Australian beef producers set to win from Li Keqiang's visit

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will talk trade and also attend a footy game.
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will talk trade and also attend a footy game. Ng Han Guan

Beef processors are hopeful of a major breakthrough on access to the booming China market during this week's visit to Australia by China's Premier Li Keqiang.

The four day visit, beginning on Wednesday, will focus on ironing out technical issues with the China Australia Free Trade Agreement which came into force in December 2015.

One of the major issues for Australia is so called "behind the border" barriers to agricultural produce, which has restricted access for chilled beef into China.

Quality chilled

Aged beef: Australia wants access to the premium chilled beef market.
Aged beef: Australia wants access to the premium chilled beef market. Haverick Meats

At present only 10 plants are licensed to export higher quality chilled, rather than frozen beef, into China. It is hoped a meeting between Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Premier Li will clear the way for around 35 additional plants to be licensed to export chilled beef to China.

"A platform has been laid for a discussion between the two leaders," said Patrick Hutchinson, general manager of the Australian Meat Industry Council via phone.

"We have progressed it as far as we can and done a huge amount of work to provide all the necessary information."

Access for chilled beef has been a sensitive bi-lateral issue since Beijing abruptly halted imports in September 2013. At the time it was seen as a response to complaints from Chinese producers, who were rapidly losing market share to their Australian rivals.

The ban was loosened in mid-2014 with 10 plants being allowed to resume chilled beef exports to China.

Australia exported $740 million worth of beef to China in the year to October 2016 of which only 11 per cent was chilled with the remainder being lower quality frozen product.

This is down from over $1 billion in 2015 due to lower slaughter rates in Australia as farmers seek to re-build their herds after a drought in many parts of the country.

"We are very hopeful of a break-through, but we have been at this point before and failed," said one industry source.

He also noted that if an agreement was reached it would need to be carefully scrutinised for how plants would be licensed for access and over what period of time they would be allowed to resume exports.

Mr Turnbull said he would announce the "next stage" of the China Australia Free Trade Agreement during Mr Li's visit.

The visit comes under the Strategic and Economic dialogue between the two countries, which also has an annual leaders' meeting.

"At our annual leaders' meeting we will speak frankly and constructively about maintaining peace and stability in the Asia Pacific region," said Mr Turnbull when announcing the visit on Friday.

The Premier, who is China's second-ranked leader, is travelling with his wife Cheng Hong and is set to visit Canberra and Sydney.

The Premier is also scheduled to attend the Sydney Swans opening match of the season at the SCG against Port Adelaide on Saturday.

The fixture is a fitting one, as Port will play a match in Shanghai later in the season.

Mr Li will be accompanied by business delegations from the Province of Shaanxi and the regional city of Rizhao.

The Rizhao-based private company, Landbridge, controversially purchased a 99 year lease over the Port of Darwin in 2015 for $506 million.

The deal angered many in the United States defence community as its ships dock at a nearby Port, while others saw the facility as a strategic asset which should not be sold to a Chinese company with strong links to the central government in Beijing.