Chinese back new agriculture college at Deniliquin

Ute muster's Deniliquin gets a new agri school.
Ute muster's Deniliquin gets a new agri school. Damien Pleming

An international agricultural college is being established at Deniliquin in regional NSW, with links to a Chinese university and backed by the recently listed food exporter, Winha.

Melbourne-based Ausway College, a private college set up only last year, will base the new institution at the Murray Valley Industry Park, which was previously used as a state government research station.

The college will begin with 30 students rising to 105 within five years. It has an affiliation with Guangzhou University in China, which will send students to the college.

"We will bring researchers from the Asia-Pacific region to work and learn from Australian agricultural experts to create a climate for international collaboration," said Ausway College director Patrick Lay.

"Food insecurity will become a major issue for the region in the future and the more research and investment we can put into more efficient and safer farming practices the better the outcomes for both the farmers and the increasing population of the Asia-Pacific."

The Deniliquin initiative is being partnered by Winha Commerce and Trade International, which listed on the ASX in January with the aim of exporting high-quality local produce to China.

Winha's chairman Jackie Chung said the group will use its participation in the agricultural research centre to help create new products for the Chinese market.

"China is the world's top fruit consuming nation, but at the moment not all Australian fruit is represented in the country," he said.

"We need to ensure there are more pears, plums, mangoes and other specialised fruits like star fruit created and produced for the Chinese market.

"Chinese consumers love the quality of Australian produce, but they also have slightly different tastes and likes to Australian consumers, so we must work with Australian fruits producers to create the right looking and tasting fruit to sell into China."

In one recent example of its strategy, Winha has struck a deal to export locally made bird's nest to China, where it is highly prized as a health supplement.

That tie-up is with Crystal Nest, a locally-owned company which sells its product around Australia. Edible bird's nest is produced from the solidified saliva of swiftlets and is typically consumed as part of a soup.

Partnered by Winha, Ausway's initiative in Deniliquin comes as Australia's agricultural opportunity with China is bolstered by the recent free trade agreement.

China is now Australia's largest agriculture, forestry and fisheries export market. It was worth around $10 billion in 2015-16.

The Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences predicts China will account for 43 per cent of global growth in agricultural demand by 2050.

Under the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement tariffs on horticultural products will be progressively eliminated.

China's investors are making rapid inroads into agricultural land as well. In February, the first shipment of live cattle to China left Portland in Victoria.

The consignment was shipped by real estate developer-cum-agricultural investor Shanghai CRED, which last year teamed up with Gina Rinehart to buy the S Kidman & Co cattle properties for $365 million.

In a separate headline deal last year, Melbourne powerbroker Jason Yeap led a consortium of local and Hong Kong investors to buy a half share in the Tipperary Group of Stations in the Northern Territory for $49 million from prominent barrister and investor Allan Myers QC.