UNDP supports sharing UK best practice in public service transformation

А training course on improvement of public services is being hosted at the Poytakht business center, with the participation of more than 30 representatives of ministries and agencies, «Electronic Government» system development Center, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Uzbekistan, UNDP in Uzbekistan, British...

Climate change: a local approach to solution of global issues

On March 10-11, 2017, showcase field seminars on organization of cooperation between forestry farms and local communities to implement adaptation efforts at a landscape level have been held in rural citizens’ councils “Ushsay” of the Muynak district and “Kara oy” of the Takhtakupir district, Karakalpakstan. The...

UN assists in developing women’s entrepreneurship in Karakalpakstan

More than 150 women residing in the three districts of Karakalpakstan will participate in the training seminars on development of women’s entrepreneurship. According to the UN data, in a “full potential” scenario in which women play an identical role in labour markets to that of men, as much as $28 trillion could be...

UNDP Trains Experts to Efficiently Measure and Calculate Water Resources

About 60 experts of irrigative systems of Uzbekistan and specialists from the united dispatch center of the Fergana Valley and the Research Institute of Irrigation and Water Problems undergone two week intensive trainings on standardization, certification of gauging stations, measurement and recording of water,...

Further cooperation in Rule of Law discussed

On February 28, 2017 a courtesy meeting between Chairperson of the Supreme Court Shayunus Gaziev and UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan Stefan Prisner was conducted at the Supreme Court. The sides discussed further cooperation for implementation of the objectives, outlined in...

UN Joint Programme – multilateral cooperation platform to support the development in the Aral Sea Region

An official launch event of the new UN Joint Programme “Building the resilience of communities affected by the Aral Sea disaster through the Multi-partner Human Security Fund for the Aral Sea” was held in Tashkent, on February 10, 2017. A special UN mission represented by Ms. Mehrnaz Mostafavi, Head of Human...

A major reform of the system for state registration of businesses

According to the Government resolution dated February 9, 2017 №66 “On measures to implement the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 28, 2016 No. PP-2646, aimed at improving the system of state registration of business entities, a conceptually new system of state registration...

Technovation Challenge Uzbekistan 2017 - Girls for a change!

Worldwide Information Technologies sector is undergoing a rapid growth, and often demand for qualified personnel in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) far outnumbers supply. In addition, gender imbalances in STEM sectors remains relatively high. For example, women comprise no more than 26%...

A new boost for better regional governance

2017 has the potential to be a major year for developing stronger, regional-level governance – a new impetus behind the balanced growth of regional government, emboldened by key resolutions, a new government direction, and the declaration of the ‘Year of Dialogue with People and Human Interests’. The Local...

UNDP Supports Strategic Development Reforms in Uzbekistan

On January 27, 2017, UNDP participated as a co-organizer in a roundtable dedicated to “Uzbekistan’s Five-Area Development Action Strategy for 2017-2021”. In his welcoming address, Mr. Stefan Priesner, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in Uzbekistan highlighted that the “Action Strategy for...

UNDP Facilitates Сapacity Building Trainings for Refrigeration Specialists

Four refrigeration specialists from Uzbekistan representing private sector and academia participated in the international training for trainers on “Safe handling of Propane (R290)  as ozone depleting substances -free refrigerant” held in Springe, Germany. The five-day training was organized jointly with the...