Crisis in Yemen

Mujahed, 11 years old, lives with his family and hundreds of other displaced families in Huth camp, in Amran governorate.
Mujahed, 11 years old, lives with his family and hundreds of other displaced families in Huth camp, in Amran governorate.

Yemen is on the brink of famine after nearly two years of devastating conflict. So far thousands of people have been killed and over 3 million forced to flee their homes. More than half of the country is without enough to eat. We are delivering emergency aid but we urgently need your help to do more.

A brutal and devastating conflict

The people of Yemen are experiencing one of the world’s gravest humanitarian crises, but very little is known about it. The conflict between a Saudi-led coalition of Gulf countries and the Government of Yemen against the Ansar-Allah movement (also known as the Houthis), which escalated in March 2015, caused over 46,000 deaths and injuries.

Over three million people have been forced to flee their homes due to the bombing and fighting. Nearly 19 million people – 70 percent of Yemen population – need emergency aid.

The specter of famine

The country’s economy is near to collapse. Countless homes and vital parts of civilian infrastructure have been destroyed. Food prices are continuing to rise, while many of the poorest people have lost their incomes. More than 14 million Yemenis are suffering from food insecurity and malnutrition, including 7 million now facing possible famine.

Our response

We are delivering essential aid in the north and south of the country and have reached more than one million people across the frontlines, since July 2015. We are aiming to reach 1.2 million people by March 2017.

Help includes cash payments to help families to buy food; clean water and sanitation services, including in hard-to-reach areas of the country, by trucking drinking water and repairing water systems and latrines; supporting families with livestock treatment and cash for work programs.

In response to the cholera outbreak, we have directly supported nearly 360,000 people from four governorates in coordination with other international agencies. We have delivered filters, jerry cans, building latrines and organized hygiene awareness programs.

Help us do more, donate now

Peace talks and a partially observed cessation of hostilities ended in early August, airstrikes and ground fighting are now on the rise yet again. For millions of Yemeni women, men and children, life remains a daily struggle and violence a constant threat.

We are on the ground distributing life-saving aid, but we urgently need to reach more people and we cant do it without you. Please donate.