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The Politwitter database has grown too large (17 million tweets and growing), due too this the site no longer indexes hashtag tweets. We only fetch tweets FROM and TO people in our directory.

tag name description pop last used
#onpoliOntario Provincial Politics76451 minutes ago
#pcpoProgressive Conservative Party of Ontario14553 minutes ago
#olpOntario Liberal Party1653 minutes ago
#ONDPOntario New Democrat Party1413 hours ago
#gpoGreen Party of Ontario7Oct 25, 2015 9:41 am
#ontpoliOntario Political Discussionalternative hashtag to the more popular #onpoli6Wed 4:13 pm

* you can click the table headings to sort the table
* popularity is tracked by politwitter counting how many times the hash tag is used in the last month

If you know of any other popular provincial hash tags please contact me!

Archived Hashtags

tag name description
#cco09ChangeCamp Ottawadiscuss participatory governance in a web-enabled world
#VoteOnOntario Provincial Electioin 2011
#ChangeAhead2011 Ontario PC convention
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