October 26, 2010
by actforfreedomnow

>Letter from French Comrades about the general strike and the riots in France

> fromhttp://voidmirror.blogspot.com/2010/10/letter-from-french-comrades-about.html Here attached and pasted is a communique from comrades in Paris translated into english by american writer Calamity Barucha.  Please forward this widely, post ontoyour blogs ect . We are trying to get this out there because there haven’t been many … Continue reading

October 20, 2010
by actforfreedomnow

>Solidarity with arrested in Belgium, attack on police station

> ongoing struggle against borders and all kinds of prisons. solidarity Κατεβάστε το συνημμένο αρχείο: brussels_a4.pdf (application/pdf) As a part of an ongoing struggle against prisons and the construction of a new deportation prison specifically, anarchists called for an offensive … Continue reading

October 16, 2010
by actforfreedomnow

>Guangxi land deal protest turns violent

> October 15th, 2010  October 15 2010Violence erupted between villagers and police officers during a protest against a government plan to acquire land currently owned by residents in Cangwu county, South China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Six villagers were detained.Guangdong-based … Continue reading

September 5, 2010
by actforfreedomnow

>Angry protests against Blair in Dublin

>   http://www.youtube-nocookie.com/v/b5SRS77EW8g?fs=1&hl=el_GR&rel=0&color1=0x3a3a3a&color2=0x999999 ANGRY protesters greeted war criminal Tony Blair in Dublin when he staged the first of a planned series of book signings, with eggs and shoes thrown at him. And the call has now gone out for more … Continue reading

July 2, 2010
by actforfreedomnow

>Activists have locked themselves inside mines in order to stop tunnelling1st of July, 2010

> Last night four people locked themselves inside the shafts of theold Itsasondo mines in the Basque Country (on the Spanishside of the border)in order to“stop the constructionof the High-Speed Railway (HSR)” and to denounce the “social modelof which these … Continue reading