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Fed raises benchmark rate as inflation approaches target

The Federal Reserve raised its benchmark lending rate a quarter point and continued to project two more rate increases this year, signalling more vigilance as inflation approaches its target.

"In view of realised and expected labour market conditions and inflation, the committee decided to raise the target range for the federal funds rate," the Federal Open Market Committee said in its statement on Wednesday. "Near-term risks to the economic outlook appear roughly balanced."

Investors had almost fully expected the increase to a range of 0.75 per cent to 1 per cent following unusually clear signals from policy makers including Chair Janet Yellen, who explained the committee's thinking at a press conference in Washington.

"Our decision to make another gradual reduction in the amount of policy accommodation reflects the economy's continued progress," she told reporters. "Today's decision is in line with that view, and does not represent a reassessment."

The policy decision sent shock waves through financial markets, with investors reacting to the Fed's forecast that rates will rise three times this year, in line with its outlook from December. 

"I'm a little bit surprised" Fed officials stuck to the forecast of three rate increases this year, said Daniel North, chief economist at credit insurer Euler Hermes in Maryland. "Inflation is rising, so I've been thinking they would project four hikes to keep the financial markets prepared" for a more rapid pace of rate moves.


Investors had anticipated the tightening. In fact, Treasury yields had climbed with the dollar on speculation the central bank might signal a faster pace of rate rises. But those trades unwound quickly after the announcement.

Some of the biggest market moves

  • Stocks: The S&P; 500 Index rallied to its highest level of the session on the back of the Fed's announcement and is holding on to its gains.
  • Treasuries: The yield on 10-year Treasury notes fell 9 basis points to 2.51 per cent, erasing gains made over the past week.
  • Currencies: The US Dollar Index tumbled to the lowest level since February 20 on the back of the Fed's dovish outlook.
  • Gold: The weaker dollar is helping commodities like gold. The precious metal is up more than 1 per cent following the decision announcement.

"The markets are excited -- bonds, stocks, gold and everyone short the dollar -- because the Fed didn't change their dot plot and thus remain on pace with three hikes this year in total," said Peter Boockvar, chief market analyst at The Lindsey Group. "The Fed reminded us all of the gradual nature of their expected behaviour on this rate hike cycle."

Employment, inflation 

The US economy has mostly met the central bank's goals of full employment and stable prices, and may get further support if President Donald Trump delivers promised fiscal stimulus.

For now, officials stuck with their "gradual" approach to tightening monetary policy, while removing the word "only" when a previous statement called the approach "only gradual." Central bankers left unchanged their median projections for three quarter percentage-point increases in 2018, while the median fed funds rate estimate for 2019 rose to 3 per cent from 2.9 per cent.

They made several changes to their language on inflation.

"The committee will carefully monitor actual and expected inflation developments relative to its symmetric inflation goal," the Fed statement said. "The committee expects that economic condition will evolve in a manner that will warrant gradual increases in the federal funds rate."

The committee described job gains as "solid" and said business investment "appears to have firmed somewhat." Inflation, the statement said, is "moving close" to the committee's 2 per cent target.

On March 3, Yellen said the scaling back of monetary stimulus won't be as slow as 2015 and 2016, when the Fed delivered only two increases.

Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari voted against the decision to hike rates, dissenting in favour of a hold. He was the only contrary vote on the committee.

Inflation was forecast to reach 1.9 per cent in the fourth quarter this year, and 2 per cent in both 2018 and 2019, according to quarterly median estimates released with the FOMC statement. The Fed's preferred measure of inflation rose 1.9 per cent in the 12 months through January, just shy of its target.

Officials projected unemployment to finish this year at 4.5 per cent, unchanged from the December forecast. That's a sign that they expect to overshoot their estimate for maximum use of labour resources, which they put at 4.7 per cent, down from 4.8 per cent in December. Unemployment was forecast to end 2018 and 2019 at 4.5 per cent. The jobless rate was 4.7 per cent in February.

US central bankers left unchanged their forecast for 2017 GDP growth at 2.1 per cent. The median estimate showed the economy expanding 2.1 per cent in 2018 and 1.9 per cent in 2019, compared to 2 per cent and 1.9 per cent in the December forecast.

Confidence soared

The third rate hike since the 2007-2009 recession was well telegraphed, following comments in recent weeks from officials including Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer and New York Fed chief William Dudley, who called the case for a March move as "a lot more compelling."

Investor and business confidence has soared since Trump won the US presidency in November, buoyed by his vows to cut taxes, lift infrastructure spending and ease regulations.

Still, economic data don't show an economy that's heating up rapidly. Retail sales in February grew at the slowest pace since August, a US government report showed earlier on Wednesday. The Atlanta Fed's model for GDP predicts an expansion of 0.9 per cent in the first quarter, less than a third the pace Trump is aiming for.

Yet some Fed officials have already upgraded their forecasts in anticipation of some form of boost to the economy from the new administration.

Details, though, remain scant and must be passed by Congress, where his Republican Party controls both chambers and may include members wary of steps that lift the US deficit.


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