Report-back From the #Antifa Demo of March 4th in #Montreal

Unexpectedly and for the first time in many years, far-right groups were able to march in Montreal. We didn’t think fascist groups could mobilize as they did, after the crushing defeats of the Pegida demos in 2015 where 4 or 5 lost aunts and uncles were countered by 500 protestors.


Image: Stompin nazis in Montreal on March 4th.

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Experiences in #Rojava: Interview with an anarchist #YPG volunteer

We met and interviewed a person who travelled to Rojava to be a volunteer in the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG). We present this interview anonymously, as wished by the person interviewed.


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#Netherlands: #Amsterdam Coal Port Blockade and Camp

JUNE 23rd. to 26th. Code Rood (Code Red), a disobedient action coalition against the fossil fuel industry, will block the Harbor of Amsterdam, the world’s largest gasoline port and second largest coal harbor. The Port imports and stockpiles coal from Columbia, Russia and South Africa, burned to power the european electrical-grid.


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#Olympia #WA: #March4Trump Counter Demo Reportback – #Antifa

On March 4th, racists, nazis, alt-right trolls and trump supporters convened
at Heritage Park in Olympia Washington for the Spirit of america rally. Despite a lot
of internal conflict on the Spirit for america facebook event page, they
managed to get around 250 people to come out, most sporting american flags
and a huge number of people open carrying. The counter-demo converged at the
park at the same time as the trump rally, with about 150 people at its


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#Roeszke11 Second Level Court Verdict: Show Trial in #Szeged, #Hungary

On February 28th 2017 the second level court hearing against ten of the Röszke 11 – all but Ahmed H., who was sentenced to ten years of prison in a separate trial – was held in Szeged. The only person remaining in Hungarian custody and therefore present at the court hearing was Yamen A. The other nine people have left Hungary some month ago and claimed asylum in other European countries. Albeit two of them left Europe under the “voluntary return” act due to the immense pressure imposed on them and the threat to deport them back to Hungary under the Dublin Regulation.


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18.03.2017 #Leipzig, #Germany: They Shall Not Pass! – #Connewitz

Burning barricades, smashed windows, injured cops and an overall damage of several hundreds of thousands. That’s been the price the City of Leipzig payed when it tried to enable Neonazis to rally through the south of Leipzig on December 12th 2015. Material used: a thousand cops, several water cannons and expired gas grenades. On March 18 fascists want to rally in the Connewitz district in Leipzig again.


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#Antifa Actions Against Fascist “AFD” & “Die Rechte” in #Wuppertal #Germany

On March 2, 2017, anti-fascists protested against a debate with members of the fascist AFD party in “Café Swane” in Wuppertal, Germany. The event was planned as part of the election campaign for the upcoming state elections in the German state of Nordrhein-Westphalia  in May 2017. On March 4, an election stand of the fascist AFD in downtown Wuppertal was attacked by antifascists. On the same day, there were also counter protests against a demo of the fascist party “Die Rechte” in the German city.


Image: The stand of the fascist AFD party after the attack by anti-fascists in Wuppertal, Germany on March 4th, 2017. Pic by AK Antifascism

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Why Covering Your Face At a Protest Is The Right Thing To Do

Network for Police Monitoring (Netpol) co-ordinator Kevin Blowe explains why the organisation encourages activists to mask up.


Image: EZLN supporters in Chiapas, Mexico

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Labor’s death under trump? The potential for a renewed workers movement in an era of dangers

Following the Trump victory speculation has been rampant and has led to various proclamations yet again of the death of labor. Our third piece exploring the potentials for labor under Trump comes from one of our editors S Nicholas Nappalos. He argues that while these dangers are real, they also come with new possibilities for a militant participatory workers movement. Moreover it is not apolitical unions that can address the weaknesses of the labor movement heading into a collision with this government, but an active politicized union movement marking its opposition to both capital and the state.


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This Is Not a Drill: Bracing for the Trump Era

In Libcom’s second installment in our Labor under Trump mini-series, Mark Brenner from Labor Notes explores what union members can do in the face of anticipated threats. At this point most of the debate is speculation, but the labor notes piece is worth discussing because they explore concrete experiences in areas where anti-labor policies have been implemented such as organizing in right-to-work states and solidarity with coworkers independent of their immigration status. Brenner paints a picture of a labor movement at a crossroads, a theme we will return to next week.


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