Never mind the big five; it's the birdlife that enchants in east Africa

Flamingos at Lake Manyara in Tanzania.
Flamingos at Lake Manyara in Tanzania. Freder
by Susan Bredow

We see a kerfuffle of fur and feathers from more than half a kilometre away and the open-sided Toyota quickly turns towards it. As we speed along in a cloud of dust, the sky is darkened by a cloud made by the wings of big birds circling above the action.

There are five species of vulture here on Kenya's Masai Mara and this conference is attended by each of them.

On the ground the event is at the same time so ghastly and fascinating, I can't take my eyes away. The carcass of a recently-deceased giraffe is being fought over by at least 100 vultures and three hungry, snapping hyenas. Many other birds are perched nearby or flying above.

As there are no lions present, our guide Lukas thinks the adult giraffe has died of malaria, perhaps. Or a snake bite.

African black-backed jackals and vultures on the Masai Mara National Reserve in south-west Kenya.
African black-backed jackals and vultures on the Masai Mara National Reserve in south-west Kenya. Supplied

Within a couple of days of arriving in east Africa to tour five wildlife parks in Tanzania and Kenya we have ticked off the big five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros) and the ugly five – warthog, hyena, marabou stork, vulture and wildebeest.

The first of these groups is named because of the difficulty white man found in hunting them to kill. The second is self-explanatory.

That the "ugly" list includes two birds is interesting as, less than a day into our week-long safari, I start to notice the birdlife – for its abundance, its great beauty and how funny some of them are.

An example of the latter is the mating dance of the ostrich, a ritual of fancy footwork and exaggerated plumage we were lucky enough to encounter more than once.

As we trawl the savannas to find the really exciting stuff – like a pride of nine lions resting on a shady riverbank, cheetahs hunting, or crocodiles taking out hapless gazelles as they try to cross a river – I find myself enthralled by the birds.

The superb starling is glorious to behold.
The superb starling is glorious to behold. Susan Bredow

I'm delighted with the name of one of the first birds I notice, the superb starling. It's as common as pigeons are at home, but with its shiny blue-green plumage it is glorious to behold no matter how often.

Our well-educated local guides are equally knowledgeable about the birds of east Africa as they are about other creatures.

At the picnic lunch on our first day-long game drive, in Tarangire National Park, there is a barbet, a remarkable red and yellow bird with white-spotted black wings, feeding on crumbs under the table.

Outside my tent every morning during my stay on Serengeti is an old male marabou stork. Rather tall and misshapen, with the ridiculous pink gular sac dangling from his neck, he could be a character from Dickens.

A marabou stork in the Serengeti of Tanzania.
A marabou stork in the Serengeti of Tanzania. Supplied

Whatever the picture, there is a bird or more in it. Just as the animals move in search of water, the birds seek it out too.

In the marshes of Tanzania's Tarangire National Park, I'm looking at grey birds on a mass of black boulders. When I see one of the rocks move I realise it's a pool full of hippo and the birds are oxpeckers.

These birds ride on buffalo and elephants too, cleaning their ears and eyes and eating the ticks. The symbiotic relationship can get sinister though. The oxpecker is really after blood and if the host gets injured the bird forgets the parasite and goes directly to the wound.

A warthog with six babies is a rare sight. "She's a good mother," says Sammy, our guide. "Eagles love baby warthog."

Hippos and oxpecker birds in Lake Naivasha, Kenya.
Hippos and oxpecker birds in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Supplied

Around the sides of the bog are trees filled with birdlife. From high up storks are looking for fish. There are fish eagles, black-shouldered kite, white-headed buffalo weavers with red undercarriages. On the ground is a secretary wearing a fascinator, black tights and white shirt, and the Egyptian goose, which looks more like a duck.

Tanzania's Lake Manyara National Park is a strip alongside a salt lake. We are a bit ho-hum about the masses of pelicans, ibis and plovers here as they are familiar sights at home. But when the grey flocks turn pinkish we realise we have found the far more glamorous flamingos.

Manyara is home to many hornbills, including the saddled version and the silvery cheeked, which we don't see elsewhere.

On the open plains of the Ngorongoro Crater, a nature reserve inside a collapsed volcano crater on the edge of the Serengeti, a sighting of rhinoceros caps off our big-five count.

A kori bustard, Africa's heaviest flying bird, in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, with a wildebeest.
A kori bustard, Africa's heaviest flying bird, in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania, with a wildebeest. Supplied

But nature's cleaners, the vultures, are in abundance. With the help of our guide, Emmanuel, we count the white-headed, ruppell's griffon, white back, lammergeier or bearded vulture, palm nut and lappet-faced. Six species and all are compelling viewing.

Here too is Africa's heaviest flying bird, the kori bustard, which has a wingspan up to 122 centimetres and can weigh 19 kilograms.

As rain has fallen just two days before, the Serengeti is madly sprouting into lush green countryside. Wildflowers in white, mauve, yellow and orange decorate the ground.

Here I see my first lilac-breasted roller, an extraordinarily colourful bird with purple, pink, green, orange, teal and cobalt blue feathers.

Although it's near the end of the annual great migration of the area's 1.6 million wildebeest, in every direction herds are still moving single file across the landscape.

Every body of water is populated with winged things, mostly waders like pairs of crowned cranes elegant enough to be heading out to a formal.

Flat out fishing in one small pool are sacred ibis, hamerkop, and yellow-billed storks. Apart from its quirky profile and an insistent mating call, the hamerkop makes an exaggeratedly large nest using up to 10,000 sticks.

We don't see any snakes but there are brown snake eagles, willy neck storks and red neck falcons.

The marabou stork could be a character from Dickens.
The marabou stork could be a character from Dickens. Supplied

The last of our camps, Sanctuary Ononana, sits on the banks of the Mara River, just outside the Masai Mara National Reserve.

A copper-tail monkey watches us breakfast from a tree and the hippos on the banks below make more noise than a snoring husband, but it is the birds that steal the show. They are so persistent in stealing the biscuits that come with our tea each morning that we ask they not be supplied.

In a tree just below the camp, yellow weavers make hanging nests so prolifically the bush resembles a decorated Christmas tree.

It's impossible to tire of the many, fascinating feathered creatures of Africa.

The writer travelled as a guest of Abercrombie & Kent and Sanctuary Retreats.


  • When to go The best time to travel to Kenya and Tanzania is between June and November. Birds are most active after rain which falls towards the end of the year and again in April and May. Many camps close during the April-May rains.
  • Getting there Emirates has several flights a day to Nairobi from Australia via Dubai.
  • Staying there Abercrombie & Kent specialises in small-group journeys to Kenya and Tanzania staying at the luxury Sanctuary Retreats. All inclusive prices start from $12,545 for 11 days., Tel: 1300 590 317
  • Essential research The Birds of East Africa Princeton Field Guides, $48 from Book Depository. I couldn't find this handy guide until I returned from my trip. It's worth buying before you go, although most guides have a copy.

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