Supplements Saga

Hird maligners 'not good people': Zaharakis

Bomber David Zaharakis famously chose not to be part of the injection program at the Dons in 2012.

David Zaharakis has bemoaned attacks directed at James Hird, suggesting that anyone who has chosen to "barrage" Hird in relation to the Essendon supplements saga in recent times is "just not a good person".

Former Bomber Stewart Crameri is one of the 18 players who has reached a settlement with Essendon.

The Dog who missed the cream

Stewart Crameri feels a strange mix, rusty but fresh, as he returns from his season supplements suspension to join the Bulldogs premiership defence.

David Evans

David Evans makes quiet return to Bombers

Former Essendon chairman David Evans has made a quiet return to the Bombers that was as understated as it was unexpected. Evans was another face in small crowd at a recent practice match.

No show: Stephen Dank did not appear at his scheduled hearing.

AFL throws out Dank appeal, ASADA goes whack

ASADA has taken aim at disgraced sports scientist Stephen Dank after his appeal against a lifetime ban from sport was formally thrown out by the AFL Appeal Board on Monday.

Stephen Dank.

Dank won't explain his lack of explanation

Stephen Dank would not explain why he he failed to provide any paperwork to the AFL anti-doping appeal board before his deadline on Friday, but remained insistent the panel would eventually hear his case.

David Myers: "I watched a couple of games early in the season and just found it really difficult."

'Weird' year for Bomber Myers, on many fronts

For Essendon midfielder and leader David Myers, a 12-month suspension over the supplements saga has not only proved a blessing in disguise, but offered a brighter perspective on life as a professional footballer.

Jobe Watson with his 2012 Brownlow Medal.

Dons to meet Watson's management this week

Essendon will meet with Jobe Watson's management this week as both parties prepare for the historic November 15 AFL Commission meeting at which the fate of Watson's 2012 Brownlow medal will be decided.

CAS secretary-general Matthieu Reeb: "They are considered as guilty of an anti-doping rule violation".

Essendon appeal fail "not a real surprise" to winner, CAS

The clear appeal loss that stamps 34 Essendon footballers with doping offences for life has been termed "not a real surprise" to the sports arbiter the AFL players challenged in a faraway court. In light of the finding, secretary general of the international Court of Arbitration for Sport, Matthieu Reeb, has told Fairfax Media the Bomber players' challenge appeared doomed from the outset.

Watson will be given a chance to argue his case.

Brownlow aside, loss already felt by Dons

As Sam Mitchell stunned the football world on his 34th birthday by outlining the very real prospect he could be joining West Coast, so too did the prospect he could become a Brownlow medallist in the coming weeks