Electric shock as gas squeeze coincides with Hazelwood closure

Hazelwood has a capacity of 1600 megawatts, but rarely runs at full capacity.
Hazelwood has a capacity of 1600 megawatts, but rarely runs at full capacity. Quinn Rooney

It's no exaggeration to say there's widespread shock at what's happening on electricity markets.

Even those most pessimistic on the impact of the shutdown of the Hazelwood coal power plant didn't foresee forward prices surging to the $120-plus per megawatt-hour range.

To put that in context that's a near-trebling in forward prices in the past 12 months - not just in the generator's home state of Victoria, but also in NSW, Queensland and South Australia.

Step change

Electricity baseload forward contact prices
Electricity baseload forward contact prices

Given the direct follow-through on business power bills, the step-change in prices looks set to reverberate around the economy more broadly. Industry is seriously worried, as evidenced by the last-ditch effort by Australian Industry Group for government to intervene to keep the generator in operation.

But the relatively sudden removal of 1600 megawatts of capacity at Hazelwood is only part of the story. Experts such as Greg Thorpe at energy and water consultancy Oakley Greenwood say the big uncertainty over the future price and availability of gas is also to blame.

Certainly from a supply-demand balance perspective, the Hazelwood shutdown should be manageable, even though that equation has been placed under stress by the $200 million package to keep Alcoa's energy-hungry Portland smelter open.

The generator - one of the lowest cost on the National Electricity Market - represents just 6 per cent of the total coal-fired capacity in the eastern states, and 22 per cent of Victoria's.

But in terms of the loss of base load capacity its removal is a bigger blow, inevitably increasing reliance on intermittent renewables. An analysis from the Melbourne Energy Institute says some 3500 MW of coal-fired capacity has been removed from the market this decade, outweighing the reduction in baseload demand. Even so, several other coal-fired generators are running at relatively modest capacity rates and can take up the slack.

Yet expecting the market to adjust within the five months from the announcement of the closure until it finally takes place is unrealistic, industry insiders say. Hence the calls from players such as EnergyAustralia for at least a two-year notice period for such shutdowns. AGL Energy wants three years.

Oakley Greenwood was among several voices warning over recent years of the likely disruption to power markets from the "disorderly withdrawal" of coal plants. As it happens, the disruption has been even greater because of the energy market operator's advice last month on the risk of electricity shortfalls of 80 gigawatt-hours and rising from 2018-19 unless gas supply is increased.

The lack of options for that gas in the near term has the market rattled.

A pile of chips

JPMorgan in its latest assessment of power markets has forecast "material" increases in wholesale power prices as further coal plants are shut - assuming EnergyAustralia's Yallourn in 2020, followed by AGL's Liddell generator in NSW in 2022. Greater volatility in prices will drive up hedge costs, while reliability will suffer as shortages during extreme weather become more frequent.

Without government intervention, it's hard to see what could bring prices down again, says JPMorgan analyst Mark Busuttil, who says prices could remain around these heights "for the foreseeable future" although is taking a more conservative view in his financial models, assuming a retreat to about $80/MWh by 2021.

Oakley Greenwood's Jim Snow sees little prospect of limiting the fall-out. He describes the removal of Hazelwood base-load as "pulling the bottom rung out of a pile of chips", making the whole pile more unstable, and so driving prices up.

Bad enough when the impact is limited to industry power markets, but now it is spreading, as evidenced by the bill shock being suffered by many industrial customers.

"It's one thing to have periods of pricing instability, it's another when it starts to translate into consumer contracts," Snow says.

"It's not that real when it's just a trader issue, it's very real when it comes a client issue."


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