The Court of Disputed Returns confirms Peter Georgiou, Rod Culleton's brother-in-law, will now be One Nation's fourth WA senator, after the High Court ruled Mr Culleton's election was invalid.

Interestingly, a number of supporters see Brexit as a chance to right what they perceive was an historic wrong — the UK's decision to cut Commonwealth trade ties in the 1970s in order to forge a new life, writes Europe correspondent James Glenday.

It's time for Federal Parliament to modernise and reduce the number of sitting weeks so MPs can spend more time with their families, Liberal MP Alex Hawke says.

Malcolm Turnbull is set to take the lead role in delivering the Government's economic pitch ahead of May's federal budget, amid concern inside the Coalition that Treasurer Scott Morrison's efforts are no longer enough.

Queensland police has mistakenly told a Sunshine Coast man his claim of police corruption had been substantiated by an official investigation.

Foreign companies and individuals should be banned from donating to Australian political parties and their associated entities, according to a report due to be tabled in Parliament on Friday.

Queensland is in a much better position in terms of gas-powered electricity production than other states, but it is still part of the national electricity market and not immune to widespread shortages.

Video 4mins 43secs

Labor frontbencher Kate Ellis will quit federal politics at the next federal election, saying she wants to spend more time with her family.

The powers that be are stumbling in the dark to prevent a looming energy crisis, as the grid seeks to balance competing demands — both environmental and economic.

Video 1min 1sec

John Howard is heckled by Sunday penalty rate protesters as he walks through the city in Sydney.

The ex-director of the CIA doesn't seem to think so, saying the younger generation have "different understandings of loyalty and secrecy". And experts here say he's right.

The Queensland Government calls on Senator Pauline Hanson to clarify whether she believes her home state should give up some of its GST revenue to WA after she appears to make contradictory statements.

Foreign Minister Julie Bishop is caught off guard by Papua New Guinea's request for Australia to directly fund its health and education spending.

The Labor frontbencher will retire from federal politics at the next federal election, saying she wants to spend more time with her family.

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson apologises for controversially suggesting there are tests available to see if children will have an adverse reaction to vaccinations, but still insists immunisation is a "personal decision".

The chair of the Senate inquiry into Centrelink's automated debt recovery system says it is still unclear how many overpayment errors have been caused by the agency itself.

A "secret" Australian report compiled before the US election shows the Government was unprepared for a Trump presidency, suggesting he would have to "dramatically redraw the political map to win".

The Federal Government will provide an independent privacy assessment of its bid for new powers to disclose veterans' personal information to correct deliberately misleading statements, after intense criticism from lawyers and sections of the defence community.

Cyclists and motorists often share a love-hate relationship but it doesn't need to be that way. We take a look at how other cities across the world approach cycling infrastructure and culture.

There are many instances where women and other underrepresented groups may be unwittingly discriminated against in hiring due to affinity bias.

Westpac chief executive Brian Hartzer stops short of endorsing a parliamentary committee proposal that dodgy bank executives be publicly named and shamed, despite ceding in principle support.

The Australian Tax Office seeks to distance itself from Centrelink's controversial debt recovery program, telling a Senate inquiry it cannot be held accountable for how its data is used.

The Federal Government appears to be at odds with the head of one of Australia's largest banks over housing affordability in Sydney and Melbourne.