Proposed DOE Cuts Would Eliminate Single-Pane Retrofit Program

    The 2018 budget proposal released this week by President Trump seeks $1.7 billion in cuts for the Department of Energy (DOE) — about 5.6 percent of its current funding. To achieve those reductions, the spending plan would eliminate several agencies, including the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), which runs a program aimed at improving the […]

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DWM magazine has compiled a list of manufacturers who offer high-performance windows, to serve as a resource for both the industry and the end consumer.

View our list of high-performance window manufacturers here.

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As part of his 2018 budget, President Trump has proposed eliminating or privatizing the Energy Star program. What do you think?

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Previous Survey Results

An in-depth survey shows that 59 percent of U.S. residential windows are currently multi-pane. Is that number...

  • Lower than I thought. (61%)
  • Higher than I thought. (22%)
  • About what I expected. (17%)
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Industry Bloggers

Door and Window Musings
By Tara Taffera
DWM Magazine

Door and Window Musings By Tara Taffera
What if There Were No Energy Star?

The news that a White House budget proposal could dismantle or privatize the Energy Star program shocked me. Wait, the government isn’t going to save money by cutting back on some of the major burdens on many industries, including door and window manufacturers? Like OSHA’s record-keeping requirements? Like the EPA’s lead paint rule? No, they […]

A New Perspective
By Trey Barrineau
DWM Magazine

A New Perspective by Trey Barrineau
B.F. Rich Closure Shows Great Recession’s Long Reach

The recent closure of B.F. Rich Windows and Doors in Delaware tragically illustrates how the housing crash that began in 2007 was much deeper and more painful than a lot of us realized. After several rough years, the industry appears to have smoothed out, according to a column from Mike Collins of Building Industry Advisors […]

Plavecsky’s Ponderings
By Jim Plavecsky
Windowtech Sales

Plavecsky's Ponderings By Jim Plavecsky
Enhancing Safety is a Win-Win

April 22 will mark the two-year anniversary of the passing of Tim Harris, an industry veteran who was mortally injured in a forklift accident while visiting a window customer to conduct a quality audit. Ever since that day, I have been much more cognizant of safety concerns every time I step foot into a door […]

Fenestration Innovation
By Ray Garries
Global Fenestration Advisors

Fenestration Innovation
The 85 Percent Innovation Rule

Most of the cost of a product is determined in its initial design. Many experts say that up to 85 percent of the core cost of any new product is set in stone once its first design and assembly drawings are complete. Ponder that for a minute. Since many efforts go into reducing the cost […]

Collins, the Trend Tracker
By Mike Collins
Building Industry Advisors

Collins The Trend Tracker
World Vision Does a World of Good

During the recent International Builders’ Show in Orlando, Fla., I had the pleasure of attending the annual Crystal Vision award breakfast of World Vision, a humanitarian organization with a unique connection to and opportunity for the building products industry. Founded in 1950, World Vision is dedicated to “working with children, families, and their communities worldwide […]

Tyson’s Take
By Tyson Schwartz
Chief Marketing Officer/Chief Customer Officer

Tyson's Take
Your Price is Too High?

Whether you are a rookie in sales or you are a veteran, I am sure you have heard those words from a potential customer — “Your price too high.”  We have all heard this, and I would guess that we all have said it to a salesperson at one time or another.  I bring this […]

Milanese Remodeling
By Mark Milanese
Milanese Remodeling

Milanese Remodeling By Mark Milanese
Body Language for Sales Success

Several decades ago, an original “tin man” told me I must learn body language to be a successful salesperson. He taught me the basics of not only how to “read” body language, but also how to “speak” body language to improve my sales skills. I learned that translating and speaking body language is as important […]

The View From Here
By Ric Jackson
Director of Government Relations
Quanex Building Products

The View From Here
PACE Picks Up Momentum, But Challenges Remain

The Property Assessed Clean Energy program, or PACE, has been a hot topic in my blogs over the past nine months. This movement, which has already created 30,000 jobs and saved $5 billion in energy, has the potential to make a big impact on local job creation, economic development and promoting healthy air. And it’s […]

Dealer Keys to Success
By Joe Mills
Marketing Manager
Sunrise Windows & Doors

Dealer Keys to Success
Convey, Convince, Convert

If you ask folks that work with me on a regular basis, they’ll tell you that I like to look at things in groups of three. It may be that I’m getting a little long of tooth, or that’s just as much as my mind can handle at once, but it’s rare that you’d look […]

Lesko Talks Windows
By Jim Lesko
Lesko Industries

Lesko Talks Windows
Lesko Talks Windows: Tony Hoty

In the latest edition of the Lesko Talks Windows podcast here at DWM, host Jim Lesko chats with Tony Hoty, who specializes in lead generation for the remodeling industry. You can listen to the podcast right on our website, download it for later, or follow the links below for other options. To download the podcast […]

Positive Polarity
By Dave Molenda
Positive Polarity, LLC

Positive Polarity
Would You Want to Hire You?

Think about it for a second. Would you, sitting on one side of the desk, want to hire you, sitting on the other side of the desk during an interview? As this economy continues to grow, we will be seeing more and more people looking to better themselves, their finances and the company they work […]

By Chip Gentry
Call & Gentry Law Firm

Communication is Key for Successful Renovation Projects

With more than 5.6 million commercial buildings and approximately 134 million housing units in the United States, plenty of windows will be replaced in the coming years. Unfortunately, that opportunity also leads to risk and liability. Inevitably, no two commercial or residential structures could possibly be constructed exactly alike. How can any reasonable installer expect […]