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For a listing of recent performances check the home page and the archive section attached to it. For historic Stewart Home appearances going back to the eighties, as well as a listing of some group gallery shows, check the selected Home anti-art history page. Description of some of the works listed below can also be found in the Mission Statement. Some overlapping but more extended descriptions can also be found on the pages Notes On Four Stewart Home Anti-Films.


Stewart Home with sex dummy photo by Julia King

Spoken word & Music CDs

Proletarian Post-Modernism (Test Centre, London, 2013).

Marx, Christ & Satan United In Struggle (Molotov Records, Jyväskylä 1999).

Pure Mania (King Mob, London 1998).

Cyber-Sadism Live! (Sabotage, London 1998).

Stewart Home Comes In Your Face (Sabotage, London 1998).

Major Art Shows

The Age Of Anti-Ageing collaborative work with Chris Dorley Brown at The Function Room (London October/November 2014).

Tilt Building F (London November 2013).

Again A Time Machine Stewart Home retrospective at White Columns (New York October/November 2011) & at Space Studios (London April/May 2012).

Hallucination Generation: High Modernism in a Tripped Out World Arnolfini (Bristol April/May 2006).

Becoming (M)other
collaborative work with Chris Dorley Brown at T1/2 Artspace (London December/January 20004/5).

Vermeer II workfortheeyetodo (London July-Sept 1996).

Humanity in Ruins Central Space (London Feb-March 1988).

Feature Films

Screams In Favour of De Sade (2002, 72 mins).

Has The Litigation Already Started? (2002, 70 mins).

The Golem (2002, 84 mins).

Selected Short Films

Brown Julius In The Fountain Of Mpdernism (2008, 8 mins 26 seconds).

Last Cannibal On Skid Row (2008, 1 min 12 seconds).

Oxum: Goddess of Love (2007, 30 mins).

Signifying Beyond Erasure (2004, 10 mins).

Eclipse & Re-Emergence of the Oedipus Compex (2004, 41 mins).

Ut Pictura Poesis (1997, 45 seconds).

Red London (1994, 7 mins 9 secs).

No Pity (1993, 3 mins 46 secs).

Tune In, Turn On, Freak Out (1989, 19 mins).

Refuse (1988, 4 mins 38 seconds).

The Eighties (1986 original 1 hour, edited version 2 mins 45 seconds).

Social Sculpture

Necrocard based on the NHS organ donor card, the necrocard provided people with a means to indicate they gave their consent for necrophiliacs to have sex with their corpse after their death. The necrocard was distributed by various means, including simply handing them out on the street in the west end of London, which produced some interesting reactions. I had fifty thousand of these cards printed in 1999.

Come Together! Neoist rally Saxlingham, Norfolk 1/1/99.

Psychic Rally Orford Ness Lighthouse, Suffolk 13/10/97.

Celebration of 450th Anniversary of the Death of Luther rally at Langdon Park, Poplar, London 18/2/96.

Vauxhall Working Occulture action outside M16 (British foreign intelligence service building). 23/7/95. Photographic image of this used as the basis of my contribution of Arts Council of England 2001 publication I Love Live Art.

Holborn Working performance action in celebration of occulture outside Grand Lodge of British Freemasons, London 10/7/94.

Levitation of Pavilion Theatre to protest against performance of Stockhausen's Harlequin during Brighton Festival 15/5/93.

Rally to celebrate 217th anniversary of the founding of Bavarian Illuminati illegal gathering starting at Blackfriars Bridge and moving through City of London, 1/5/93.

Art Strike 1990-93 Anti-action preceded by much propaganda live and otherwise between 1985 and 1989, and followed by historicizing actions from 30 January 1993 onwards.