The Wolf of Wall St

Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall St.
Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall St. Louise Kennerley

This story was originally published in Boss magazine in December 2013.

"YOU'D THINK with a movie coming out with [Leonardo] DiCaprio my kids would think I'm really cool, but they don't," says Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street, whose success-to-disgrace-to-success story has been turned into a Hollywood film directed by Martin Scorsese.

The film is based on Belfort's 2007 book, The Wolf of Wall Street, which he wrote after serving a 22-month prison term for manipulating stock prices and money laundering. In it he recounts the events leading to his incarceration when he ran Stratton Oakmont, a successful Wall Street brokerage, in the 1990s.

At his peak, Belfort earned $50 million a year. He and his young team used their new-found wealth to fund drug-fuelled days and buy expensive toys (the 1999 film The Boiler Room, starring Ewan McGregor, was based on their antics).

Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed Jordan Belfort in <i>The Wolf of Wall Street</i>.
Leonardo DiCaprio portrayed Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street.

Unfortunately, the company's profits flowed from a "pump and dump" scheme: buying cheap stock and selling it at inflated prices to investors. Once the stock price had risen sufficiently the firm sold the stocks, leaving their clients high and dry.

Belfort says getting caught was "the best thing that ever happened" to him. "From finding my true partner in life and being able to start over from scratch with someone I knew loved me for me, and become successful again with a partner and build up a business that had nothing corrupt attached to it. Everything in my life is completely pure."

The Wolf of Wall Street hasn't lost his touch, however. "Getting rich is what I do really, really well," says Belfort. "Getting rich is easy."

But he says his approach to making money has changed. "It became not about money; it became about giving value and doing charity work."

The "value" is sharing his techniques for motivating salespeople through events he runs or via a collaboration with Australian salesforce trainers Sales Acuity. A multimedia home study course of Belfort's Straight Line Persuasion technique is $US2000, or double for the mentorship package that includes a three-day boot camp.

"I feel I've found my true path ... which is going out into the world and doing what I do now: working with companies as a consultant, doing charity work, giving seminars and empowering people, and making money," Belfort says. "But the money comes after the fact, not before the fact."

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