13/02/17 TNWD longlisted for Ryga Award Read
10/02/17 Shattered into a million pieces My new blog
06/02/17 My response to the Greenspon report Read
04/02/17 “An important ... provoking primer" Read
31/12/16 I get a piece of fanmail thanking me Read
21/12/16 “Incendiary & subversive research” Read
17/12/16 Greatly Exaggerated full PDF posted Read
15/12/16 News You Can Use (To Get Angry) Blog
14/12/16 On the Line with Joseph Planta Listen
05/12/16 The News We Deserve Read Tyee excerpt
29/11/16 Bad News, Bad Newspapers? Listen
24/11/16 The News We Deserve Read Introduction
17/11/16 Bad News, Bad Newspapers? Media panel
20/09/16 Media Disrupters Have a Manifesto Read
15/08/16 UCW scholar pens new critiques Read
12/08/16 Review of CHEK Republic HTML PDF
17/07/16 Presentation attracts counter-buturaki Read
16/07/16 Digital buturaki Read WJEC paper
01/07/15 Special media issue of The Monitor Read
30/06/16 Can Canada’s media be fixed? Read
23/06/16 The News We Deserve Announcement
30/05/16 In Memoriam: David R. Spencer Read obit
30/05/16 The Never-ending Story Read article
30/05/16 Interview on CFAX radio in Victoria Listen
28/05/16 News As Hazardous Waste Read article
26/05/16 Critic targets newspaper mergers Read
12/03/16 Chief media apologist sings the blues Read
26/02/16 Re: “Paper Hanging,” by Paul Knox Read
23/02/16 Letter the National Post won't publish Read
10/02/16 Crash to Paywall Read Book Review
10/02/16 Reprinted on the World News blog Read
06/02/16 I have been nominated for an award Read
02/02/16 Postmedia’s promises worthless Read
28/01/16 Can Canadian journalism survive? CBC
28/01/16 Rumours of newspapers' demise . . . Read
23/01/16 Seeking a villain for Postmedia crisis? Read
20/01/16 Bureau won't review Postmedia move Read
24/11/15 The tawdry fall of Postmedia's empire Read
15/11/15 Peakie argues newspapers aren’t dead Read
05/05/15 My reply to Christopher Waddell Read
05/05/15 Has death of print been overstated? Read
02/05/15 Newspapers shrink, but survive Read
10/04/15 A Sisyphean Task Read New Star's blog
17/03/15 Why Newspapers Are Still Profitable Read
12/02/15 Manuscript to bookstore in 55 days See pic
05/02/15 Newspaper-less in Vancouver? Read
14/01/15 My newspaper predictions for 2015 Read
13/01/15 Interview on CBC's B.C. Almanac Listen
30/12/14 Greatly Exaggerated excerpt Read here
29/12/14 Marc Edge's Greatly Exaggerated reveals why the death of newspapers is overstated Read
20/12/14 On the Line with Joseph Planta Listen
18/10/14 Greatly Exaggerated Read announcement
15/10/14 Myths muddy media ownership debate Read
11/10/14 Postmedia’s big purchase means more Read
08/10/14 Don't give Postmedia more monopolies Read
18/05/14 In climate, fairness trumps 'objectivity' Read
04/04/14 Journalists challenged to tell the story Read
21/01/14 Singapore-style press control? Read article
14/01/14 Why the demise of the News? CBC Radio
09/01/14 BC's Local News Monopolies Grow Read
18/09/13 US Hedge Funds Squeezing Postmedia Read
21/06/13 CRTC, no longer for sale? Read the article
14/03/13 When You Can Say Nothing, Video It Read
30/03/13 The Tyee: Paywalls work. Read the article
20/02/13 Public Benefits or Private? Read the article
30/01/13 The Tyee: Media Wars in Paradise Read
06/12/12 Student newspaper wins Ossie awards Read
04/12/12 Optimistic about newspaper survival Listen
15/11/12 Letter to IB: The Fourth Estate stoush Read
09/11/12 USP Journalism's gala Awards Night Watch
04/11/12 Who/what is Qorvis Communications? Read
31/10/12 Last day of Media Law and Ethics Class pic
15/10/12 Islands Business injects some sanity Read
13/09/12 Sorry Genius, the Sky Is Not Falling Read
09/09/12 Fiji TV's Close Up Part I Part II Part III
07/09/12 Wansolwara 17(4) USP newspaper PDF
07/09/12 Lift media standards, says academic Read
05/09/12 Media and Democracy symposium Watch
10/08/12 AEJMC paper: Not Dead Yet Read here
09/08/12 Yes, Conrad Black, You're a Crook Read
21/06/12 Acting Dean at Mandarin grad See pics
15/06/12 A USP marketing trip to Tonga See pics
25/05/12 French Government supports USP Read
07/05/12 Wansolwara 17(2) USP newspaper PDF
05/05/12 Much cause to celebrate Read my speech
04/05/12 World Press Freedom Day @ USP Watch
26/04/12 PINA critcised for stifling dissent Listen
05/04/12 Pacific Islands News Association See pics
13/02/12 Deciphering the latest decree Watch here
13/02/12 The Dark Side of the Vancouver Sun Read
30/01/12 My 10 favorite newspaper films Listed
27/01/12 The best accommodation in town Read it
26/01/12 About Canada: Media Read review
11/11/11 USP journalism awards night Watch story





Marc Edge is an Associate Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Malta. He has now taught at universities in five countries. He was previously a Professor of Media and Communication at University Canada West in Vancouver. Prior to that he was Roger Tatarian Endowed Faculty Scholar in Journalism at California State University, Fresno. He is the author of five books, including Pacific Press, Asper Nation, Red Line, Blue Line, Bottom Line, and Greatly Exaggerated. His fifth book, The News We Deserve, was published in late 2016. From 1974 to 1993, Marc was a newspaper reporter and editor for the Vancouver Province and the Calgary Herald. After taking early retirement at age 38, Marc fulfilled a long-time dream by sailing to the South Pacific aboard his 40-foot ketch, Markenurh. He then studied for his doctorate and taught at Ohio University. From 2001-04, Marc was an Assistant Professor in the School of Communication and Information at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He was an Associate Professor in the Department of Mass Communication at Sam Houston State University from 2007-2011 and Head of Journalism at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji for 18 months from 2011-2012 before drawing the ire of that country's military dictatorship.

