

Laos' ambition is to transcend its status as a least developed country by 2020, and the government plans to enable this economic growth through encouraging foreign investment in the country's natural resources. 70% of the population works in semi-subsistence agriculture. The commercial exploitation of the natural resources on which the most vulnerable communities and especially women rely, has a significant impact on their livelihoods.

Oxfam's objective is to support the development of Laos as an open and just society, where vulnerable women and men are able to participate in its growth and enjoy their rights to sustainable development.

Oxfam in Laos

Oxfam's partnerships in Laos have evolved significantly since we started working in Laos at the end of the 1980s. Oxfam continues to partner with government agencies and local authorities in livelihood programs for vulnerable communities. Since the opening up of civil society, Oxfam increasingly supports organizations that promote citizen’s participation in decisions that affect their lives.

Areas we work in

  • Communities' access to and control over natural resources to ensure greater food security and sustainable development.
  • Gender equality through greater participation of women in the political, economic and social spheres, and the reduction of violence against women.
  • Enhanced disaster management through training for authorities and the population on disaster risk reduction and emergency response.
  • Promotion of conditions that allow for real participation of vulnerable communities and civil society in general.