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The Politwitter database has grown too large (17 million tweets and growing), due too this the site no longer indexes hashtag tweets. We only fetch tweets FROM and TO people in our directory.

What is a #hashtag?

A user-created standard for identifying tweets belonging to a topic. Simply include the tag in your tweet and other people searching for the same tag will be able to find it. Below are the most popular Canadian political hashtags.
tag name description pop last used
#cdnpoliGeneric Canadian Politics22871 hour ago
#cpcConservative Party of Canadageneral hashtag for tweets related to the Conservative Party of Canada173Thu 8:57 pm
#canpoliCanadian PoliticsSame purpose as #cdnpoli, generic or non-partisan political Twitter1111 hour ago
#SenCACanadian Senate10310 hours ago
#lpcLiberal Party of Canada785 hours ago
#ndpNDPNew Democratic Party of Canada discussion, mostly federal but also used by provincial NDP'ers53Aug 09, 2009 1:52 am
#gpcGreen Party of Canadageneral Green party discussions8Oct 19, 2010 3:00 am
#ptlibCanadian Liberals4Mon 1:20 pm
#pttoryCanadian Conservatives3Sep 21, 2016 6:15 pm
#cdnsenCanadian Senatediscuss topics related to the Canadian senate2Oct 07, 2016 11:58 am
#CdesComFrench discussions on Federal politicsAbbreviation of Chambre des Communes2Oct 07, 2016 11:58 am
#gocGovernment of Canadahashtag used mostly by public servant to talk about the government2Sep 04, 2011 2:46 pm
#roftRight Of TwitterA discussion thread for all things Conservative, federally and provincially.1Oct 26, 2015 10:25 pm
#ptndpCanadian New Democrats1Sun 4:16 pm
#ptgreenCanadian Greens1Nov 17, 2016 11:59 am
#ptblocCanadian Bloc Quebecois1Oct 16, 2016 8:54 pm
#cdnleftCanadian Political LeftCanadian progressive discussion on twitter. In response to #roft this is "Left of Twitter".1Mar 20, 2016 8:40 pm
#cpacCable Public Affairs Channeldiscuss programming on Canada's CPAC TV channel1Feb 10, 2011 9:30 pm
#crtcCanadian Radio-television Telecommunications Commission1Sep 04, 2011 8:00 pm

* you can click the table headings to sort the table
* popularity is tracked by politwitter counting how many times the hash tag is used in the last month

If your twitter is not used primarily for politics but want to include the occasional political tweet, you can use one of our #hash tags. If you add any of these hash tags to your tweet it will be included on the site.

You can also add a federal riding hashtag to your local tweets. Use our tool to find your federal riding ID hashtag.

If you know of any other popular provincial hash tags please contact me!

Archived Hashtags

tag name description
#followelectiondayFollow Friday But on Election Day!
#CINDUCommittee on IndustryThe House of Commons Standing Committee on Industry, Science, and Technology (INDU).
#CBCPoliticsCBC Politics
#debat2011 French language Leaders Debate en francais
#ndpldrNDP Leadership Convention 2012
#ottawaspendsEconomic Stimulus PlanThe federal government's spending announcements, spending plans, spending intentions. Started up by David Akin to track any announcements of federal spending and trends.
#hocHouse of CommonsCanada's House of Commons. Twits about Question Period, debates, bills introduced -- anything going in the lower chamber. no longer indexed because usage dropped and othe groups started using this hashtag for non Canadian politics tweets.
#elxn4141st General ElectionDiscuss the next Canadian federal election, whenever it might be. This tag is for discussion related to nominations, financing, and election information.
#fairvoteElectoral Reformcatch all for electoral reform, strategic voting, vote swapping etc
#ctvppCTV's Power Play with Don Martindiscussion of the topics of the day on CTV's political show "Power Play" hosted by Tom Clark
#ctvelexnCTV Election 2011CTV's own version of the #elxn41 hashtag for tweets about the 2011 Federal election
#fed2011French-language version of #elxn41discuss the 2011 federal election en francais
#femvoteWomen's Representation and Issues discuss women's representation and issues in the election.
#elxn2011Less Popular version of #elxn41tweets about the 2011 Canadian federal election. Recommend using te shorter and much mroe widely used #elxn41 instead.
#TellVicEverythingTellVicEverythingpassive-aggressive form of protest against Vic Toews who is backing a controversial new bill that would give authorities unprecedented access to citizens’ personal data online.
#QPQQuestion Period
#elxn4242nd General Election
#ignatieffMichael Ignatiefftweets about the liberal leader
#pmharperPMHarperA collection of tweets which have Prime Minister Stephen Harper as their subject.
#van09Liberal Convention 2009tweets about the Liberal Biennial Convention 2009 in Vancouver
#laytonJack Laytontweets about the new democrats leader
#rcmpRoyal Canadian Mounted Police
#caneventsCanadian National Events
#changecampChangeCampdiscuss participatory governance in a web-enabled world
#oliOliphant CommissionCommission of Inquiry into Certain Allegations Respecting Business and Financial Dealings Between Karlheinz Schreiber and the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney.
#tousensembleTous EnsembleUsed by Federal Liberals Mostly "All Together"
#harperfactsHarper "Facts"Facts about Harper, sometimes not true and sometimes comical.
#IggyfactsIgnatieff "Facts"Facts about Michael Ignatieff, sometimes not true and sometimes comical.
#hfx09New Democrat Federal ConventionNDP 2009 Convention in Halifax
#listeriaListeriosis crisis
#libcaucusLiberal Caucus RetreatThe summer caucus retreat begins this Monday, August 31, and continues until Wednesday, September 2, in Sudbury, Ontario.
#ppocPirate Party of Canada
#byelxnBy-election Twitterdiscuss federal By-elections, By-election and candidate news
#CBCQotDCBC Question of the DayCBC Power & Politics: Question of the Day by political blogger Kady O'Malley
#prorogueHarper's Proroguing of the parliament
#can150Canada 150From March 26-28, some of Canada's leading thinkers and doers will meet in Montreal to grapple with the big issues facing our country
#lpcxLiberal Express Bus Tour
#gunregistryGun Registry
#billc32An Act to amend the Copyright ActBill C-32, "An Act to amend the Copyright Act"
#demreformDemocratic Reform in Canada
#p2caProgressives in CanadaA resource for progressives in Canada using social media, and an umbrella tag for information for progressives in Canada on Twitter. Separate from the blog-dominated #cdnprog and #cdnleft tags, and similar to the USA-centred #p2.
#bdgt11Government Budget 2011
#cv11CBC's Canada Votes 2011CBC's own version of the #elxn41 hashtag for tweets about the 2011 Federal election
#votecompassCBC's Vote CompassVote Compass is an online tool that helps Canadians find out how your views and values align with the parties. Do you know where you stand?
#yegfedEdmonton Ridings Federal ElectionRelevant to the 2011/2012 Canadian Federal election, as it pertains to Edmonton AB (airport code yeg)
#emayinElizabeth May TV Debatediscussion around the inclusion of Elizabeth May in the election TV debates
#2getmyvoteTo Get My VoteCanadians are using this hashtag to explain what the parties have to do to earn their votes.
#db82011 Election Leaders Debatediscussion around the english language tv debates during #elxn41
#db412011 Election Leaders Debateplease use the shorter and more widely used hashtag #db8 for tweets about the leaders debates
#db8412011 Election Leaders Debatediscussion around the english language tv debates during #elxn41
#Laytondb82011 Election Leaders Debate Jack Laytondiscussion among NDP'ers during the debates
#ivotecaI Vote Because
#db8fr2011 Election French Language Leaders Debate
#dba2011 French language Leaders Debate en francais
#CPCMajorityConservative Majority
#AskLaytonJack Layton Town HallJack Layton nation-wide town hall in Toronto during 2011 federal election
#wlcanWikileaks Canadawikileaks related to Canada
#tweettheresultsTweets about the elxn41 result blackout periodSection 329 of Canada's Elections Act prohibits the transmission of voting results until all polling stations, have closed. Will results be tweeted during the blackout? follow this hashtag to find out.
#s329Section 329 of the Elections Act
#CLSHConservative Leader Stephen Harper
#cab4141st Parliament Cabinet
#parl41Canada's 41st Parliament
#enCAThe Senate of Canada
#robocallRobocall Scandal TweetsElections Canada has just traced illegal phone calls made during the 2011 federal election to a company that worked for the Conservative Party across the country.
#yyccentre Calgary Centre By-election
#idlenomoreIdle No MoreInternet meme for messages about indigenous rights & indigenous culture.
#lpcldrLiberal Leadership 2013
#LPCdb8Liberal Leadership Debates
#elxn20152015 Federal Election
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