Showing posts with label JH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JH. Show all posts

8 June 2010

Aryan Guard Offer Anti-Racists Information

Our readers are well aware that Kyle McKee was released on probation after having plead guilty to possessing bomb making materials. The more serious charges, including attempted murder, were dropped however, which was a bit disappointing.

Now that McKee has been released, it seems that he's interested in settling some scores with the people who put him behind bars for half a year:

Internecine conflict amongst boneheads isn't exactly a new thing (so much for the New Orleans Protocol, eh Davey?) so this post on Stormfront shouldn't be all that surprising. However, what might come as a surprise to some is the efforts of McKee and company to reach out to anti-racists by offering them said information.

On Nexopia, we noticed the following offer from John Marleau:

Within we found this:

Of course, we were more than a bit intrigued. So we looked at the documents in question. It is, indeed, the statement made by one of the targets of the attack for which McKee and a 17 year old youth were arrested. When asked why Marleau would post this link, he responds:

Keep in mind, Marleau at one time claimed to care deeply for this woman. Now he's hell bent on destroying her. Considering his past record dealing with women who have spurned him, we shouldn't be shocked. Still, user "R4WH4TE" poses an interesting question, doesn't he? Marleau is posting documents containing the address and phone number of a crime victim (no matter what we ourselves think about her or her politics). No worries though. She moved. She no longer lives at the address mentioned or has that phone number. Still, a thinking person might consider the obvious problem with posting addresses and phone numbers of people who no longer have then, in that somone else DOES now have the address and phone number:

Marleau ain't exactly a deep thinker now, is he? And he doesn't seem to concerned that someone completely innocent and unaware might now be subject to harassment, so long as Carolyne is exposed:

But here's another problem for McKee and Marleau. Even if Carolyne does lie about 90% of the time in the police statement, the 5% remaining still reflects very poorly on both of them, as observed by another Nexopia member:

So here we have a bonehead willingly giving information about another "White Nationalist" to anti-racists with the desire that it be posted here on this blog (knowing full well that not only anti-racists, but also boneheads are frequent readers).

We have to ask the boneheads who read this blog then, is that okay with you? Is it okay that one of yours is willing to turn over information to.... well.... to us?

Think about that for a moment and let it sink in for a bit.

And here's another thing to think about. We aren't the only anti-racist group that Marleau and McKee have been shopping this document around to.

As our readers know, and despite claims by some of our detractors to the contrary, we in the ARC Collective are not members of Anti-Racist Action. We do maintain a positive dialogue with a number of anti-racist groups, the ARA included, but we have a different vision a different comfort level with state authorities than they do. We respect their position as they respect our.

Yesterday, we received a message on our Facebook account from Jason Devine who was a bit confused. You see, he received four phone calls from Kyle McKee and his friend, "Maxim Lee." The last call, in which he actually engaged in a conversation, resulted in an offer of the documents that Marleau has posted on his Facebook profile. All that would be needed would be for Mr. or Mrs. Devine to provide an email address. Mr. Devine wanted to know if this was serious or some sort of a ruse (and given the number of times his residence has been firebombed and vandalized over the past two years, who could blame him?).

So, to summarize, John Marleau and Kyle McKee have offered to provide information on other, "White Nationalists" to us, to other anti-racists, and to the ARA, or to put in a way sure to be provocative, the communists.

Let THAT sink in for a while, ladies and gentlemen.

Isn't it ironic that while the remnants of the Aryan Guard are calling Carolyne a rat for providing information to the police regarding a possible attempted murder, Marleau and McKee seem unconcerned about providing information to people whom they view as one of their key enemies?

And we pose this question to the boneheads who read this blog. If McKee and Marleau are willing to sell out their own even if the people they are selling out are scum (and believe us, the members of WEB are scum), who else might they be willing to inform on in order to hurt reputations or to get out of their way? Do you think that they can really be trusted?

We'll leave you to ponder these and other questions.

We should note that the Devines didn't take "Maxim" or Kyle up on their offer.

But we're sure our readership are all very anxious to see the documents that Marleau and McKee were willing to provide. We have them (both from Marleau's picture album he made available for general viewing on his Facebook profile and emailed to us from another, "White Nationalist") and they are very interesting documents. Here's what we'll show you now.

First a screenshot of the album created by Marleau:

Now within the album where Marleau has invited some of his friends to look and comment:

An finally, a comment made by McKee on one of the pages:

That's it. We're sure that our readers are interested in more, however we won't be publishing any for the time being for some of the following reasons:

1. We're concerned about the legality of publishing this document.
2. There's a great deal of personal information that remains unredacted, including the name of the 17 year old co-accused as well as the address and phone number already mentioned. Sure, we could do it ourselves, but that's hardly the point.

Our final reason is perhaps most important personally.

We don't dance to the music played by boneheads. They want to go to war with each other, great. We'll happily follow it and update our readership on their pathetic lives (because it is so damn funny now). But don't think for a single moment that they'll be able to use us in their efforts. What we do we do on our terms.

Have a lovely evening.

19 May 2010

Fromm On Kyle McKee: Charismatic, Talented, Sensible and Savvy

One of the bits of news that struck as interesting is how little boneheads are talking about McKee's release. Sure, Marleau posted a message on the Blood and Honour forum's "POW" section (as of this article's publication, the thread had no responses and had been viewed by 19 people) and the folks on Nexopia posted a link to our blog, knowing Natalie S. and Marleau would see it, but that was pretty much it. Very little was mentioned initially. In fact, McKee's release seemed so unimportant that they didn't even bother mentioning it on the Aryan Guard forum:

The most recent comment was posted yesterday, but it has nothing to do with McKee and his release. When we enter the subforum, we notice that the last thing said concerning McKee was almost a month ago:

One might think if the leader of your gang was released from jail with murder charges being dropped, someone might mention something about it on the gang's forum. We guess this is yet a further indication that the Aryan Guard is all but dead (leading us to wonder what McKee will be doing now that he's out, though that's an issue for another day).

18 May 2010

Attempted Murder Charges Dropped in McKee Case

Looks like Kyle McKee won't have to suffer in the cold, cold Calgary Remand Centre any more:

Attempted murder charges dropped against accused Calgary bomber

White supremacist Kyle Robert McKee pleads guilty to making explosives

By Daryl Slade, Calgary Herald

May 18, 2010 11:05 AM

CALGARY - A self-professed white supremacist has been absolved of two attempted murder charges relating to homemade bomb being planted outside a northeast townhouse last November.

Crown prosecutor Rajbir Dhillon withdrew those two charges, as well as one count each of arson and possessing a weapon dangerous to the public against Kyle Robert McKee, 24, after he pleaded guilty to one count of making explosives for devices found in a search of his home later the same day as the bomb incident.

He was to be released later on Tuesday after being given double credit by provincial court Judge Peter Barley for five months already spent in remand since his arrest in December.

Defence lawyer Adriano Iovinelli made it clear to court that McKee had maintained his innocence in connection with the Nov. 21 incident at the home on Rundlehorn Drive.

Dhillon told court that Carolyne Anne Kwiatek believed she was the target of two culprits she saw outside her balcony early that morning.

She awoke her boyfriend Tyler Sturrup, who grabbed the two explosive devices, which had been lit, and threw them into the parking lot. One of them exploded and the other failed.

Screws, nails, coins and ratchet bits were found in the other device.

Police were not able to tell what type of liquid was used to make the bombs.

Police then obtained a search warrant for McKee's residence and found similar explosive devices, which led to the guilty plea.

They also found sawed-off rifle stocks and barrels in the home.

McKee was also placed on probation for one year and prohibited from having any contact with either of the victims, as well as a youth who was originally facing the same charges.

Dhillon said he previously withdrew charges against the youth, because of an unlikelihood of conviction.

McKee had been scheduled to face a two-day preliminary hearing starting May 27, which would have been held to determine if there was sufficient evidence to send it to trial at Court of Queen's Bench.

© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald

Looks like the Crown decided that they didn't want to bother making a case. After all, when you find explosive materials that can be linked to a bombing, it must be a tough nut to crack. We wonder if McKee had an Arab-sounding name if this little effort would be put into the case?

It's easier to take a plea to lesser charges than to keep Calgarians safe. A pity, but not unexpected.

No doubt the remnants of the Aryan Guard will be celebrating McKee's release, however he does have some pretty strict conditions that he will need to follow in order to stay out of jail.

And we will be watching.

17 March 2010

Update on November Vandalism of Jewish Centre

A few weeks before the Aryan Guard basically collapsed, individuals whom we speculated were associated with the Aryan Guard vandalized a Jewish centre and other locations with Nazi symbols.

Today, the police have an unnamed suspect:
Unnamed man, 18, wanted for Calgary racial graffiti  
CALGARY - Calgary police have issued a Canada-wide warrant for an 18-year-old man in relation to a number of racially motivated graffiti incidents last year. 
But police added they cannot name the man, since the crimes were committed while the suspect was 17, thus putting him under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.   
Police say they issued the warrants after a thorough investigation on the vandalism at various locations in Woodbine and Pump Hill. Targets, including the Calgary Jewish Centre and the Holocaust memorial, were marked with anti-Semetic slogans and signs last November. Police say the suspect is facing charges of mischief and hate-related offences. 
© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald
We were provided with the name of a suspect a few weeks after the incident took place. This individual was also 17 when the vandalism took place, but turned 18 soon after the new year. If it is that person, he's the one we believe was with Kyle McKee when he was on the run from the police. If tht's the case, that individual may still be in Winnipeg, or he could be back in Calgary. He's also in a leadership position within the Aryan Guard (and is a administrator on the groups web forum) as a result of the older members being in jail, starting the splinter gang W.E.B., or having moved on with their lives.

The other suspect is the youth who was originally arrested with McKee and charged with attempted murder. That youth would also have been 17 when the incident occurred, turning 18 in December of the same year. Because of the publication ban, we can't write anything else.

We suspect the former suspect rather than the later based on information provided to us. We also believe that there was a female involved too. Finally, as a truck was seen in the video stills, we can speculate on the posibility of Kyle McKee's involvement.

Additional Links:

21 February 2010

More Aryan Guard and W.E.B. Online Bickering

First, we can confirm from multiple sources that W.E.B. member Kevin Brozny is now out of jail. As far as we know, Tyler Sturrup is still behind bars.

Well, it looks like the members of W.E.B. are still determined to organize a march in Calgary on the 21st of next month. In fact, they're sure it will be bigger than last year's event:

Oh, how sad. Reitmeier and Marleau used to be such good friends. It's gone from this:

to this:

Although Reitmeier is insistent the march will proceed, and we have to go with the assumption that at least a few boneheads will show up, we really do have to question the ability of a group that can't even spell "division" correctly to pull this off:

Okay, this was a bit petty (are you surprised?) but there's more to our skepticism than poor grammar. Honestly, do our readers think that anyone wants to attend a rally run by people who smear blood on the walls of their own homes?

So a word of friendly advice to any bonehead who may consider attending the rally if it takes place: make sure you have your Hepatitis A and B shots up to date.

So what is the remnant of the Aryan Guard saying about all this? Well, let's just say they are somewhat dubious as well. Someone using Kyle McKee's Stormfront account posted the following:

And what happens when you follow the link? We won't provide the hyperlink (we don't want them getting any hits off of us) but we will show the screen shots. Let the fun begin:

We do love the Aryan Guard logic in the last two pictures: "We'll try to kill you with a pipe bomb but if you tell the police who tried to kill you then you've violate, 'the code' and we won't play with you any more."

Some of our readers will remember the first picture of Reitmeier and the South-Asian woman as it resulted in a bit of a debate and discussion regarding Reitmeier and the rest of W.E.B. Even people who were once close to the membership of the Aryan Guard when it was first formed don't have a lot of good to say about the members of either group now. One, "boy white" (real name is Jan) was one of the founding members of the Aryan Guard before he disappeared, though he did feel the need to comment on the thread in with Reitmeier and the woman were being discussed. Another former Aryan Guard/W.E.B. associate (at least while the members of W.E.B. were still a part of the Aryan Guard) is the lovely Carla who posts as "knuckeldown." on Stormfront:

Even people who still associate with the members of W.E.B. have concerns, as evidenced by a female friend of Johnson, Reitmeier and the whole W.E.B. crew:

We'll provide the full text for our dear readers:

Just sayin'

Tuesday, February 2, 2010 at 12:22am

I find it retarded that no groups in Calgary regarding the movement can get we're supposed to be fighting together to enlighten, and fight for our people.. Not fighting each other, fucking each other over, trying to kill the other.

You've got beef with each other, that's fucking tough, not everyone is going to like you. I think some of the people who like 'control' the scene here need to put their self pride aside and work together, it's just making us look like idiots. I mean like Older National Socialists are disguised by the neo-nazis' of today because they show no self respect. Or they go do stupid shit.

Its just frustrating, especially when you're trying to get in with the movement, and this shit keeps happening. Just because I am not as strong as you are physically, doesn't mean I don't have my wits about me.

There is no need for the Testosterone when you get angry, that you need to smash shit. You just look like you have no respect for the things you own. Which it becomes evident. People had the idea that the 'movement' here is strong, but it seems like it's a joke.

It seems all majority of the people in the "movement" just want to get drunk, beat up blacks and sieg heil as much as possible. You're not accomplishing anything, besides making the rest of society that you're trying to convince the movement is a good thing, you're just showing complete idiocy. There is no cause or reason to get such noticeable tattoo's, how are you going to get a career?

The women that want to get in the movement, just get scared away because you're overly violent. You shouldn't hit a woman in the first place. It's cowardly. It's one thing to joke about it, but another to actually do it. I know so many women who want to be in the movement, but you don't take them seriously. We're not just something you can fuck. We also have brains, we're pretty smart, and catch on fast. I personally would love to be an actual skinbyrd, but I know I don't have the physical strength, yet anyway, to earn my 'reds'.

Stop disrespecting your own kind. Then the idea will get across better. You shouldn't just go on a hateful rampage because someone doesn't agree with you. You're just looking as stupid as the ANTIFA you hate. The amount of drama in the scene is ridiculous. You all keep thinking someone is trying to fuck you over, stop being so god damn paranoid.

I ask the questions I ask because I want to understand better, and have the knowledge. Not because I'm a rat. I'm quite disappointed that, that has been said about me. I would never rat anyone out. Especially when you're not even doing anything really that's that big of a deal.

Stop trying to make yourself better then your 'brother'. Because in the end you just end up fucking the shit you've worked hard for up. Stop doing things so blindly. Quite trying to look like you're a somebody. Everyone seems to forget that we're just tiny little specks, on a miniscule planet, in the vastness that is the Universe. We have no purpose, unless we find something we're passionate about.

We're born, we spend our lives mindlessly filling the empty void until till it's time to go, then we die. We have no benefit on this planet, it's all just negative. And I really don't care if you get mad at me for having this opinion. But it is mine, and I am entitled to it. Just as you're entitled to yours. I really hope this strikes a chord in you when you read this, and you try to make the right choices to better the movement. Also please note; I am not trying to offend anyone with what i've said. It's just something i've noticed. And a few people who won't comment on this note, agreed too. Things need to change, because the movement is falling apart.

To, "earn one's reds" means to earn your red laces [EDIT: We knew it was laces, but had a brain fart and typed bracers originally]. That means that you've assaulted a person causing serious injury or death, "for the cause."

So, boneheads. These are the people planning the rally next month.

Have fun.

16 December 2009

Kyle McKee Update: They Got Him

We said it was a matter of time, and we were right.

Kyle McKee was arrested in Winnipeg.

Happy holidays.
Date: Wed Dec 16 09:55:11 2009Subject: PA/MRU #08-633
From: Emma Poole 
The Winnipeg Police Service, with assistance from the CalgaryPolice Service, has arrested a man wanted since November fortwo counts of attempted murder. 
Kyle Robert MCKEE, 24, was arrested Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009, at approximately 12:30 a.m., Central Standard Time (Winnipegtime). 
MCKEE surrendered to officers following a two-hour standoff at a home in the 500 block of Bannerman Avenue, in Winnipeg’s North End.
MCKEE was tracked to the home following a tip to police. Itnot known how long he had being staying in the house. 
He was last spotted near Regina on Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009, but was able to evade RCMP. 
MCKEE, 24, faces two counts of attempted murder, possessing, making or controlling explosives, and possession of a weapon or imitation for a dangerous purpose in connection with an explosives incident in Rundle on Saturday, Nov. 21, 2009. 
A 17-year-old, who cannot be named under provisions of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, was arrested earlier in Portagela Prairie, Manitoba, and charged in connection with the same incident. 
The Calgary Police Service would like to thank the Winnipeg Police Service, the public, and the media for their assistance in locating MCKEE. 
District 5 GIU Staff Sgt. Keith Cain is available to speak with the media today, Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2009, at 1 p.m.This availability will be held at the District 5 office, 5401 Temple Drive N.E.
More information to follow. In the meantime, if anyone has any information on the residents of the home in Winnipeg where he was hiding out we would be very interested.

And to answer some questions posed to us, sadly no, on this the mainstream media did beat us to the story.

However, time for some educated speculation on out part.

Some boneheads close to the Aryan Guard were from Winnipeg. And we know that although they moved to Calgary that there are still people they know who lived in Winnipeg. We wonder if there's a connection?

We also know that John Marleau, basically the main cause for the events that transpired, has links to Winnipeg. And Jason Harley, a former Aryan Guard member who attended their first "White Pride" march in Calgary in 2008 now lives in Winnipeg as well.

UPDATE: Some MSM links concerning the arrest of McKee:

15 December 2009

December 2009 Bits and Bites

You know how Paulie says that he isn't a racist, but a proud, patriotic Canadian who wishes to honor the traditions of his forefathers? Well....

Good thing Paulie isn't a racist, eh?

On the Kyle McKee front, not sign of the pointy-headed little sewer rat yet, but he is still in contact with former Aryan Guard members though the "fan site" he created for himself on Facebook:

So who do we have here? The woman he knocked up when she was 16 (J.N.) and her sister S.N, a rat of another sort John Marleau and "Natalie Sonne" who is McKee's current paramour. You would think the police might be interested in speaking to these people who have had some level of communication with McKee since at least early December.

Actually, that reminds us of something. Not long after we reported on the bombing and the suspected involvement of McKee and a then 17 year old male, "Natalie Sonne" sent us a message to contact her. She had already shut down (or at least made private) her blog when we replied. We received this message from her:
I'm sure nothing I can say will prevent you from posting all sorts of information about me, but to be honest I'm done with all of this, and really just want to try and live a normal life now.
We challenged her to actually live up to that commitment. We said that she needed to spill to the police. If she made a clean break, we said we'd give her a clean slate. Very generous offer on our part, and to sweeten the deal, we even blocked her face on the picture with her and McKee. All she had to do is make a clean break. Only an idiot would reject such generosity.

"Natalie Sonne" is an idiot.

Given her actions during the last few weeks, it's clear that "Natalie Sonne" never had any intention of living a, "normal life." She just thinks she's been more quiet about what she's been doing.

So our very generous offer is now rescinded.


Meet Natalie S., who goes by "Natalie Sonne" on Facebook and other sites and "Hiraeth" on Stormfront and her own blog. Another pseudonym she has used is "deadbattalion." She's currently in her second year at the University of Calgary. Started in Business but switched to Computer Science, though she has taken a number of history classes; this semester Natalie took a course on Early Medieval history. Little Natalie's parents are paying for her education and evidently are not pleased about their little girl's involvement in far right politics.

She began dating McKee in January, we presume after his fling with another 16 year old had ended. As Natalie was at least 18 when she began dating, we assumed that she'd be a little long in the tooth for McKee's tastes in wome... children. But hey, we were proven wrong.

Have a good break from University Natalie.

12 December 2009

Aryan Guard Collapse Fallout and Aftermath Part III: White Power Embarrassed by the Aryan Guard

Well so far McKee has managed to keep out of sight and is still a free ma..., well, not man. More like a free huma... no, that doesn't sound right either. Person? Hmmm, so.

Suffice it to say the individual who looks like a half drowned rat is still not yet in custody.

One of our favourite contributors sent us the following poster. Feel free to print it and distribute as you see fit:

In the meantime, members of the White Power movement in Canada continue to voice their embarrassment that the Aryan Guard and W.E.B. are on their side:

Interestingly, Bill Noble also admits that that Aryan Guard will be targeting minorities:

In other news, Paul Fromm plans on speaking in Calgary tomorrow. We wonder how many former Aryan Guard members will be attending his speech. If any of our friends in Calgary happen upon the speech, we hope they will be kind enough to send us some photos.

6 December 2009

McKee Update

So far no news about McKee to speak of, though Bill Noble's Facebook certainly sounds a bit ominous:

The Valkyries Came Down From A Bloody Sky To Take His Soul When He Died Now In Valhalla He Is On His Throne With Other Fallen Warriors, He's Not Alone

In the meantime, McKee's 17 year old accomplice, who turned 18 recently (and thus confirming for us the identity of the youth) made a court appearance earlier in the week:

Special prosecutor assigned to neo-Nazi linked bombing case

Last Updated: 1st December 2009

The alleged neo-Nazi youth charged with a potentially deadly Calgary bombing made his first court appearance yesterday.

The teen, who can’t be named, did not speak during the brief proceeding, in which duty counsel Cathy Lane-Goodfellow asked that his case be adjourned until next week.

Outside court, Lane-Goodfellow said providing there is no conflict with the youth’s adult co-accused, she expects her office will take the case.

Crown lawyer Marlo MacGregor told youth court Judge Karen Jordan that Rajbir Dhillon, from the special prosecutions office which handles gang-related matters, will be assigned to the case.

The accused, now 18, faces a half-dozen charges, including two of attempted murder in connection with an incident Nov. 21, outside a Pinridge-area apartment complex.

Two home-made bombs exploded harmlessly in a parking lot after they were discovered by occupants in a target residence and tossed away.

A 29-year-old female who lives in the apartment said she heard noises on her balcony and allegedly found Aryan Guard founder Kyle Robert McKee lighting what she believes were pipe bombs.

A police spokesman said the devices would have been deadly had they not been thrown into the parking lot.

“The persons would have been killed had the device not been thrown from the residence,” said Staff Sgt. Keith Cain.

While the youth remains in custody, McKee is on the lam from the law, having evaded arrest in Saskatchewan last Wednesday after being pulled over by Mounties.

McKee, 24, who is wanted on Canada-wide warrants for attempted murder, was parked in a truck on a gravel road south of Regina about 2 p.m. when RCMP approached the vehicle.

He identified himself and showed his Alberta driver’s licence.

But when the Mountie returned to his vehicle to check his name, McKee and a youth with him sped away.

The youth in custody was arrested in Portage La Prairie, Man., two days earlier.

29 November 2009

Aryan Guard Collapse Fallout and Aftermath Part III: Backbiting and Threats

Earlier we mentioned how the Aryan Guard, which claimed to have disbanded in the middle of the week, has decided to ride out the storm. In reality, the old guard of the racist gang have likely moved on and it's the younger, more violent, less intelligent (if that is at all possible) members have taken over. What is most interesting is that at least some Aryan Guard members appear to be in contact with Kyle McKee, currently being sought on attempted murder charges. On his Facebook page, it looks like McKee has provided access information to an ally and is in communication with that person:

So, who is in contact with McKee? We're sure the police would be very interested, Natalie.

When it comes to the decision not to disband the Aryan Guard, Bill Noble has decided to address some questions, including suggestions that he take over leadership of the gang:

Noble is trying to sound conciliatory, however there is a great deal of animosity in the ranks of the former Aryan Guard. One young member and Marleau discuss the issue briefly on Facebook:

One of the people he's talking about, at least in part, is Noble:

However, that doesn't stop others from calling Marleau out, as evidenced by his further need to respond to accusations:

Marleau also addresses the issue of the "White Pride" march that he claims is still being planned and the issue of who is real and loyal:

But, just so our readers don't think that this is a squabble occurring only within the ranks of the broken Aryan Guard, we would point to the fact W.E.B. has decided to weigh in. Tyler Sturrup (one of the targets of the pipe bomb attack), using Robert Reitmeier's Stormfront account, posted the following statement:

We especially enjoy his statement that, "W.E.B word is law" considering the intellectual abilities of the W.E.B. brain trust. Case in point, Sturrup (pictured along with Reitmeier) spent months in jail, missing the March 21, 2009 White Pride fiasco. Why was he in jail? Because he stole a lobster from a Chinese grocer then pulled a box cutter on the person who stopped him. And why did he try to steal a lobster? He had stolen another earlier in the day and wanted to watch the two fight in his bath tub.

Genius, he ain't.

And if anyone thinks that the members of W.E.B. will be able to organize getting out of bed on time, never mind a march through the streets of Calgary, the former Aryan Guard don't have a hell of a lot of faith in them either to do something "useful" like "bomb a synagogue of muslim temple [sic]":

To which a nervous Marleau replies:

We're sure they do, but so do we, so we'll share your concerns with the our readership.

In all honesty, there is reason to be concerned. Back biting within the remnants of the Aryan Guard with the new "leadership" taking a decidedly violent and threatening tone, all the while in a conflict with the equally violent W.E.B. gang. Both groups claim they will take their, "activism" to the streets and off the Internet. Both groups have people who have been charged with and/or convicted of numerous crimes, including assault and attempted murder. Both groups have stated they will begin targeting minorities in the city of Calgary.

The police need to step up and deal with these people before someone is seriously injured or killed. McKee was building pipe bombs and amassing a supply of weapons. There's no reason to doubt that others in both gangs have done the same. And while their violence might take the form of targeting one another, we do fear for any innocents caught in the cross fire.

We had been warning people about the Aryan Guard (and the splinter gang, W.E.B. soon after we became aware of it) for years. We were right about them. Now, we're warning that the danger has not decreased and, in fact, may very well escalate.

Put these people away.