Meet BHP stalker Elliott Management's dreamboat action man Michael O'Looney

Be still our beating hearts ... Elliott Management's Michael O'Looney and his wife, Annika Pergament.
Be still our beating hearts ... Elliott Management's Michael O'Looney and his wife, Annika Pergament. Desiree Navarro

He's got a resume you'd give your right arm for, a beautiful, high-profile better-half, and a Blue Steel pout that would make even Ridge Forrester blush.

Who? We're talking about Michael O'Looney of course! The head of communications for Elliott Management, BHP Billiton's New York-based stalkers/activist investors ... and our new corporate man crush. A man whose ludicrous surname is easily the least remarkable thing about him.

While the rest of the business world was waking on Tuesday to news of urging by the activist investors for BHP Billiton to hive off its petroleum assets and collapse its dual-listed company structure, we were madly acquainting ourselves with the big personalities behind the Elliott facade. And we don't mean its billionaire founder, Paul Singer.

O'Looney caught our eye for his impressive CV. According to his entry on Wikipedia, the square-jawed action man cut his teeth as an Emmy-nominated CBS news reporter and anchor (Stay classy Manhattan!) before being tapped to become deputy police commissioner of the NYPD! Say what?!? Did anyone say Commissioner Gordon?? Great Scott, Batman!. But that's not even the best bit. Within days of assuming the gig, O'Looney was tapped to intervene in a hostage crisis on the Upper East Side. A gunman had apparently taken a detective hostage and was demanding to speak to a TV reporter. So who should step in wielding his old business card? Why, O'Looney of course! He defused the situation forthwith. Kapow! And then, a year later, an off-duty O'Looney spotted an armed ex-con wanted for a string of assaults and tackled him to the ground! Bam!

And as if all of that isn't impressive enough, he's married to TV anchor Annika Pergament and has appeared as a reporter in both The Sopranos and the 1996 Al Pacino flick, City Hall.

A comms head with his very own IMDB entry! Jac Nasser – you have been warned ...