Assistance for voters

The VEC's vision is 'all Victorians actively participating in their democracy'. We provide a range of services and resources to ensure that the right to vote is not limited by language, disability or circumstance.

Disability Action Plan

The VEC's Disability Action Plan outlines objectives and strategies to improve access to the Victorian electoral system:

Languages other than English

At State elections, every voting screen has instructions explaining how to vote in 19 languages plus English. Some voting centres also have staff who speak a second language. These staff wear an interpreter sticker with the name of the language they speak.

Visual impaired lady, elderly lady and a man on wheelchair to be assisted.

We also provide a telephone interpreter service and advertise in major ethnic media during the State election period.

For local council elections, each council determines the level of service and information provided in languages other than English. This can include multi-language voting leaflets, ethnic media advertising and multi-lingual telephone interpreter lines.

General information on elections, enrolling and voting is also available to download in 20 languages plus English. Please see our language page for more details.

A Guide to Voting in Victorian Elections


The VEC has produced a Guide to Voting in Victorian Elections video. This video includes Auslan, a voiceover using plain English and captions.

The Guide informs viewers about the levels of government and about State and local council elections in particular. It also explains how to enrol, vote and stand as a candidate in an election.

To request a free copy of the DVD Guide to Voting in Victorian Elections email:

Easy English guides

Easy English guides to voting and the electoral process have been produced with the assistance of Scope (external link).

Large print files

Large print files covering key dates and information specific to a particular election's enrolment, nomination and voting requirements are available upon request during State elections and local council elections.


Magnifiers and maxi pencils are available at each voting centre for State and local council attendance elections. If you cannot find them, please speak to an election official.

Closed circuit television

Closed circuit television (CCTV) equipment is available for voters with low vision at most State elections.

Voting using CCTV equipment involves placing a ballot paper under a camera that magnifies it on a television screen.

Electronically assisted voting

Electronically assisted voting is available at State elections for voters who are blind or who have low vision, for whom English is a second language or who have literacy difficulties, or those with motor or mobility limitations. Electronically assisted voting enables eligible voters to cast an independent vote without the assistance of others.

Audio files

MP3 audio files detailing key dates, enrolment, nomination and voting details are made available on this site in conjunction with key electoral events and announcements. All audio files are located on the accessible audio page.

If you have a hearing impairment and need to contact the VEC by phone, there are several options available.

Mobile voting

At State elections, the VEC identifies mobile voting venues, usually where voters who may find it difficult to get to a voting centre. These venues include hospitals, nursing homes and retirement homes.

Mobile voting is also available at local council attendance elections.

Help from a friend

You can bring someone with you to the voting centre to help you complete your ballot paper as you wish.

Staff assistance

Election officials wear an easily identifiable vest and badge (pictured). They are happy to provide any assistance you may require. If you need assistance from an official to complete your ballot paper, this should be in the presence of:

  • a scrutineer;
  • another election official or
  • another person nominated by you.

You can also present a statement in writing if you require assistance. For example, you can present a how-to-vote card and indicate that you would like your ballot paper to be marked accordingly.

Staff Assistance

Accessible voting screens

Every voting centre has at least one wheelchair accessible voting screen (a lower and wider voting screen) or a tabletop voting screen. An election official can direct you to these facilities.

Wheelchair access

Voting centres are rated according to their wheelchair accessibility. The audit complies with relevant Australian standards. It addresses building access as well as the availability of accessible parking.

Voting centre signage includes a sticker indicating the voting centre's accessibility rating, which is as follows:

  • Independent wheelchair accessIndependent wheelchair access (all criteria on the audit tool are met)
  • Assisted wheelchair accessAssisted wheelchair access (majority of criteria are met)

Each centre's accessibility rating is advertised. We lease as many suitable fully wheelchair accessible or assisted wheelchair accessible venues as are available.

Voting outside a voting centre

At State and local council attendance elections, you can ask a friend or family member to request that an election official assist you to vote outside the centre if you are unable to go inside. If this happens:

  • an election official will bring the ballot papers out to you
  • you complete the ballot papers and
  • the election official will place them in the ballot box inside the voting centre.

The election official assisting you should be in the presence of a scrutineer, another election official or some other person you nominate to ensure that your ballot paper is completed and submitted in accordance with your wishes.

Enrolment and voting advice for carers

Enrolment and voting advice is available for families and carers of people with a cognitive disability or impairment:

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