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Contact this site: to contact us by email click here.

Stewart Home can also be contacted by snail mail at:
BM Senior
UK (full address).

This is also the registered address of this site. Please note this is a postal box address located in central London, the street address connected to it houses a mail redirection service and Stewart Home cannot be found there.

About the evolution of this site
This site was established in 1999 by Space Bunny as part of his Stewart Home Society project. In October 2006 Stewart Home took over the running of the site. Despite retaining its old name, this website is no longer a part of the Stewart Home Society, but is now the official Stewart Home website. All other aspects of the Stewart Home Society are still run by Space Bunny on an ongoing basis. While maintaining a firm friendship, Stewart Home and Space Bunny wish to preserve their 'autonomy'.

The Stewart Home Society
Email contact:
Space Bunny (he no longer runs this site)

The Stewart Home Society exists to promote the works of Stewart Home and document the many aspects of his life. If you want to send something by snail mail to the Stewart Home Society, email first to get its postal address. Space Bunny still runs the Stewart Home Society and will be happy to answer questions if you want to know more about it.

Old text by Space Bunny

Stewart Home with sex dummy photo by Julia King

Stewart Home & 'friend'.

Stewart Home with placard

Stewart Home, 'still crazy after all these years'?