unless given permission to post his name here.

So why would the head of the Canadian branch of the JDL write, "let him rot in hell" regarding the passing of Doug Christie? Well, one thing we've noted here in covering JDL, the organization in general and Meir specifically, are pretty consistent when it comes to an understandable antipathy towards people who hold anti-Jewish or anti-Semetic views and who promote those views publicly.

Which brings us to the topic at hand. Was Christie, as Meir Weinstein appears to imply, deserving of such criticism?

17 March 2013

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Part I)

When deciding where to start our discussion of the late Doug Christie's views on race, we decided that we would start with the political sphere. Christie was a long-time Western separatist. He was a leader of the Western Canada Concept Party (WCC) as well as the Western Block Party which Christie founded in 2005 (Ontario resident Paul Fromm ran as a Western Block candidate in Calgary during the last election as a result of a persona vendetta. He did quite poorly). An examination of the WCC platform is, in itself, quite telling particularly points 4, 5, and 6: 
4. An end to immigration to preserve our environment, culture and stability.  
5. Equal rights for all, with no special status for any race, or ethnic origin.  
6. Preservation of our Christian culture and European heritage. 
These three points contain boilerplate language that one might find on a number of right-wing publications and websites. The points also contradict each other. In essence, the platform argues for equality and against, "special status for any race, or ethnic group" while at the same time assigning special status to, "Christian culture and European heritage." It is further implied that immigration, particularly non-European immigration, needs to cease primarily due to the danger it poses to the hegemony of, "Christian culture and European heritage" in Western Canada.

More telling though were Christie's own views, more specifically how he expressed those views. For a number of years, the WCC published, "The Western Separatist Papers" newsletter, edited by Christie's wife. Christie had a regular column, "A Separatist Speaks" in which he discusses a number of issues related to his desire for an independent Western Canada. Of particular note was Christie's preoccupation with immigration from the "Third World" and the threat it posed to Westerners:
Massive influx of non-European immigrants of cultures totally alien to our traditional culture. Schools have to open late in Toronto to accommodate Jewish new years. Now Muslims want the same treatment naturally. Someone writes that it may be right to have Christian employees work more hours than "minority" religious workers. The affirmative action policies of the Ontario government already mean that 90% of all new jobs must go to non-white males. But about 50% of the new work force who are now in school are white males. So what does the government official say when asked what it all means to the future of thousands of able-bodied white male schoolchildren? He replied that the new law was "balancing the scales of justice and whether you like it or not, folks, it's coming."
The whole Canadian way of life is sick. Our European heritage is being progressively undermined while a whole range of other cultures are being promoted. The essence of the new culture is tolerance, tolerance of anything. The crime in Canada continues to increase and become more and more violent as the attitudes of the Third World become the attitudes of our streets. Violence is becoming racial while Ottawa demands that whites be silent about it or be labeled [sic] racist.
The above, as well as the following excerpt (here), are both indicative of a siege mentality:
Some immigrants are quietly going about building their beachheads for the much larger invasion force to come. The west is being colonized by India, China and the Third World in a strange sort of reversal of 19th century imperialism. This phenomenon is the Liberals' revenge and Quebec's revenge on English Canada. These problems are creating a vast underground economy of discontent in the European-descended population of Western Canada.

Doug Christie: The Truth Will Out (Prologue)

We wrote earlier that we will not speak ill of the dead, but that doesn't mean we will be complacent when many in the media whitewash Doug Christie's history, portraying him as someone who selflessly fought for people's right to speak freely and hold unpopular opinions. We've always said that our problem with Christie was not his defence of people who's views, (and in many cases actions, such as this recent case) were reprehensible, but that he held the same views as his clients. That remains as true now as it was when he was alive.

But then again we really haven't done a very good job of examining Christie or those views on this blog. In light of the efforts of some.... well.... revisionists who hope to bury a fairly lengthy historical record detailing Christie's ideological connection to his clients and supporters, we're going to attempt to provide an alternative (and we believe more accurate) point-of-view. And we will allow Christie himself to write that history.

We suspect that this effort may take a while, so much like our expose on Marc Lemire, we are going write a series of articles that we hope will provide a clearer picture of Doug Christie and his views.

We leave our readers with a preview of our first article:

Western Separatist Papers: October, 1994

Massive influx of non-European immigrants of cultures totally alien to our traditional culture. Schools have to open late in Toronto to accommodate Jewish new years. Now Muslims want the same treatment naturally. Someone writes that it may be right to have Christian employees work more hours than "minority" religious workers. The affirmative action policies of the Ontario government already mean that 90% of all new jobs must go to non-white males. But about 50% of the new work force who are now in school are white males. So what does the government official say when asked what it all means to the future of thousands of able-bodied white male schoolchildren? He replied that the new law was "balancing the scales of justice and whether you like it or not, folks, it's coming."

The whole Canadian way of life is sick. Our European heritage is being progressively undermined while a whole range of other cultures are being promoted. The essence of the new culture is tolerance, tolerance of anything. The crime in Canada continues to increase and become more and more violent as the attitudes of the Third World become the attitudes of our streets. Violence is becoming racial while Ottawa demands that whites be silent about it or be labeled racist.

Much more later. Stay tuned.

12 March 2013

Doug Christie: April 1946 - March 11, 2013

Doug Christie, defence lawyer in controversial cases, dies at 66

We won't speak ill of the dead. This writer hopes that when his time approached, any suffering was minimized as much as medically possible and that Christie's last moments with his family were ones well spent.

But, from a practical point of view, we do wonder have to start to consider who will take on the types of clients Mr. Christie was famous for representing?

Barbara Kulaszka perhaps?

Time will tell.

24 February 2013

According to Fromm, Christie's Prognosis is Quite Dire

Fromm posted the following on his Facebook account earlier today:

Lawyers like Gerry Spence, someone this writer admires a great deal, defended individuals he didn't agree with but who he believed deserved a fair trail. Our issue with Christie was never his defence of the likes of Topham, Tremaine, Zundel, Fromm, Droege, and others their ilk, but with his affinity and support of beliefs of his clients. That is his legacy and it can't be whitewashed.

That being said, and while some of our readers may take issue with this writer for what I'm about to say here now, but if Christie has only 6 months I hope the time he has left is spent with his family (he still has young children). I hope that he uses the time to reflect his life and perhaps reconsider his views. And, when the time comes, he passes on with as little suffering as possible.

I don't celebrate death, even for those mentioned on this blog. I hope for redemption and believe people can change. And this applies to Doug Christie as well.

23 February 2013

Christie Drops Out of Topham Case for Medical Reasons

Found the following posted to Topham's website:

“Dear Arthur:
I regret to advise that Mr. Christie has been diagnosed with an advanced form of liver cancer, and has received medical advice that he cannot practice law any further at the present time. In these circumstances, it will be necessary for you to seek other counsel as soon as possible.”

Doug Christie had been rumored to be in poor health for some time now. Specifically, he was believed to have been suffering from prostate cancer. If that's true case, the cancer appears to have spread to his liver. And if he is dropping clients, it leads us to conclude that his long-term prognosis isn't good.

This writer had an uncle who died as a result of liver cancer and, based on that experience, knows that it is a hell of a way to go.

Time will tell how this affects Topham's case moving forward.

16 February 2013

Topham Continues Posting Antisemitic Screeds

The wheels of justice turn slowly. But they do continue to turn in the case of Arthur Topham. BCL recently noted that the Crown is not going to allow Topham to turn the court into a circus by allowing him to use it as a venue to air his antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Also of interest, it appears that the Crown will be using the Noble case (R. V. Noble) as a model for sentencing (here and here). So if convicted, Topham will be looking at 6 months incarceration followed by three years of close supervision.... though we do have to note that Noble repeatedly violated the terms of his release during his three years of close supervision with seeming impunity.

Paulie dutifully shares the views of Topham concerning this bit of news: