United Nations Resident Coordinator, Jacinta Barrins Presents Credentials to His Excellency Lieutenant General, Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana

The new United Nations Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme Resident Representative, Jacinta Barrins presented her letter of credence to the His Excellency Lieutenant General, Dr Seretse Khama Ian Khama, President of the Republic of Botswana. In her new role as the Resident Coordinator...

UN Botswana Presents Country Programme Documents to Development Partners

The United Nations (UN) Botswana hosted a meeting to present the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the United Nations United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Country Programme Documents (CPD) to development partners. The aim of the meeting was to share...

Key Note Address by the Resident Coordinator, Anders Pedersen at the Human Resource Development Council Job Summit 2016

After years of intensive negotiations and dialogue bringing together governments, civil society and millions of ordinary people around the world, UN member states unanimously agreed in September last year to what the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon described as the “most inclusive development agenda the world...

Ngamiland Sustainable Land management Project Celebrates World Environment Day

World Environment Day was commemorated at Matlapana Kgotla in Maun on the 30th June 2016 with the theme, Zero tolerance for illegal wildlife trade: go wild for life.  The theme’s message for Botswana highlighted that every two days rhinoceros are killed for a few kilograms of keratin (the same type of protein...

UNDP Resident Representatives/UN Resident Coordinators discuss the El Nino Regional Response Strategy in Southern Africa.

La Nina to wreck havock The United Nations De­velopment Programme (UNDP) which works in nearly 170 countries and territo­ries, helping to achieve the erad­ication of poverty and the reduc­tion of inequalities and exclusion has warned that climate extremes are likely to persist. According to the UNDP, climate...

Botswana Operational Phase 6 Country Programme Strategy process

The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF/SGP) Botswana has commenced the process of developing the Operational Phase 6 (OP6) Country Programme Strategy (CPS) in linewith the global programme requirements and alignment with GEF 6 strategic initiatives. The CPS development exercise is being used...


This year’s World Water Day focuses on the links between water and jobs.  Almost half of all workers – 1.5 billion people – work in water-related sectors, and nearly all jobs depend on the availability of freshwater. Despite its paramount importance, water as a sector generally does not receive the attention it...

The 2015 Human Development Report ‘Work for Human Development’ was launched on 14 December 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

I am delighted to welcome you to the launch of the 2015 Human Development Report. UNDP expresses its profound gratitude to Ethiopia for hosting this launch, and for His Excellency the Prime Minister’s presence here with us today to give the keynote speech and launch the report. There can be no doubt that...

The best Predictor of a country`s peacefulness is the wellbeing and Education of Women and Girls
The best Predictor of a country`s peacefulness is the wellbeing and Education of Women and Girls
Helen Clark Statement on the Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals
Helen Clark Statement on the Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development in the 21st century is not something which happens to somebody else, somewhere else. We all have a stake in it -- and every country has work to do to progress towards it.

 From MDGs to SDGs: Botswana can lead again in the new development era
From MDGs to SDGs: Botswana can lead again in the new development era

. These new Global Goals will guide and help us achieve that. The Goals spell out how we work together to promote dignity, equality, justice, shared prosperity and well-being for all, while protecting the environment. We are the first generation that can end poverty and the last one that can avoid the worst effects of climate change.

UNDP Botswana conducts environment compliance training

UNDP Botswana Environment and Climate Change Unit conducted a 3 day training in Kasane from the 7-9th September for the government of Botswana through Ministry of Environment, wildlife and Tourism. The training was necessitated by the challenges facing the environment sector in terms of understanding different...

UN Development Chief Helen Clark Completes Visit to Botswana

Gaborone United Nations Development Chief Helen Clark wrapped up a 4 day official visit to Botswana today that highlighted the opportunities and challenges of the country's upper-middle income status. Helen Clark said that being an upper-middle income country makes considerable domestic resources  available for...