Andrew Liveris lays down the law on energy

Andrew Liveris is convinced of the need for a major policy re-orientation.
Andrew Liveris is convinced of the need for a major policy re-orientation. Simon Dawson

Andrew Liveris bluntly calls Australia's energy policy a "calamity – but not a natural one".

Instead, the Australian-born chairman and chief executive of Dow Chemical says the paradox of an "existential energy crisis" in an energy-rich nation reflects the cascading effect of human decisions … inaction, inertia and short-sightedness on the part of policymakers in both major parties.

The result, according to Liveris, is that rather than Australia having the competitive advantage of affordable power, it now has a power supply that is both unaffordable and interrupted.

"These cost escalations have been signalled from long ago and now they have arrived," he told a business lunch in Melbourne yesterday.

That makes it what he calls a profound challenge to Dow as well as other big manufacturers to maintain their operations here.

"There's no reason to re-invest here and every reason to leave," he said.

His hope is that the impact of Australia's" self-defeating" policy will cause a rethink by governments on the basis of the now familiar logic of never letting a good crisis go to waste.

So the powerful and powerfully connected Liveris was off after lunch to meet Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to tell him there was absolutely no reason for the state government to have banned conventional gas exploration and development in Victoria.

"Á blanket ban is far too broad. It keeps us from benefiting from resources that could be extracted safely and sustainably," he said.

It is still unclear whether that warning will have any more impact than all the other industry warnings ignored by the Andrews government and many other governments over the years, including those consistently made by Liveris on his regular visits.

But there's no doubt all state governments, and particularly Victoria and South Australia, are belatedly under great pressure to make urgent changes or face the politically and economically alarming prospect of blackouts becoming regular events.

In Victoria, next week's closure of the coal-operated Hazelwood power station will starkly demonstrate the contradictions at work.

And there's also even less chance of South Australia being able to rely on the Victorian interconnector for back-up power when its own renewables-reliant market is overstretched.

That's why, as The Australian Financial Review reports, some business lobby groups are wanting the federal government to intervene (a polite term for subsidise) to keep Hazelwood open until a short-term replacement can be found.

After all, the federal and state governments were willing to give massive subsidies to the energy hungry Portland smelter earlier this year to ensure it didn't close.

Yet the impact of the smelter staying open – and therefore using lots of Victorian power – means Hazelwood's imminent closure becomes an even bigger problem for the state's increasingly inadequate power supply.

An investment banker familiar with the industry says it would have been more efficient in terms of energy supply – and certainly cheaper – to have paid for a massive structural adjustment package to business and employees affected by the closure of the smelter.

He will have to wash his mouth out – or at least keep it shut. The rational economics of investment banking are increasingly divorced from the panic of either communities or governments when it comes to any threatened loss of jobs.

But that only compounds the sense of policy incoherence in Australia, complete with state and federal governments unable to agree on even the fundamentals as the Turnbull government awaits its own Finkel review of energy.

Liveris has plenty of experience in giving policy advice in the US. President Trump chose him as head of his Jobs Manufacturing Initiative while he was also co-chairman of President Obama's Advance Manufacturing Council. He is also on the advisory committee for the Australian government's industry growth centres.

In Australia, he suggests several necessary and urgent policy changes in energy to help sustain and build more advanced manufacturing in Australia.

They include the need to encourage and incentivise gas exploration – rather than discourage or ban it, as in Victoria – as well a strict "use it or lose it" policy for development.

He also criticises what he describes as an effective "pipeline monopoly" in Australia, saying the country should have a more open and connected pipeline system (as in the US) – "and one that multiple users can access at a fair price".

"It should be easier to send gas across our country than across an ocean," he told the lunch.

His other recommendation is for affordable renewable energy developed in a smart and strategic way as crucial to preparing Australia for the future. That strategy includes introducing what he refers to as a "sensible" price on carbon that transitions over time.

Just the mention of that is enough to cause convulsions in the federal Coalition, of course. That's even though Liveris maintains that renewable portfolio standards must not destroy industries or cost consumers a disproportionate amount of the burden.

Mouth washing on carbon pricing may be demanded by some conservative politicians when Liveris visits Canberra next week. Nor will he win many fans in the resources industry with his long-held view that Australia is too dependent on the commodities cycle and export of resources "at an unsustainable rate" rather than attempting more value adding in high-tech, innovation-driven industries. Such as advanced manufacturing, naturally.

But Liveris is clearly convinced of the need for a major policy re-orientation.

Not surprisingly, he sees the focus on further research and technology innovation as vital.

"Why aren't we the ones making the breakthroughs in carbon sequestration?" he asked his audience.

As opposed to being, for example, a country with bountiful energy supplies struggling to deliver affordable, reliable power?

Overdue questions. Answers still to come.