Your Union

NUW members work for all sorts of employers, from multinational corporations to small businesses, in a diverse range of industries including; warehousing & distribution, cold storage, fresh food processors, poultry, dairy, food manufacturing, general manufacturing, food services, market research & call centres, pharmaceutical, defence logistics, sales & marketing and oil.

We are United

We are united by a set of common values and interests. These interests include fighting for a better standard of living for all our members and empowering our fellow members to have control over their working lives. We uphold the shared values of solidarity, equality, social justice and respect.

It is important that NUW members campaign and fight together no matter how we are employed, whether permanent, casual, part time, contract. We must stand together because EVERY WORKER COUNTS. Find out more about our campaign Jobs you can count on!

Our Values

We realise our interests and values through collective bargaining; fighting for safer workplaces, and campaigning for a fairer and more just community for us, our children and future generations. We have demonstrated this through our proud history, which includes being at the forefront of the creation of Australia’s contemporary system of universal superannuation.

Download our Statement of Values.

We also recognise that we are part of a global union movement fighting to empower workers everywhere. We organise with fellow workers in the global union movement through our strong support of the International Union of Food and APHEDA – Union Aid Abroad.

Union Policies

The NUW supports the concept of equal opportunity such that all workers are entitled to an equitable workplace free of discrimination based on gender, ethnic background, religion or sexual preference. This includes the right to a workplace free of sexual harassment and the concept of promotion on merit.

The Union recognises the importance of the increased involvement of women in all facets of the Union in terms of both its own employees and elected officials and the membership. Attracting and retaining the best people for elected and non-elected positions will ensure the NUW membership will receive the best professional assistance to enable the best possible outcomes for workers.

The Union is committed to the concept and practices of affirmative action, which includes structured activities to redress structural and historical discrimination that could prevent women from having fair and equal treatment and opportunity in the workplace. For example, reviewing and altering employment practices and working conditions to ensure they do not discriminate against women who have family responsibilities.

In the NUW, affirmative action is not about discrimination against men or filling positions with equal number of men and women. Its aim is to allow women who have been held back by discriminatory practices, to get into jobs on a more equal footing, and on the basis of their skills, talents, experience and qualifications. These affirmative action strategies reflect but are not restricted to the Union's responsibilities defined under the Affirmative Action Act 1986.

Public Notices

NUW financial reports 2015-2016

National Office

The National Committee of Management received and approved the financial report for the year ending 30 June 2016 at a meeting held on 16 November 2016. A copy of the financial report is available and can be downloaded here.

The National Office financial report includes the General Branch.

Victorian Branch

The Branch Committee of Management received and approved the financial report for the year ending 30 June 2016 at a meeting held on 16 November 2016. A copy of the financial report is available and can be downloaded by clicking here.

NSW Branch

The Branch Committee of Management received and approved the financial report for the year ending 30 June 2016 at a meeting held on 12 December  2016. A copy of the financial report is available and can be downloaded here.

Direct Debit Members Information

For members of the Victorian and General Branch who currently pay their membership fees by direct debit, the Union is in the process of transferring its banking to a new provider. For more information.

Read more about our Direct debit service request agreement

Workplace Gender Equality Report

As a private sector employer with more than 100 employees the Union is required to file an annual report with the Workplace Gender Equality Agency by 31 May 2016. The required report is available from The Union on request. Please contact us on 1300 275 689 or at

Privacy Policy

The National Union of Workers is an organisation of employees registered under the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. The Union is covered by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1998.

Read more on our Privacy Policy of the National Union of Workers.

Privacy and our Website

The purpose of this statement is to let you know what information is collected about you when you visit our website, how this information is used, to whom it is disclosed, and your ability to have any incorrect personal information amended. Read more about the Privacy Statement.

Membership Fees – Further Information

If you would like more information about how your rights and responsibilities in paying membership fees as well as how your fees are paid to us. Read more on Membership fees.

If you pay your fees by direct debit and would like a copy your direct debt service agreement (which would have been sent you when your membership was accepted) you can download a copy. Direct Debt Service Agreement

Union Rules

Download the Union rules.