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Ipswich woman charged over Muslim hate attacks online

Human rights activist Mariam Veiszadeh has become accustomed to her share of religious vilification as a Muslim Australian woman who proudly wears her hijab daily.

But the 30-year-old, who arrived in Australia at the age of seven after fleeing her native Afghanistan with her family, says nothing could have prepared her for the level of vitriol hurled her way in the past six weeks.

Late last year, Ms Veiszadeh, a Canberra-based lawyer, publicly railed against a Cairns Woolworths store selling a singlet adorned with the Australian flag and the words, "love it or leave".

Ms Veiszadeh took to Twitter to object to what she perceived to be the bigoted message the singlet carried. Three months later, the unashamedly anti-Islam group the Australian Defence League pounced.

Cropping the words from the picture of the singlet, the organisation posted her tweet to its Facebook page, insinuating to its nearly 5000 followers that Ms Veiszadeh's objection was to the flag itself.

It opened the floodgates to a torrent of online abuse.


Among the worst offenders to attack Ms Veiszadeh was allegedly a 22-year-old Ipswich woman, who was this week charged by Queensland Police with using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence.

She is due to appear in Ipswich Magistrates Court to face the charge on March 11.

Although Ms Veiszadeh's Facebook page was privacy-protected, the Ipswich woman allegedly found a post from 2012 that allowed non-friends to comment. 

Then she allegedly unleashed.

Two religious-fuelled attacks made in the 22-year-old's name, riddled with expletives, referred to Ms Veiszadeh as a whore, a prostitute and a rag-head and urged her to return to her "sand dune country".

Screenshots of the alleged attack on Ms Veiszadeh were widely circulated on social media to widespread public condemnation.

Ms Veiszadeh said the Ipswich woman's stream of abuse was just one facet of that hurled her way via her social media accounts.

"I get abused generally all the time, you just kind of think this comes with the territory," she said.

"But the fact these all came through roughly at the same time with the same viciousness, it made me look further.

"The Australian Defence League had mischievously posted a tweet suggesting I was against the Australian flag being worn as a t-shirt, they did not post the entire tweet, so out of context, I felt they were using me to incite hatred of Muslims and that's what triggered all this abuse."

Ms Veiszadeh has long been a campaigner for tolerance of Muslim women sporting the hijab, saying attacks fuelled by religious vilification often increase following terrorist events that have an Islamist link.

However, she said the widespread social media phenomenon #illridewithyou, that garnered global momentum in the wake of last year's Sydney siege, indicated the vast majority of Australians were tolerant people.

However, she said in the intolerant, the flames of bigotry were fanned, threatening ongoing social cohesion.

"This person was happy to abuse me, using her real identity, which more than holds her accountable," Ms Veiszadeh alleged of the Ipswich woman.

"She's incredibly young, which means this attitude is going to carry through.

"It's really a disturbing reflection on the views some people in society hold.

"I hold the Australian Defence League accountable because they are the ones inciting hatred, and that's incredibly dangerous, these incidents are not innocent incidents that can be ignored. They are dangerous incidents for social cohesion."

Since the attacks began, Ms Veiszadeh said her health has deteriorated rapidly. She suffered vertigo and anxiety as she battled through the process of having the offenders charged.

Despite the small relief this week's charging of the Ipswich woman brought, along with the expected charging of a New South Wales man who issued her with death threats, Ms Veiszadeh the law as it stood did not have enough power to punish for religious vilification.

The 22-year-old Ipswich woman has been charged with using the internet to harass or menace but not with specifically with religious or racial abuse.

Ms Veiszadeh also plans to pursue the case further, both civilly and with a complaint lodged with the human right commission.

"It's certainly possible she will be slapped with a fine and go back to everyday life," she said.

"We can't be delusional, the flames of bigotry are being fanned by some politicians and media commentary.

"It's incredibly distressing people dismiss your concerns like somehow it's justified because my people of my religion are committing atrocities overseas.

"I will take this as far as I can take it because it's not just about me, it's about setting a precedent."

The Australian Defence League, which describes itself as a human rights organisation on its Facebook page, did not respond to Fairfax Media's requests for comment.