19 April 2017

Trump pushes reactionary “Buy American, Hire American” plan

By Jerry White, 19 April 2017

Trump signed an executive order on Tuesday restricting visas for skilled immigrant workers and mandating the use of domestic products in federal projects.

Backdrop to Trump’s speech: The social disaster in Kenosha, Wisconsin

By Christopher Davion, 19 April 2017

Immigrant arrests up 33 percent since Trump inauguration

More on the Trump administration »

US continues dangerous brinkmanship with North Korea

By Peter Symonds, 19 April 2017

By keeping the world guessing as to what he will do, Trump has added a great deal of uncertainty into an already precarious situation and heightened the danger of conflict.

Washington pushes world to brink of nuclear war

America’s longest war drags on in Afghanistan

By James Cogan, 19 April 2017

More than 15 years after the US invasion, the insurgency against the US puppet government in Kabul is gaining the upper hand.

US drops largest non-nuclear weapon on Afghanistan: A crime against humanity

Suspect in Cleveland Facebook murder kills himself as police close in

By Patrick Martin, 19 April 2017

Steven Stephens died in Erie County, Pennsylvania less than 48 hours after posting a video on Facebook of the killing of a 74-year-old stranger, Robert Godwin.

After last-minute reprieve for one prisoner
Arkansas determined to execute five death row inmates by end of April

By Kate Randall, 19 April 2017

Despite a series of setbacks to their assembly-line state killing schedule, Arkansas officials are pressing forward with the planned lethal injections.

White House divided on future of Paris climate agreement

By Daniel de Vries, 19 April 2017

Debate is raging within the Trump administration over whether to carry through on the president’s campaign promise to withdraw from the 2015 climate change accord.

New York governor implements phony free tuition program for public higher education

By Fred Mazelis, 19 April 2017

The Excelsior Scholarship will reach only a small number of students, and will not cover most of the expenses associated with attending college.

BMW autoworkers strike in Britain against decimation of pensions

By Robert Stevens, 19 April 2017

The introduction of an inferior pension scheme could see the retirement benefits of workers being slashed by up to £160,000.

Irish unions scuttle Bus Eireann strike

By Dermot Quinn, 19 April 2017

Strike action by transport workers against Bus Eireann’s cost-cutting measures has been foiled by the unions twice since February.

Indian bus workers strike against privatisation

By Arun Kumar, 19 April 2017

The Haryana bus stoppage underscored the intensifying class tensions across the state and India as a whole.

New in Russian

Эта неделя в русской революции
10-16 апреля: Ленин прибывает на Финляндский вокзал

19 Апрель 2017 г.

Прибытие Ленина на Финляндский вокзал в Петрограде в апреле 1917 года является одним из самых драматических моментов мировой истории. На фоне невиданной крови и страданий мировой войны Ленин приезжает в Петроград с непоколебимой решимостью вооружить большевистскую партию перспективой международной социалистической революции.

New in Spanish

El gobierno de Trump escala imprudentemente el conflicto con Corea del Norte

Por Joseph Kishore y David North, 19 abril 2017

El peligro de una guerra nuclear no había sido tan grande desde la Guerra Fría.

El director de la CIA llama a WikiLeaks un “enemigo,” dice Assange que no tiene “libertades de la Primera Enmienda”

Por Eric London, 19 abril 2017

Discurso de Pompeo establece el nuevo estándar: la primera enmienda se aplica solamente al discurso que la CIA considera tolerable.

New in French

Washington pousse le monde au bord de la guerre nucléaire

Par Bill Van Auken, 19 avril 2017

Les déclarations des responsables américains ont mis à nu la témérité des tactiques engagés par Washington qui menace de lancer une guerre sur la péninsule coréenne impliquant l’emploi d’armes nucléaires et la mort de millions de personnes.

Les tensions politiques s’accroissent après le referendum turc

Par Halil Celik, 19 avril 2017

Le referendum constitutionnel ce dimanche en Turquie a intensifié la crise politique dans le pays et compliqué encore les relations déjà tendues d’Ankara avec l’Europe.

Des rebelles syriens massacrent au moins 126 civils dans un attentat suicide

Par Jordan Shilton, 19 avril 2017

L’indifférence générale à l’égard des victimes de ce massacre brutal expose à nouveau l’hypocrisie des Croisés pour les « droits de l’homme » aux États-Unis et en Europe.

Les médias de droite se mobilisent pour défendre le professeur Jörg Baberowski de l’université Humboldt

Par Peter Schwarz, 19 avril 2017

Après que le tribunal ait conclu que les étudiants de l’université de Brême étaient autorisés à le qualifier d’« extrémiste de droite », les médias de droite et les organisations fascisantes se sont empressés de prêter main forte au professeur Jörg Baberowski.

Le porte-parole de la Maison Blanche : Hitler ne s’est pas abaissé « à utiliser des armes chimiques »

Par Clara Weiss, 19 avril 2017

Mardi 11 avril, Sean Spicer a affirmé à tort que le dirigeant nazi Adolf Hitler n’avait pas utilisé d’armes chimiques. Son affirmation a provoqué une vague de colère populaire aux États-Unis et internationalement.

New in German

Washington treibt die Welt an den Rand eines Atomkriegs

Von Bill Van Auken, 19. April 2017

Die Äußerungen von Vertretern der US-Regierung machen deutlich, wie bedenkenlos Washington bei seinen Kriegsdrohungen gegen Nordkorea den Einsatz von Atomwaffen und den Tod von Millionen einkalkuliert.

Nach dem Referendum in der Türkei: Wachsende Politische Spannungen

Von Halil Celik, 19. April 2017

Das Verfassungsreferendum in der Türkei am Sonntag hat die politische Krise des Landes verschärft und Ankaras ohnehin schon angespannte Beziehungen zu Europa weiter belastet.

Bulgarien: Borrissow bildet Regierung mit Faschisten

Von Markus Salzmann, 19. April 2017

D...articles/2017/04/19/bomb-a19.html">Bombardier und Siemens planen Bahnsparten-Fusion

Von Gustav Kemper, 19. April 2017

Seit Anfang 2017 laufen hinter dem Rücken der Belegschaften Geheimgespräche über einen Zusammenschluss der Bahnsparten von Bombardier und Siemens.

Diese Woche in der Russischen Revolution
17. – 23. April: Lenins Aprilthesen

19. April 2017

In ganz Europa breitet sich beispiellose Verelendung aus, während die Unruhe in der Arbeiterklasse wächst. Lenin eröffnet unmittelbar nach seiner Ankunft in Petrograd überraschend den Kampf gegen einen Teil der Führung seiner eigenen Partei, die in den Sowjets noch in der Minderheit ist. Trotzki wird diese Kriegserklärung Lenins an seine eigene Partei, die mit den Aprilthesen beginnt, später als „Kampf für die Umbewaffnung der Bolschewiki“ bezeichnen.

New in Urdu

امریکہ نے افغانستان پر غیر ایٹمی بم پھینک کر انسانیت کے خلاف بڑ ے جرم کا ارتکاب کیا ہے

14 April 2017

جب کہ امریکی حکومت اور میڈیا ایک جعلساز اور جھوٹی ’’کیمیائی ہتھیاروں ‘‘کے شام میں استعمال کرنے پر بے شمار جنگی پروپیگنڈ ے میں مصروف تھے ۔ اس دوران واشنگٹن افغانستان پر تباہ کن غیر ایٹمی بم کو گرانے کی تیاری میں مصروف تھا۔

Other Languages


Snap UK general election called amid continuing Brexit crisis

19 April 2017

Events in Britain are unfolding at a time of a build-up to a possible US war against North Korea and unending anti-Russian propaganda.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialist Equality Party

No to war and nationalism! Build the PES!
Parti de l’égalité socialiste statement on the French presidential election

19 April 2017

Growing demands for peace and an end to austerity herald decisive class struggles, for which the working class urgently needs a new revolutionary leadership.


Berlin’s Humboldt University attempts to suppress student criticism of Jörg Baberowski

By Christoph Vandreier and David North, 19 April 2017

The Humboldt University administration is attempting to bar criticism of the right-wing professor.

The German weekly Die Zeit, Jörg Baberowski and the Historians Dispute

More on the fight for historical truth »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
April 17-23: Lenin issues April Theses

17 April 2017

One hundred years ago this week, in the midst of unprecedented devastation and growing signs of working class unrest throughout Europe, Lenin follows his return to Petrograd with an unexpected declaration of war against a section of the leadership of his own party, which is still a minority in the soviets. Trotsky later refers to Lenin’s campaign inside the party, which opened with the publication of the April Theses, as the “struggle for the rearming of the Bolshevik ranks.”

This week in the Russian Revolution
April 10-16: Lenin arrives at Finland Station

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

War and Revolution: 1914–1917

By Nick Beams, 10 April 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

India: ICFI supporters protest to demand release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 19 April 2017

The demonstration attracted the attention of hundreds of Special Economic Zones workers in Sriperumbudur, an Indian auto manufacturing centre.

Sri Lankan plantation and railway workers condemn Maruti Suzuki frame-up

By our correspondents, 18 April 2017

“The only ones who gain from war are those in power, the upper one percent”
US autoworkers denounce drive to World War III, demand freedom for Maruti Suzuki workers

By Marcus Day and George Gallanis, 17 April 2017

Sri Lankan artists express solidarity with the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 3: The prosecution’s untenable “mob attack” narrative

By Eric London and Keith Jones, 11 April 2017

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 2: The factory fire and the death of Avineesh Dev

The frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers—Part 1: A travesty of justice

Background to a labor frame-up:
What the Maruti Suzuki workers were fighting for

By Jerry White, 12 April 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

International Committee of the Fourth International

For Peace, Equality and Socialism!
International Committee of the Fourth International calls May Day Online Rally


Obama lives it up in the lap of luxury

By Niles Niemuth, 18 April 2017

Behind the Sun’s diatribe against footballer Ross Barkley

By Tony Robson, 18 April 2017

Trump administration announces new military operation in Somalia

By Eddie Haywood, 18 April 2017

Ultra-right libertarian to run the US Education Office of Civil Rights

Trade spat precedes IMF meeting


Edward Yang’s Taipei Story (1985) depicts a city of sadness and alienation

By Fred Mazelis, 18 April 2017

On the Freedom Highway with Rhiannon Giddens

Workers Struggles

Amazon workers denounce working conditions

By Evan Blake, 17 April 2017

Argentine teachers launch protest strike

By Rafael Azul, 17 April 2017

Featured Interview

“In a nuclear war between the US and Russia, everybody in the world would die”
Nuclear experts speak on the dangers of war between the US and Russia

By Bryan Dyne and Barry Grey, 15 April 2017

The World Socialist Web Site recently spoke with Steven Starr and Greg Mello, both experts on the consequences of nuclear war.

Media, political establishment treat dropping of biggest bomb since Hiroshima as nonevent

What would a US-European-Russian war look like?


Spectrum of anti-hydrogen observed

By Joe Mount, 13 April 2017

Socialist Equality Party

Upcoming SEP/IYSSE public meetings
No to war in Syria!

11 April 2017

WSWS writer Bill Van Auken will be speaking at a meeting in New York City on April 15, and other meetings are currently scheduled in California, Michigan, Oregon, Louisiana, Massachusetts and Illinois.

Writings of Leon Trotsky on The Russian Revolution

Writings of Trotsky from 1917
War and the Revolution

By Leon Trotsky, 27 March 2017

More from the archives of the Revolution »