
What We Do

Our work in Botswana is informed by the 2010-2014 Programme of Operation Plan (POP) signed by the Government of Botswana and the United Nations. The POP is aligned with the government’s priorities and long term aspirations for the country and its people as articulated in the 10th National Development Plan (NDP10) and Vision 2016. The GoB-UN POP seeks to guide and harmonise the work of the UN across agencies, in achieving development results that will sustain the growth that the country has so far attained. more

Our Goal

UNDP continues to support the Government of the Botswana in addressing national challenges and achieving development goals as stipulated in the tenth Nation Development Plan (NDP10) and the Vision 2016. Guided by the GoB-UN POP, aligned with national priorities and aspirations, our goal is to build national capacity and share solutions that further efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, promote growth and reduce poverty.

Supporting the vision

UNDP continues to support the Government of the Botswana in addressing national challenges and achieving development goals as stipulated in the tenth Nation Development Plan (NDP10) and the Vision 2016. More about Vision 2016

Our Stories


Solar power changes families’ lives in Botswana

Until recently, the Mokgatlhe family in Kgope, a remote village situated 50 kilometres west of Botswana’s capital, had been using firewood to light and heat theirmore 

Often times, vulnerable groups are denied the ability to seek remedies in a fair justice system.

UNDP initiative helps vulnerable groups access justice in Botswana

Botswana has one of the most unequal income distributions in the world. The latest country Poverty Survey also known as Botswana Core Welfare Indicator Survey (BCWIS)more 

Birds are important for monitoring the state of the environment and changes in biodiversity trends and so are an important indicators for conservation. (Photo, GoB)

UNDP support influences policy on management of protected areas in Botswana

Until recently, the Southern Sua Pan, an important breeding site for the Lesser flamingo, an endangered bird species in the Makgadikgadi wetland system was like anymore 

Botswana is already prone to drought; climate change is likely to worsen the situation, resulting in reduced pasture available for more the more than 3 million herds of cattle in the country.

Botswana embarks on ambitious plan to tackle climate change

The Government of Botswana has initiated nation-wide consultations to build climate change into all of its development activities. Climate change is already being attributed to amore 

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