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earth imageWhat's on where

We will be on our summer break from Friday, 23 December, so no new listings will be added to this page until the last week of January 2017. Updates may be added to our Facebook page during this time.

We wish you, your friends and your family a peaceful, restful holiday season, and safe journeys if you are travelling.

If you would like your event included on this web page, see below. Please scroll down the page to the relevant section if any of the internal links on this page do not work in your browser.

International listings National listings Local listings

Some photos of peace events   Regular peace vigils and emergency response details  
Not in Our Name   Petitions   Reports from Hebron     Submissions due

International listings

  • 1 March - Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Day, find out more here.
  • Ongoing - From nuclear weapons-free Aotearoa New Zealand to a nuclear weapons-free world: join the call for action!

National listings

  • Ongoing - Time for change project, a framework for community discussion on values-based and Treaty-based constitutional arrangements.
  • Ongoing - World War I Centenary Peace Project, information is available here.
  • Ongoing - White Poppies for Peace: are available at any time during the year for a donation to the White Poppy Peace Schlolarships, or you can order poppies for your peace event then send us the donations collected afterwards. You can order white poppies by post, please use the form available here, or by email. All proceeds go to the White Poppy Peace Schlolarships, more information is available on this web page.
  • Ngapuhi Speaks: He Wakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi - Independent Report on the Ngapuhi Nui Tonu interim hearings, November 2012   - Details on Facebook   - A4 poster
  • Ongoing - From nuclear weapons-free Aotearoa New Zealand to a nuclear weapons-free world: Time for action on a global ban on nuclear weapons, find out more on the iCAN Aotearoa New Zealand site.
  • 'Treaty of Waitangi: Questions and Answers' - the revised and updated edition of 'Treaty Questions and Answers' which was first published by Network Waitangi in 1989. Covering many historical and contemporary issues, it is for people who would like to gain a basic knowledge about the Treaty of Waitangi and its implications, as well as for those who wish to refresh and update their understanding. The publication includes a summary of legislation and actions since 1840 which have breached the Treaty, and a comprehensive reading list. The online version of 'Treaty of Waitangi: Questions and Answers', together with information about where you can get hard copies, is on this web page.
  • 'Pou Korero: A journalists' guide to Maori and current affairs' - by Carol Archie. While written primarily as a guide for journalists, 'Pou Korero' is an excellent resource for anyone with an interest in how Maori are portrayed by the Pakeha media and how this affects the way Maori are perceived by other New Zealanders - and, most importantly, how this can be improved. As well as practical guidance for journalists, such as reporting Maori occasions and including Maori perspectives in news rounds, 'Pou Korero' contains reflections and ideas which are valuable for anyone wanting to move beyond the dominant mono-cultural ways of thinking and behaving, it provides useful insights that are applicable in any profession or area of work. More information about the book, and how you can get a copy, is available here.

Local listings - scan down the page for listings for your area


  • Saturday, 4 March - Rally for Justice and Peace in Palestine: come and support justice and peace based on an end to 46 years of Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip (including East Jerusalem), the right of return for Palestinian refugees, sharing Jerusalem, vacating all settlement colonies in Israeli occupied Palestine, and dismantling Israel's annexation / apartheid wall in occupied Palestine. Starts 2pm, QEII Square, Customs Street and Queen Street intersection, outside Downtown Shopping Centre. Organised by the Palestine Human Rights Campaign, for more information contact email or go to this web site.

Wellington area

  • Sunday, 26 February, to Friday, 3 March -Drone Assassination Awareness Week: Six days and nights of fasting and prayer in solidarity with drone assassination victims and families. We will be exploring gentleness, vulnerability, prayer and enemy love in the service of a non-violent engagement with the discipleship queries of our age. Prayer rhythms: Starting on every second hour (8am, 10am, 12 noon, etc.) all day and all night, there will be a short prayer liturgy for about 15 minutes. In the times between prayer, we will do Christian meditation, Taize, reading and discussion of peace texts, etc. You are welcome to join the bus at any time, day or night. To find out the location of the bus, text 022 1600 751 or check our Facebook page. To conclude the week, a propitiatory* offering of blood will be made to the GCSB, as we call for them to take our blood instead. (*Definition: to sacrifice something in order to stop something else being taken). Come and join our inclusive community of peace and love; remembering in prayer all the victims of drone assassination, war, rendition, torture, and whistle-blowers and peacemakers everywhere. Bring contributions to the peace shrine and thoughts towards the clarification of enemy love. All welcome. Organised by Otaki Catholic Workers and friends, links - Facebook event, - more information on this web site and Facebook.

  • Thursday, 2 March - 'Military deployments? Not in our name' peace vigil, from 5pm to 5.30pm at the Cenotaph, corner Lambton Quay and Bowen Street. The peace vigils are held on the first Thursday of each month except for January, for more information please contact Peace Movement Aotearoa email.


  • Ongoing - Port Otago dredging: a campaign to raise public awareness about Port Otago Ltd’s recently notified application to dredge 7.2 million cubic metres of harbour bottom. The applicant proposes to dump the spoil some 6.3 kilometres off Taiaroa Head, with a resultant sediment plume stretching many kilometres north and south of the deposition zone. The proposal is the largest and most intensive single dredging programme that the Harbour has seen in its history, and the wider environmental effects are as yet not wholly understood. For more information go to this web site or email.
  • Ongoing - details of seminars and discussions at the National Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Otago University, are available here.

Some photos of peace and related events

More photos are available on the Peace Movement Aotearoa Facebook page ...

Women Say NO to War, March 2006 | Hikoi, October 2006 | International Day of Peace 2007 | Hikoi mo te Iwi, 2007 | West Papua solidarity 2007 | NZ Super Fund invests in death and destruction, Wellington, 2008 | 'Pacific demilitarisation, disarmament and human security' meeting + 'Remember Lebanon: Ban Cluster Bombs', Auckland, 2008 | Waihopai Ploughares: Fundraising for Iraq, Wellington, 2008 | Russia: stop using cluster bombs, Wellington, 2008 | Waihopai Ploughshares Support, Wellington, 2008 | Presentation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' petition to parliament, 2008 | Visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Wellington, 2010 | Solidarity with West Papua on 1 December 2010 | Marking West Papua Day of Peace 2011 in Wellington | White Poppies for Peace Annual Appeal, April 2011 | Global Day of Action on Military Spending, April 2011 | Waihopai Ploughshares: EnemyLove, St Andrew's on The Terrace, August 2011 | International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Aotearoa New Zealand (iCAN ANZ) launch, July 2011 | iCAN ANZ Hiroshima and Nagasaki Days event, August 2011 | Pacific Island Forum, Auckland, September 2011 - Greeting the UN Secretary-General - Greeting Pacific Island Forum leaders - West Papua public meeting | Me Rongo Peace Congress, November 2011 | West Papua solidarity, Wellington, 1 December 2011 | International Women's Day in Wellington, 2012: Wellington Women Walk For Peace - Women Say NO to War | 2012 Global Day of Action events in Aotearoa New Zealand | Act now for West Papua, Wellington, August 2012 | Hiroshima hibakusha visit Wellington, August 2012 | International Day of Peace 2012, Wellington, September 2012 | 'West Papua, gender and human rights' forum, Wellington, November 2012 | Solidarity with West Papua, Wellington, December 2012 | Banning nuclear weapons: Post-Oslo conference NGO briefing, Wellington, March 2013 | Women Say NO to War, International Women's Day 2013 | Global Day of Action on Military Spending, April 2013 | Waihopai Ploughshares action, Wellington May 2013 | Waihopai Ploughshares Court of Appeal hearing, Wellington May 2013 | Responsibility to Protect Ecumenical Study Day, Auckland, September 2013 | Trench warfare? Wellington, October 2013 | Solidarity with West Papua, Wellington, December 2013

To advertise your event

If you would like your event included on this web page and in the Peace Movement Aotearoa what's on where e-listings, please send the details - including contact details for at least one of the people organising it - to Peace Movement Aotearoa:

  • by email - send to Peace Movement Aotearoa with the subject heading 'For what's on where listings';
  • by post to Peace Movement Aotearoa, PO Box 9314, Wellington, 6141;
  • by telephone to (04) 382 8129;
  • by fax to (04) 382 8173.
  • Please note that if you send your event listing to us less than fourteen days before the event takes place, it may not be included with our e-listings or on this page. We simply do not have sufficient resources (alas) to put the listings together more frequently than every two to three weeks.

    We will not include listings for events that are inconsistent with Peace Movement Aotearoa's aims and objectives.

    Action Alerts | How we can help you | Joining, mailing list and donations | Home page