Sparkling Bright with UNC Superfan Alex Koszeghy
Check out @marchmadness’ Instagram story to see Alex and other college basketball fans gear up and support their teams.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill senior Alex Koszeghy’s (@alexkosz) commitment to sparkle (and glitter) bursted out of struggle. “For the majority of my life, I really struggled with a lot of insecurities and self-esteem problems. These, along with my desire to be liked and accepted by others, led to me developing anorexia as a teenager — which I then struggled with for many years. Thankfully, I was able to push through and find recovery and freedom,” says Alex, now 23. “It is amazing how different life starts to become when you really love yourself. I have stopped trying to hide who I am and have just let the world see my sparkle!”
Last year, Alex attended a UNC Tar Heels game painted up in glitter for the first time. “I will never forget that day for as long as I live, and I realized that there was no going back. There is nothing that compares to the feeling of being covered in paint alongside other Heels cheering on the team!”