The Royal Hobart Hospital's mental health patients will move into the new temporary inpatient facility tomorrow, completing the decant of patients from the hospital's B Block.

Two young players from Hobart United FC have been selected to attend a national soccer tournament in Canberra, but they need your help to get there.

A man surrenders after allegedly firing a shotgun at a police truck, missing officers by 20 metres, during a 14-hour standoff sparked by a dog attack in Hobart.

Two medicinal cannabis education trailers are operating in Tasmania in an attempt to encourage people to talk about its use.

Two new roles created to oversee Tasmania's greyhound racing industry are a slow step in the right direction, the RSPCA says as the Government promises further action.

Prosecutors want a Tasmanian aged care worker who took photos of himself with naked residents put on the sex offender register.

Tasmania's Police Commissioner praises school children for joining the White Ribbon Day march, and says it is a sign youth were getting the message domestic violence will not be tolerated.

Tasmania's biggest Christmas charity drive, the ABC Giving Tree, is off to a good start with a young Hobart girl setting the theme of kindness by donating her own birthday presents.

A woman who is six years into a 23-year jail sentence for murdering her partner has a date set for another appeal at overturning her guilty verdict.

Tasmanian fruit growers claim the Federal Government is not being clear on superannuation aspects of its 19 per cent backpacker tax.

A Tasmanian Magistrate dismisses a P-plater's drink-driving charge after hearing evidence that a device meant to stop alcohol-affected drivers does not always work.

Rusty strings and swollen felt keep Martin Tucker busy when he touches down in Darwin from Tasmania.

Patients angry at spending more than 12 hours in the Royal Hobart Hospital's emergency department are sending postcards to Health Minister Michael Ferguson.

A council on Tasmania's east coast has approved an application for seafood giant Tassal to expand salmon production into the area, amid calls it should have waited for an inquiry's findings on the environmental impact.

A couple of Tasmanians are planning to sell gorse to China in what they describe as a win for farmers and a win for the environment.

An ambitious plan is underway to fly thousands of live krill from Antarctica to Hobart as part of the Australian Antarctic Division's latest research project with a focus on climate change.

Shane Warne, Michael Slater and Kevin Pietersen escape being fined by Tasmanian police after they appeared in a Facebook video not wearing seatbelts while riding in a car.

Despite battling years of asthma and infections, Dr Carey Denholm never expected he'd need a double lung transplant.

A trio of Tasmanian guide dogs celebrates the end of two years of intensive training at the state's first formal graduation ceremony.

Hobart woman Sue Neill-Fraser wants one of Tasmania's most senior judges to be disqualified from hearing what is likely to be her latest appeal against her conviction for murdering her partner Bob Chappell.

A prominent Launceston pathology practice manager, John Wayne Millwood, is remanded in custody for sentencing next month on a child sex charge dating from the 1980s.

Carlos Hippman has been stuttering since he was very young, and it is a condition that has controlled him — until now.

Hydro Tasmania's chairman tells an inquiry 'hand on heart' the Tamar Valley Power Station is needed for energy security, putting him at odds with the Energy Minister.

Several dogs have died in the past week, as snake bites keep Tasmanian veterinarians and snake catchers busy.

An emergency plan and crowdfunding campaign are launched in a last-ditch attempt to save the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot from extinction.