Investment Opportunities

Though our Conservation Area Management planning processes, we identify potential sites for development of quality, eco-friendly tourist accommodation facilities.  We intend to partner with suitable private investors to develop these sites and secure returns from their operation for an agreed time period.


These are accommodation facilities developed of solid walls, constructed up to two-level on permanent, reinforced concrete foundation.  Guests are provided with usual amenities including restaurants, bars, swimming pools, and Gift shop. Etc. Developers are allowed a maximum of 60 visitor beds. Lodge may only be constructed in High Use Zones of any Park or Reserve. 

Acreage: 35 acres
Lease period: 20 yrs renewable for further 5yrs
Rent rate: From USD 37,562 P.A – in Premium Parks, USD 31,329 P.A – in Wilderness & mountain parks USD 31,302 P.A – in Scenic & Special interest Parks. All annual rent escalate by 4% yearly)

Constructed of semi-permanent solid walls of natural materials that blend well with the environment, minimum concrete is recommended. Usual amenities are provided. A maximum of 60 beds of separated bedrooms units constructed on one level with minimum concrete

Acreage: approx. 25 acres
Lease period: 20 yrs renewable for further 5yrs
Rent rate: From USD 37,562 P.A – in Premium Parks, USD 31,329 P.A – in Wilderness & mountain Parks & USD 31,302 P.A – in Scenic & Special interest Parks. All annual rent escalate by 4% yearly)

One level facility, preferably on wooden raised decks constructed of canvas and other materials that blend with the environment. Amenities include: Swimming pools (optional), plunge pools (optional), gift shop (optional), and a parking area are permissible. From 24 beds to a maximum of 40 beds allowed.

Acreage: approx. 25 acres
Lease period: 20 yrs renewable for further 5yrs
Rent rate: 

  • Up to 30 beds - From USD 18,971 P.A – in Premium Parks, USD 15,809 P.A – in Wilderness & mountain Parks & USD 9,486 P.A – in Scenic & Special interest Parks. All annual rent escalate by 4% yearly)

  • Up to 40 beds - From USD 25,632 P.A – in Premium Parks, USD 21,360 P.A – in Wilderness and mountain Parks; & USD 12,816 P.A – in Scenic & Special interest Parks. All annual rent escalate by 4% yearly)

Cottages are typically Self-catering accommodation facilities with a maximum of 12 beds in separated or joined individual visitor units. Constructed of steel reinforced concrete foundation with permanent solid walls. A reception area, communal kitchen, dining area and caretaker office is provided under one roof. Minimum guest services such as laundry, catering and beverages provided and only essential staff is accommodated on site. 

Acreage: approx. 6 acres
Lease period: 15 yrs renewable for further 5yrs
Rent rate:  Less than 20 beds - From USD 12,394 P.A – in Premium Parks, USD 10,329 P.A – in Wilderness & mountain Parks & USD 6,197 P.A – in Scenic & Special interest Parks. All annual rent escalate by 4% yearly)

Erected on raised wooden sleeping platforms that are partially covered with a thatched roof.  Movable beds located on these platforms can either be directly under the stars or under the roof, as weather permit.  These camps will have a maximum of 10 beds, and are made entirely of natural materials.  Star beds site are allocated a maximum of 5 acres, and the lease period and conditions will be the same as for the lodge, eco-lodge or permanent tented camp to which it is linked

Acreage: approx. 6 acres
Lease period: 20 yrs renewable for further 5yrs
Rent rate: Less than 20 beds - From USD 12,394 P.A – in Premium Parks, USD 10,329 P.A – in Wilderness & mountain Parks & USD 6,197 P.A – in Scenic & Special interest Parks. All annual rent escalate by 4% yearly)

  • At own cost develop the facility with its usual amenities and services on a Build –Own-Operate and Transfer (BOT) basis
  • Complete construction works within a period of not more than 12 months from the date of commencement of the lease.
  • Adopt all measures necessary to mitigate against adverse impacts on the natural habitats, park infrastructure and wildlife during the construction and commissioning of the facility as described and required in the Environmental Impact Assessment report approved by the National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA).
  • Operate and manage the Ecolodge/Tented Camp in accordance with KWS regulations governing operation of such facilities in Protected Areas including waste disposal, refuse management, impact on wildlife and natural habitats.
  • Provide tourist catering, accommodation and other visitor activities and services of a standard equivalent to five star tourist facilities in KWS parks and reserves.
  • Receives fees or charges from users of the facility for a specific time not more than twenty years
  • Pay rents amounts and levies due to occupation and operation of the facility and tourism activities at the site in the manner prescribed in the lease agreements.