The Australian start-ups challenging big power companies

From left: Jemma Green, chair of Power Ledger; Ed McManus, chief executive of Powershop; Phil Blythe, founder of ...
From left: Jemma Green, chair of Power Ledger; Ed McManus, chief executive of Powershop; Phil Blythe, founder of GreenSync; Dean Spaccavento, co founder of Reposit Power; and James Myatt, co-founder of Mojo Power. Trevor Collens, Andrew Meares, Simon Schluter, Peter Braig

Jemma Green was walking the Spanish pilgrim trail Camino de Santiago in 2012, after quitting her job as an investment banker in London, when she decided to return to her West Australian hometown of Perth – rather than the financial centres of Sydney or Melbourne – and do something in energy.

That something in energy turned out – after a few twists – to be helping to found Power Ledger, a blockchain energy-trading company that enables households and businesses with solar panels and batteries to trade their surplus energy with each other. Power Ledger, with Green as the chair, is now trialling the platform with power companies, households, schools and community organisations in Perth and Busselton, WA, and Auckland, New Zealand, and discussing more trials with utility companies in Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

The Ubers of power

Beyond the high profile Twitterstorm in March that saw tech billionaires Elon Musk and Mike Cannon-Brookes ostensibly solving South Australia’s energy crisis, a deeper energy revolution is brewing.

Jemma Green, chair Power Ledger.
Jemma Green, chair Power Ledger. TREVOR COLLENS

The battle to control behind-the-meter energy is just getting started – but the stakes are huge. If Green and the other energy entrepreneurs interviewed by BOSS for this story are correct, big power companies have less than a decade to reinvent themselves or see their business models blow up – just as legacy media, music, retail, transport and accommodation companies have been disrupted.

“I think over the next five years you’ll start to see significant deployment of household batteries, grid-connected batteries and electric vehicles, which are effectively batteries on wheels, into our energy system,” Green says.

“And by 2025 I think our energy system will be unrecognisable from what it is today.”

New technology is transforming the traditional centralised grid of big power stations, peaking plants and radial, one-way transmission and distribution networks. Overlaying it is a new decentralised, but interconnected grid that includes the distributed energy generated in people’s homes and business premises. This “behind-the-meter”energy includes solar panels, batteries, energy management software and smart thermometers which control energy-hungry appliances such as airconditioners, pool pumps and electric vehicle chargers.

The emerging digital platforms are akin to Airbnb and Uber because they promote sharing or use of assets that would otherwise not be exploited to their best advantage.

James Myatt, CEO of Mojo.
James Myatt, CEO of Mojo. Peter Braig

This time it is energy resources that can be marshalled into virtual power stations. It could make us less reliant on big fossil-fuelled power stations and perhaps even obviate the need to build new high-voltage interconnectors of the kind being touted as answers to South Australia’s energy crisis.

Batteries are the key

Dean Spaccavento was an IT manager for BT Financial Services when he came across the remnants of the Enron energy-trading business and became hooked on the National Energy Market. He tried working for a demand management start-up called Energy Response (which was sold to US company EnerNOC) before founding Reposit Power with Lachlan Blackhall in the summer of 2012.

The self-described militant environmentalist outlined his energy market vision at The Australian Financial Review’s Business Summit on March 9, leaving federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg – who was part of the same panel discussion – looking a little surprised. Frydenberg sought out Spaccavento afterwards and asked for his business card. The Reposit Power co-founder believes batteries are the key and will contain the capacity of several large power stations by 2020 – enough to eat away steadily at the revenues of big power companies.

Ed McManus, CEO of Powershop.
Ed McManus, CEO of Powershop. Peter Braig

“We are like Robin Hood. We take money from fossil-fuel generators and give it to our storage-owning customers. That sucks value from fossil-fuel generators and provides a clear financial incentive for distributed electricity storage,” Spaccavento tells BOSS.

“It’s a zero sum game. Someone is going to lose and someone is going to win. We have chosen who is going to win.”

As big eastern states follow in wind-power-reliant South Australia’s footsteps and the grid becomes more fragile, these entrepreneurs are betting that distributed energy will be a more cost-effective, flexible and quick way to strengthen the system than traditional “big-bang” solutions, such as building high-voltage interconnectors and coal-fired power stations or even big grid batteries.

Distributed energy is the future

Phil Blythe, founder and CEO of GreenSync.
Phil Blythe, founder and CEO of GreenSync. Simon Schluter

For some the jury is still out on this. Ivor Frischknecht, chief executive of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, says demand management of behind-the-meter energy could potentially supply 20 per cent to 50 per cent of peak demand. But he also says it could take more than 10 years for the new platforms – the would-be Amazons, Facebooks and Googles of energy – to emerge.

Even so, the idea is catching on. The new Australian Energy Market Operator chief executive, Audrey Zibelman, who started on March 20, is one. She hails from the New York Public Service Commission and believes distributed energy could one day become the primary energy resource for the state of New York. AEMO’s first report on her watch, released in March, strongly backs the role of demand response.

AGL Energy chief executive Andy Vesey is another. Vesey was proudly showcasing AGL’s virtual power plant – a joint venture with battery and management system company Sunverge – at a private house in Adelaide’s northern suburbs on March 16 when tensions boiled over between Frydenberg and South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill on live television.

At an American Chamber of Commerce function in March, Vesey likened the arrival of energy storage to the impact of refrigeration on agriculture and said AGL’s 1000 trial battery households in Adelaide could be aggregated into a five-megawatt virtual power plant on the edge of the grid.

Dean Spaccavento, CEO and founder of Reposit Power.
Dean Spaccavento, CEO and founder of Reposit Power. Andrew Meares

No one wants to finance coal plants any more because of the heavy carbon emissions, which most in the industry are certain will one day carry a heavy cost. Technology’s rapid advance also makes it harder to plan big-ticket grid investments such as interconnectors.

“It’s coming,” Vesey said. “This is what they call Disruption with a capital D, because the entire framework that we have to think about finance and accounting for this industry is based on a model that literally saw its best days in the 1960s.”

Energy crisis

Yet behind-the-meter energy gets short shrift in public debate. It wasn’t mentioned in Weatherill’s $550 million energy plan, which called for a battery of up to 150 megawatt hours and a fast-start, jet-engine-based gas plant, or in the thousands of words written about the Cannon-Brookes-Musk bet to “solve the problem in 100 days”. Nor did it feature in Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s declaration of a national energy crisis and subsequent plan to spend $2 billion on a 2000-megawatt expansion of Snowy Hydro. (A megawatt is a measure of electrical power generated by a power station or used by an appliance or facility. A megawatt hour is the amount of electrical energy generated or used by a generator or appliance running at one megawatt for an hour.)

“When people panic, rationality goes out the door,” GreenSync founder Phil Blythe says. “But I think as the debate dies down and heads cool, there’ll be a recognition that there are cheaper ways to plug the gaps in the electricity market in the next couple of years.”

Blythe was chief technology officer at Urbanise, an energy efficiency company, when the outbreak of the climate policy wars in 2008 and 2009 convinced him to find a way to use technology to help companies and consumers navigate the transformation he saw coming.

The former aerospace engineer is now trying to create a virtual power plant by marshalling power from householders and businesses with solar panels, batteries, demand management software and smart meters, and connecting them to GreenSync’s platform. This extra 300 megawatts will help prevent blackouts in the eastern states next summer, when the system will be without Victoria’s 1600-megawatt Hazelwood power station.

Blythe says behind-the-meter energy resources are easier to roll out than big-bang solutions, more responsive to local wind and solar clusters, and less likely than a power station or a big battery to be stranded by a fallen transmission tower after a storm.

deX aims to harness the spare energy in household solar panels, batteries, airconditioners and pool pumps by offering them more money to export power to the grid during demand peaks.
How deX will work
Wind power and solar power are pushing out coal and gas
The electricity grid is evolving from a centralised system with large coal, gas and hydro power stations at its heart to a decentralised network with more wind and solar power, batteries and other “distributed energy resources” at lower levels.
The network operator needs to access distributed energy resources at the right place and time to efficiently stabilise the grid and prevent blackouts.
At times of high demand the network operator offers higher prices to households and firms - right up to the $14/KWh at extreme peaks - to persuade them to help avert blackouts by reducing their power demand.
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt
Ben Potter

They can also provide peak load support for the grid more cost effectively, because households pay for solar panels and batteries, hoping to defray higher energy bills. Householders surrender control over the energy they generate to help bolster the grid when supply is in danger of being outstripped by demand – as it was in NSW and South Australia in February – if they are compensated enough. It’s like homeowners and car owners making rooms and vehicles available on Airbnb, Uber or a car-sharing platform.

“If governments are serious about mitigating the gigawatt of capacity that’s coming out of the market this summer with Hazelwood, this would be the best way to do it,” Blythe says.

“These behind-the-meter solutions are not going away. They’ll be here for the long term.”

He would just love a chance to put the case to Frydenberg. “To mobilise something quickly does need some policy encouragement.”

Customer power in action

Distributed energy is revolutionary because it places more power in the hands of consumers. With the right kit they can be in charge of their energy use like never before. They can optimise the use of their own behind-the-meter energy assets and – with the right pricing incentives – they can be persuaded to support the grid and help prevent blackouts when demand exceeds supply. It is up to them.

Players big and small are circling, often cagily, and dancing in trials. GreenSync is working with Mojo Power, United Energy and ActewAGL on decentralised energy exchange (deX) trials on the Mornington Peninsula near Melbourne and in the ACT, and talking to other major brands.

Power Ledger is working with power utilities Synergy in WA and Vector in Auckland, and talking to other utilities in Victoria, NSW and Queensland. Reposit Power works with retailers Diamond and Simply Energy. But the business models are still the subject of vigorous experimentation. Even the entrepreneurs aren’t all singing from the same song sheet. Spaccavento is less keen on demand management of energy-hungry appliances because he thinks most people won’t sacrifice their comfort, especially as batteries become cheaper.

But Ed McManus, chief executive of Powershop, one of the upstart retailers nipping away at the big incumbents, believes demand management will play a huge role. He just doesn’t think the virtual power plant is here yet. McManus was a biochemistry PhD in Scotland researching cancer, then an executive at drug giant GlaxoSmithKline and owner REA before he joined hydro-wind power generator Meridian Australia’s fledgling retail arm, Powershop Energy, two-and-a-half years ago.

Powershop wants to change the culture of electricity retailing by offering the same discounted price to all customers, not just those who threaten to change providers.

It defines itself as a platform business, offering more choice and transparency, including flexible green power from specified wind farms, forward purchase discounts, energy from community projects and, most recently, the ability to trade solar power with neighbours. The 13,000 or so customers McManus took over have grown to nearly 100,000.

“We won’t say we want ‘X’ gigawatts in people’s homes,” McManus says. “There will inevitably be digital technologies that will allow further innovation in the energy market. I don’t know what they are today.”

When they come, companies such as Powershop will need to move quickly, he says, or rivals will use it to help themselves to their customers.

New business models

Mojo Power conducted a manual trial of demand management during the NSW heatwave on February 10, texting 500 customers with smart meters and asking them to curtail their power usage for a few hours in the afternoon peak.

James Myatt was working at the Australian Power and Gas Company (bought by AGL in 2013) when he saw how the value of a customer to the energy retailer fell by 30 per cent to 40 per cent after she installed solar panels. He realised this would wreak havoc with the big power companies’ traditional consumption-based retail models if it happened en masse (which it did).

Myatt and Darren Miller founded Mojo Power in 2013 with a new retail model: Mojo charges customers a monthly fee for access to power at a hedged wholesale rate, divorcing its profits from consumption.

The company is one year into a five-year plan to recruit 100,000 households with solar panels and battery storage to their monthly subscription plan and then aggregate them into a 500-megawatt-hour virtual power plant that can help support the grid when blackouts loom.

In the NSW heatwave trial, Mojo offered customers a $25 rebate for a big cut in usage, and about 200 cut their usage by a third on average. But about 10 households – including the Cheema family of Wahroonga on Sydney’s leafy upper north shore – switched off airconditioners, pool pumps and lights, cutting their usage by staggering amounts – as much as 20 kilowatt hours – and saving Mojo $280 at the $14 kilowatt hour maximum wholesale price. Mojo split the savings with these households and is now automating the process for more customers as smart meters are rolled out in NSW.

The right incentives

Spaccavento is sceptical that families would be willing to switch off the aircon in 40-degree heat and take refuge in the pool – as the Cheemas did – more than once or twice. “Their lifestyle was heavily impacted. They could not do their homework, they could not cook dinner, they could not teach their kids calculus because they were in the pool,” he says.

His co-founder Lachlan Blackhall did his PhD in controls of sparse networks such as the Aussie grid. Spaccavento studied IT at the University of NSW with Cannon-Brookes and worked for a demand response company before starting Reposit.

Their retail partners already offer customers “grid credits” of $1/kWh during shortages, but Spaccavento says they want retailers to come up with their own products.

Power Ledger, via its blockchain platform, and Powershop offer peer-to-peer or neighbour-to-neighbour trading of spare power from solar panels and batteries. Power Ledger’s blockchain platform can also manage fractional ownership of assets and the income they generate, via autonomous intelligent asset trading, Green says.

After starting his career at Boeing in St Louis, GreenSync’s Blythe did a PhD in machine learning and artificial intelligence before it was hot, and researched human decision-making at Germany’s prestigious Max Planck Institutes. Blythe says humans are good at making decisions when confronted with a novel challenge, but find it hard to maintain their motivation if asked to make the same decision repeatedly.

So you have to move quickly from manual trials to automated systems to make it habitual, he says. You also have to nudge customers. A utility company could offer a householder the maximum grid price – $14/kWh – for helping to prevent a blackout.

Eyes on the prize

The distributed energy these entrepreneurs are marshalling will add up. But it’s only a start. JP Morgan expects a million household batteries to be in place by 2020 – equal to five gigawatts or several power stations’ output at an average five kilowatts per battery.

Today’s 1.7 million solar households will likely number more than 2 million by then. By 2027, CSIRO estimates in a report for Energy Networks Australia that two in every five customers will use their own energy resources, with 29 gigawatts of solar and 34 gigawatt hours of batteries.

By 2040, Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates, behind-the-meter energy will account for 35 per cent of generation capacity, with 38 gigawatts of solar panels – more than half the capacity of the entire energy system today – and 15 gigawatts in batteries.

That’s some prize, which explains why AGL’s Vesey and other big power companies also have their eyes on it. Myatt reckons they’ve got their work cut out because of a fundamental conflict between encouraging customers to take charge of their energy use and traditional consumption-based business models.

“He talks a good game, Andy,” Myatt says. A trial rollout of 1000 battery homes won’t hurt his business but 1 million batteries among AGL’s 3.7 million customers would hit its profits hard, he says.

Green is more optimistic about Big Power’s prospects. They just have to disrupt themselves without irreparably disrupting their incumbent business – by finding new products to sell – to stay in the game.

“Change is inevitable and the suffering of incumbents is optional,” she says.

Energy entrepreneurs may also be founding a viable export industry in a field in which Australia has natural competitive advantages – strong consumer demand for behind-the-meter energy, lots of sun and wind, and high energy prices.

“We will produce a lot of innovation in this transformation which can be sold to other parts of the world,” Green says.

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